what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

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what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »


i think i nailed it tbh :P
dont think the guy will reply, just interested to see if there's any kinda counter-argument or whatever...


Cal Hackit
2 weeks ago
behaving like uneducated trash is not acceptable regardless of the colour of your skin.

Arthur Rimbaud
1 week ago
What racism is occurring in Britain? Give one example.

Cal Hackit
1 week ago
@Arthur Rimbaud i can give you an example.
saying that modernizing and integrating, becoming british, is being traitorous to their 'blackness'. that's pretty racist.
tho.. it's people like Dave saying that.
so yeah there is racism in britain... just... not from the british.
black british people to me are just like, Ainsley Harriot, Trevor McDonald.. the whole idea that you have to be "gangsta" cos you're black, is so... well.. is there not a word for it? beginning with an R...

Arthur Rimbaud
1 week ago
@Cal Hackit lol. Thank you. This guy's been afforded every advantage to succeed specifically due to the color of his skin, and he spits in the face of the ppl who have given it to him.
"It isn't enough to not be racist, u must be anti-racist"...What this really mean is 'we want u on your knees groveling to us.'

Cal Hackit
1 week ago (edited)
@Arthur Rimbaud it's cos they are racist themselves, and they have an inferiority complex which makes them hate.
they think they're the underdog because of their race :/
everything beyond that is fairly standard power play dynamics. but those are deeply emotional and not logical. maybe emotional is the wrong word, symbolic.
it's very... lizard brain. it's akin to religion. primative symbolism.

Matthias Mostert
1 week ago
@Anon is a beta how do you know he’s black? Like if anyone is racist a non black person can still respond with violence without being the victim. Anyway I’m getting EDL vibes from u anyways

Matthias Mostert
1 week ago
@Arthur Rimbaud first of all, you’re a fucking idiot for seriously believing there is no racism in Britain. You may not see it but in certain parts there’s racists every. Some are very radical and beat up blacks and refugees. And you see racists online as well like Katy Hopkins

Cal Hackit
2 days ago (edited)
do you guys understand that no matter how nice you are being, when you say "black this, black that", you are othering them; you are saying they are a seperate group, which is the essence of racism?
if you're not racist then you shouldn't have any opinion on black people as a specific group at all.
when you group them together by race, you are literally saying that trait trumps all other traits.

Matthias Mostert
2 days ago
@Cal Hackit if I refer to someone as a women is it sexist?

Cal Hackit
2 days ago
@Matthias Mostert yes, but men and women are different so you should be sexist.

Matthias Mostert
2 days ago
@Cal Hackit you’re an idiot

Cal Hackit
2 days ago (edited)
@Matthias Mostert afraid not. it's just how it is. are you saying the races are different?
or am i an idiot because men and women actually aren't different at all?

Matthias Mostert
2 days ago (edited)
@Cal Hackit men and women are different and races are different because different race groups share similar experiences

Cal Hackit
1 day ago
@Matthias Mostert how are they different?

Cal Hackit
11 minutes ago (edited)
​@Matthias Mostert so white people and black people are different... but all black people are the same, and all white people are the same?
because their "race groups share similar experiences"?
because their race is the determining factor, in their experiences?
im confused.. which one of us is the racist?
how is all this not just a complex justification for predjudice?
those things can be kinda dangerous ya know...
honestly, i find it kinda sad that the enlightenment philosophy, where we're all animals climbing out the muck and finding a better way, has basically been branded "cultural supremecy", and has been replaced by this post-modernist trash of identity politics and tribalism.
when did science and reason give way to religion and emotion?
the religion of intersectionality, where we're all comprised of a collection of stereotypes... sad.
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

Matthias Mostert
28 minutes ago
@Cal Hackit I never said they are the same I said they share similar experiences. Now let’s look at you’re original comment that started this argument. The first time I read it I perceived a different way after reading now. I thought you meant discussing racism is racist. Sounds dumb right? Now I think that you mean that having an opinion on black people as an entire race is quite racist. My bad have a good day

Cal Hackit
12 minutes ago (edited)
@Matthias Mostert and it doesn't matter if that opinion is good or bad. we're individuals. you too.

