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someone from Germany?

Posted: December 5th, 2018, 1:30 pm
by scatman
I need help!

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 5th, 2018, 3:55 pm
by Tanya
Wie kann ich dir helfen?

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 5th, 2018, 4:32 pm
by scatman
Ich habe dir eine Nachricht geschickt

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 5th, 2018, 9:03 pm
by Lomita
Wenn wir schon beim Thema sind,...gibt es noch mehr aus Deutschland hier ?

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 5th, 2018, 9:36 pm
by Tanya
Ich habe geantwortet...

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 6th, 2018, 12:11 am
by mttsntstrngr
Ich bien ein smokendokken?

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 6th, 2018, 10:59 am
by Calvin
im 50% english, does that count?

pretty sure the queen loves a bit o' brockwurst

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 6th, 2018, 10:14 pm
by Lomita
If you are a windsor like the queen,you are 100% german :-)

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 7th, 2018, 12:50 am
by hrs024
Lomita wrote:If you are a windsor like the queen,you are 100% german :-)
facts lol

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 7th, 2018, 1:22 am
by Calvin
the english are the germans, the angles and the saxons were both the germans.

that's why scotland, ireland, and wales don't like england. they're the british.

the english were the saxons.

then like england got invaded by the normans, who are the french/vikings. but the duke of normandy became the king of england instead, because england is a kingdom not a dukedom.

then england went on crusades and stuff. but it wasn't the british really, more like the saxon/germans under the orders of the french/vikings.

that's why england has the house or lords and the house of parliament, because there has been lots of revolts against the ruling normans by the occupied saxons, until they got representation.

it's all moot to who sits on the throne tho really, the line of succession has been broken a bunch of times. originally for the saxon kings in 1066 when harold godwynn died, then for the norman kings after the war of the roses when elizabeth died with no kids, so it went to the scottish king james.

then it all goes a bit back and forth from there i think, and that's why people say they're inbred lol

but you have to remember that germany only became germany in like 1900, before that it was all separate countries/provinces. so the english were the germans before the germans where the germans lol. well, the saxons at least.

hey, why does merkle hate germans so much?

english britons got battered by the romans for 450 years, then the saxons and the vikings for 600 years (dark ages after the romans pulled out), then the normans for 200 years (from 1066 when the saxons finally lost, until the magna carta), then the integrated normans for 400 years (cos the barons felt more english than norman and rebelled against the king to get more localized power), then the english are the german/french/british mix for 400 years (after the industrial revolution and the bill of rights).

so the timeline is like:
about 50BC - romans invade
about 400AD - romans pull out darkages start, saxons invade and conquer england, vikings raid all the time
1066 - main saxon king dies and the normans and vikings both go for the throne, normans win. most of england is now populated by saxons.
about 1200 - norman barons are becoming at home in england and want more localized power, less wars for old french claims. Magna Carta and parliament formed
about 1350 - parliament is split into house of lords and house of commons, to represent the barons/land owners, and the common people - these are still apart from the monarchy, who are the proper french normans.
1400 - renaissance starts in europe
1650 - english civil war, french normans get owned.
about 1700 - bill of rights for ordinary citizens. it's now just about the land owners and the common people.
1760 - industrial revolution.

but see england is the germans, conquered by the french, with 800 years of power being transferred to a government that equally represents both the land owners and the inhabitants. (actually inhabitants have a slight power majority)

overall: france is french, germany is german, ireland/wales/scotland are british.
england is mix of these 3, with a bit of danish/norwegian from the vikings.

EU coulda worked if not for globalists having bigger plans.
sorry i only mention it all because there's a thread from an irish guy too, and it's relevant to both :P

1900 - age of globalism, private business no longer requires land ownership for wealth. usurps the party supposed to represent the common people, by financing the media and manufacturing popular sentiment.
1992 - George Soros uses the fact britain has guaranteed an exchange rate with the EU to play money games with credit currency speculation, effectively using politics to steal £1billion off the bank of england and by extension the british tax payer
2000 - use media to create a war, get governments to spend $$ on weapons from private business
2007 - Tony Blair retires and takes a job giving lectures to big buesiness on how to marry politics and business
2010 - mass migration of different cultures to sow national discord. weaken governments so they make bad choices, privatize/centralize power.
2015 - Hillary Clinton gives some speeches to some banks about things the FBI shouldn't know


Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 7th, 2018, 2:16 pm
by Bama
scatman wrote:I need help!
Sorry I just saw this but here is the info so you can use it for next year

6 December is St. Nikolaus Day
So on the evening of the 5th of December you put a boot outside your bedroom door and hope that St Nikolaus will fill it with presents

I hope that helps Scatman

Unless you were wondering about St. Stephen's Day
This one is a little tricky
It's a holiday in Germany so you are fine there and it is celebrated on 26 December in Latin churches but ....
Here is where it gets tricky

Eastern Christianity they party on the 27th of December
Eastern Orthodox churches which I believe go by the Julian calendar also have it on the 27th of December
Now that places St Stephen's day on 9 January for the churches that go by the Gregorian calendar

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 7th, 2018, 5:08 pm
by Calvin
Christmas is a British holiday :P

it's the Winter Solstice, not really got anything to do with Christianity.

suppose it makes sense really, romans made it about christianity, saxons made it about presents

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 11th, 2018, 8:39 am
by Tanya

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 11th, 2018, 1:39 pm
by Calvin
naah to be fair they work very hard, in my experience anyway, i live in an immigrant area in a way, because it's cheap rent. well if you live cheap then you live with immigrants these days

they do work hard, just they will work for shit wages because they send all the money back to other countries, that way they can buy houses and stuff on shit money. but it creates a kind of underclass in the country where there used to be a working class, where the minimum wage is basically the maximum wage, because there's an excess of unskilled labor from economic migrants.

basically everything is owned by the globalists, and if you wanna own things like your own home instead of renting, then you have to be middle class but have no disposable income. otherwise everything is owned by the 0.1% types and we rent off them, but this is why we need to take back control of stuff.

also sending loads of money out of the country with no tax and for no good or service is really bad for the economy overall. just slowly devalues everything the same as inflation, while making our own property prices and things totally inflated and open to crash.. it's just not good.

shit needs regulation.. it's a funny thing cos people bang on about the free market, but it assumes things like people using the same currency and good faith. doesn't really work globally.

it's true you dont get many native people in the immigrant/underclass areas, but those areas are growing and becoming more common, that's the problem.

Re: someone from Germany?

Posted: December 11th, 2018, 1:54 pm
by Calvin
they're basically like kids, and child labor lol

it does kinda annoy me when people say they come over to sponge off welfare, as a native person that sponges off welfare, i can tell you that at least here they dont, and frankly cant.

they're just too dumb to realize how exploited they're being, like child labor. they're cheap because they dont have proper responsibilities,
just like child labor. lack of safety, bad hours, illegal pay, the list goes on. the problem really is how much people are fine with them creating miniature countries inside the current one, living segregated in that area, and trying to expand and take over more areas as a constant agenda.

the whole system is leaking money from money being sent abroad, and massive illegal sales that aren't taxed. the businesses are effectively staying afloat by using bad ecological practices, but it just makes the problem worse.

it's a sorta drain the swamp thing