Looking for an old Brazilian guild D.C (+-14 years ago)

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Posts: 1

Looking for an old Brazilian guild D.C (+-14 years ago)

Post by Myrkr »

Hi . ive played on demise on 3 different occassions going back all the way to 2004 .

back in 2009-2011 i think i was on a brazilian guild i think it was [D.C] or was it [BRA] or was it [.br] any players still around ?

my main char was called Myrkr tamer /Ishtar pala archer. we did champs and pvp , i can only remember 2 guys name Ganz and Balin was from rio.

so yeah wondering if any of them still around.
Posts: 47

Re: Looking for an old Brazilian guild D.C (+-14 years ago)

Post by flex »

Hey, welcome back.
Do yourself a favor and hop onto the discord server. Pretty much all activity from forums went to the discord server.
You can find the link to the discord sever on the demise main page.
Posts: 4
Location: Ukrain

Re: Looking for an old Brazilian guild D.C (+-14 years ago)

Post by Bukashka »

I'm trying to get back too
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