Matthias Mostert
9 minutes ago
@Cal Hackit thx

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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

*wise nodding*

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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Facko »

I grew up in a mostly post racial America. My generation mostly rejected the pc garbage that's really racism/fascism in a polite disguise.

Now it's back thanks to a generation that doesn't know evil (nazis, commies, etc). Dividing us all under the guise of caring and creating fear and hate.

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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

it's cos they made Discovery and not Next Generation 2 :P

(.... and wokemen ;) you shoulda noticed tbf when 'strong independent kick everyone in the head black woman' was like "i smells me some white supremecy!")

the question is, which one of those shows did i just describe? :lol:
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

subtle. real subtle. :lol:

and you know what the scary part is?
i had to download the ep, clip, and upload this myself, no doubt because censorship.
maybe not subtle enough i guess, busted! and disappeared lol.

SJWs are for race baiting and segregation. they are basically racists, that dont wanna be racists.. so they're totally racist in the other direction.
"okay okay, so we're not mean to the blacks... so... we're... nice to the blacks?"

"no you just treat them as individuals the same way you treat anyone, because they're no different"
".... but.... they're black?!?"
>see the problem?

meanwhile, BLM be like: "it's not enough to not be racist, you have to be anti racist!"
that's just racist on the other side.

"but black people cant be racist! because to be racist you have to have power!"
>assumes all white people have power, and all power is racially motivated.
>kinda racist?

it's like these people literally cannot imagine a world where race is not a massive thing... because... they... are.... RACISTS.
what the fuck else does the word mean!??!?!
if not "looks at the world through a racial lens"?

at least stuff is *finally* waking up to it. after like 10 years of shit.
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

im an internet gamer, we all are. this shit is ridiculous to us. we have lived with people from all around the world our whole lives.
i have never given a single fuck about what shade their skin is, and i never will.

media be thinking it's fighting racism, when it's really just creating a generation of racists :|
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

know what else is funny?

women banging on about getting the vote.
do you know how long men could vote and not women?
10 years.
prior to that no-one except land owners could vote.

they act like they changed the course of history and defied thousands of years of tradition.
no. 10 years was the long oppressive history of women not getting a say.

1918 The Representation of the People Act is passed, allowing men over 21 and women over 30 to vote

1928 Everyone over the age of 21 is given the right to vote
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Bama »

Calvin wrote: March 23rd, 2021, 5:44 pm know what else is funny?

women banging on about getting the vote.
do you know how long men could vote and not women?
10 years.
prior to that no-one except land owners could vote.

they act like they changed the course of history and defied thousands of years of tradition.
no. 10 years was the long oppressive history of women not getting a say.

1918 The Representation of the People Act is passed, allowing men over 21 and women over 30 to vote

1928 Everyone over the age of 21 is given the right to vote
You asked if I/we knew what else was funny and after reading that I didn't laugh

Are you talking about the way it was for women where you are?
In the US, women were "banging" on about getting the vote before the civil war.

In the US, during the 1820s and '30s, most states had extended the right to vote to all white men, regardless of how much money or property they had. It was ratified for women in 1920 so that is 10 decades
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Bama »

Calvin wrote: March 23rd, 2021, 5:10 am im an internet gamer, we all are. this shit is ridiculous to us. we have lived with people from all around the world our whole lives.
i have never given a single fuck about what shade their skin is, and i never will.

media be thinking it's fighting racism, when it's really just creating a generation of racists :|
The media just stirs the pot so no matter which side you are on it just tries to start your day off angry and keep you angry. It is to the point that you can tell someone that MJ won 6 NBA titles and show that person proof and they will argue with you and produce alternate facts stating otherwise. They will keep going until you leave
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Bama »

Calvin wrote: March 22nd, 2021, 7:41 am it's cos they made Discovery and not Next Generation 2 :P

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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Facko »

What I was saying badly (I was baked) was that the generation that grew up without adversity needed to create a boogeyman and now here we are.
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

Bama wrote: March 23rd, 2021, 7:37 pm
You asked if I/we knew what else was funny and after reading that I didn't laugh
it's more of a "this tastes funny.." kinda funny ;)

the whole world is not judged by america's standards?

.... it's judged by british standards :D :lol:

but seriously, can we please stop lumbering everyone with America's problems, and pretending they are world problems?
(dont mean to be a bugger, but America is kinda a country founded on genocide by divine right, exploitation, and consumerism..)

... ironically i guess the problem is they see us as the same :?
... america literally had a war to kick us out, so they could do what they did :/
cant have the parents round ruining the party ;)

maybe america is all the terrible things they say then, Britain's not though.

but see what we did resonated around the world.. i suppose these days it's like that for America, but it's like having a group of 40 year olds and putting a 16 year old in charge of them.

... in fact not even 16.. if we have 2000 years of history, and you have 200. that would make you 4.

i suppose thinking about it, it would be kinda hard to found a republic without someone voting.

maybe my mistake is that im arguing against it while i should be arguing to localise it to america.. maybe should stop watching so much american media.. pretty sure we'd have some weird concerns raised if we all started to watch like North Korean TV or something.
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Bama »

Calvin wrote: March 24th, 2021, 7:59 am
Bama wrote: March 23rd, 2021, 7:37 pm
You asked if I/we knew what else was funny and after reading that I didn't laugh
it's more of a "this tastes funny.." kinda funny ;)

the whole world is not judged by america's standards?

.... it's judged by british standards :D :lol:

but seriously, can we please stop lumbering everyone with America's problems, and pretending they are world problems?
(dont mean to be a bugger, but America is kinda a country founded on genocide by divine right, exploitation, and consumerism..)

... ironically i guess the problem is they see us as the same :?
... america literally had a war to kick us out, so they could do what they did :/
cant have the parents round ruining the party ;)

maybe america is all the terrible things they say then, Britain's not though.

but see what we did resonated around the world.. i suppose these days it's like that for America, but it's like having a group of 40 year olds and putting a 16 year old in charge of them.

... in fact not even 16.. if we have 2000 years of history, and you have 200. that would make you 4.

i suppose thinking about it, it would be kinda hard to found a republic without someone voting.

maybe my mistake is that im arguing against it while i should be arguing to localise it to america.. maybe should stop watching so much american media.. pretty sure we'd have some weird concerns raised if we all started to watch like North Korean TV or something.
Keep dancing on the mine field.......... :lol:

Explain this math to me a little slower
Calvin wrote: March 24th, 2021, 7:59 am ... in fact not even 16.. if we have 2000 years of history, and you have 200. that would make you 4.


Now without using Google to see where these 2 lines come from what do you think they mean

No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave


These are the 2 lines that follow those 2 lines

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

I hate all this politically correct stuff but America has a few problems that it needs to fix
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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Post by Calvin »

well all im saying is for Britain, none of it even remotely applies.
we didn't build our country with slaves, we abolished slavery, world wide.
except america, cos you threw us out.

math works by 200 being 1/10th of 2000, and 4 being 1/10th of 40.

it is a weird thing that america goes on about freedom and bravery, and all these buzz words, because it's really not a very moral country from a historical and foreign policy point of view.. maybe it's a case of the worst offenders are the loudest defenders?

this is why russia avoids america so much.. and it's demonised for it. i dont blame them frankly.

but america is a very young country that hasn't had anything bad happen to it really, bad things happening make you grow.

in fact we kinda were the slaves.. that's why america is a thing, because they didn't like our system which was a degraded feudal monarchy. we have been through plagues, wars, invasions, occupations, being forced to fight across the world, famines, fires, floods.. all sorts.
where as america.. someone blows up 1 building and you start an eternal war against.. anyone that remotely resembles the attacker. because how dare they! it's just... it's immature as a nation.

"And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"

it shoulda kinda be: O’er the land of the dead and the home of stuff to be looted.
like, im sorry, but it is what it is. they'll be continuing with syria soon no doubt.
rainbow coloured drones dropping peace bombs :lol:

you have raised an interesting point though.. i mean to bring it back to the race front; britain has a lot of people of different races, but they all came here willingly, and they were never enslaved. so maybe it's worth drawing the distinction.
maybe there is a legacy of slavery that im not seeing from across the pond - as with women's rights to vote, etc.

the worst thing britain has done really (other than the opium wars) was allow the east india company to become a thing. which was basically the birth of globalism and private companies having world power.

i suppose the issue is religious - ultimately the only reason the monarch was the monarch, was by divine right - because god says so. so you cant contradict the morality of christianity while maintaining you should be in charge because of christianity.
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