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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 7:03 am
by The Silvertiger
atomic chicken wrote:Casting in pvm should not be a concern... mobs literally have simple interactions, you just have to learn them and adapt, also there are VERY few just mage-style templates that don't rely on pets. Tamers have pets, dexxers usually don't get disrupted bc their spells are quick and simple (I.e. Consercrate weapon, enemy of one, curse wep, etc). The only classes I can think of would be necromages and spellweavers but spellweavers already have 4/6 and that definitely needs to be slowed down and necromages may just have to take the hit on the pvm side. Also, since when did servers want pvm to be easy, it should actually be semi-difficult to get good items, which making changing casting will barely affect the difficulty level of pvming. Also, spawns should not fall into the pvm category, even though there is pvm'ing occurring, spawns are one of the central hubs for pvp and should thought about in the context of what is best for pvp (except obviously spawns in ilsh, which most people use tamers and the only risk is losing insurance money at that point).
Pvmers like to kill things fast. With the necro mage already far behind the sampire in most fights, even a necrotamermage, this going into effect would wipe any desire to play a necro mage at the higher levels of pvm.

As far as the difficulty of obtaining good items this has nothing to do with that. Such a change would only effect certain classes abilities to obtain good items.

I don't pvm for fun. I pvm to play with friends and obtain items. Some pvm is such a grind already then add in a change such as this and you might as well just chop trees and sell to carpenters.

Even after your post I'm still convinced fel osi casting and tram ruleset demise casting.

Maybe we might see some classic styles of champ spawning... Let's go poison fields!

TBH, about the whole idea I just don't see it being implemented on the main server. Necromages have gotten more nerfs, code side, than any other class. Third party programs change the last statement. Obviously, uos plays a major role in why we see such a different gameplay than on osi. Demise casting has always been a topic of debate even before uos came out, but as aforementioned it was accentuated with the allowance of uos. I do believe that a removal of the allowance of steam/euo would do better than a casting fix, at this time. We shall await the reply of our pagan goddess!

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 8:27 am
by atomic chicken
Okay, "wanting to pvm fast" is a stupid fucking argument, there are plenty of other templates, if you're hell bent on playing a necromage as a pvmer it's not like the casting change will slow it down that dramatically. Pvm should have little concern in this discussion bc it can function easily in either setting. It's not like you can't necromage, in pvm, either it's just sometimes it's a stupid idea. We shouldn't cater to bad pvm classes. Even in AOS dexxers were better for pvm than necromages for the most part.
Also, changing allowance of scripts is an unreasonable burden for the staff, bc external programs will always be able to slip through. The most effective change that can be implemented and obviously is up to the staff to decide if they want to implement it is to change casting to osi 2/6. This makes the scripts inffective bc as I said earlier spamming is prevented by the overcasting mechanic (which is almost non-existent on this server). Spamming should not be the desire for a mage in combat (pvp primarily, if you have a tank you can in pvm), the system was designed to make them focus on timing or else we wouldn't be able to disrupt and we would have another generic shitty mmo pvp system. The original system is designed to ensure players had to become semi-skilled in order to successfully play a mage at a high level as an attempt to balance them out compared to dexxers (I'm not saying mages aren't op, bc they are, saying it's an attempt at a balancing mechanic).

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 8:37 am
by atomic chicken
Also, this would buff necromages in pvp functionally, if you're good at timing spells, bc you can strangle and time it with poison ticks and disrupt their ability to cure. Also would buff bleed mages, bleed dexxers, archers (which is maybe 1 downside, but I don't think they're unmanageable if you're not a complete moron), dexxers in general.
It would nerf mages in situations vs dexxers and nerf 4/6 chiv chars which frankly are stupidly strong bc you can just remove curse and heal yourself exceptionally fast currently, and it's a bit ridiculous.
Contrary to popular belief, nerfing does not mean "make useless," there are plenty of methods to beat dexxers. One approach is sync dropping which I understand why some of these kids are so fearful of osi-casting is bc 90% of these kids couldn't sync drop a rat mage, but it's a valuable lesson that needs to be learned. Mages have 64 spells, use a couple of them, I know it may come as a shocker to some of these kids that there IS more than fireball, magic arrow, heal, cure and curse. :O

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 8:51 am
by atomic chicken
Also, as some argued above, I don't think "trammies" will care all that much, I mean they might but not enough to leave the server, it makes it slightly harder, it's not like you're competing in a duel vs a mob, it ain't that hard. Also, a minority of players play straight up mages (non-tamer mages) in pvm, so it's a realativley small portion of the population. As for steam being a fix, yes fixing steam would be cool, and should/could be part of the solution, however, this doesn't solve the problem about how casting is simply too fast, I can cast a cure and get it off most the time in between a weaken spam if it isn't a steam script. Changing casting to osi 2/6 will bring in ALOT of the veteran players you've lost of the years, I know I've left the server bc the casting was shit before. The only reasons I came back was bc I like the dudes I play with and other servers I enjoyed are dying bc of non-casting related problems. I know a lot of people who play this server only play it bc there is the commitment trap of playing here for years before steam came out and don't want to feel like they've wasted years here. Some people might genuinely like to press the play button on steam macros and play right click simulator 2000 but we shouldn't cater to these people bc they simply are not playing the game. There is a reason why your player base is not nearly as big as it was prior to steam. Have you figured out why? We have.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 10:50 am
by Necrodog
Why don't you guys just play a different shard where the casting is better?

There are several shards out there that are AoS era + with slower casting. Why not just play there?

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 11:39 am
by koziar
i cant' imagine how mage with cast from OSi can fight 1vs1 with archer 150 hp 50 ep + alchemy + balanced weapon+ gift of renewal :D Now we can find a few good archer which is very hard to kill for mage and u wanna change this cast..

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 12:34 pm
by royal kapero2
koziar wrote:i cant' imagine how mage with cast from OSi can fight 1vs1 with archer 150 hp 50 ep + alchemy + balanced weapon+ gift of renewal :D Now we can find a few good archer which is very hard to kill for mage and u wanna change this cast..
Not a fan of DCI, 80 ep, and spirit speak, and apples, and g-heals between crossbow shots?

Or your suit cant win versus someone's else suit, even versus mages, but you complain about archers because they harvest low hp and low resists people.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 1:05 pm
by koziar
royal kapero2 wrote:
koziar wrote:i cant' imagine how mage with cast from OSi can fight 1vs1 with archer 150 hp 50 ep + alchemy + balanced weapon+ gift of renewal :D Now we can find a few good archer which is very hard to kill for mage and u wanna change this cast..
Not a fan of DCI, 80 ep, and spirit speak, and apples, and g-heals between crossbow shots?

Or your suit cant win versus someone's else suit, even versus mages, but you complain about archers because they harvest low hp and low resists people.
Ty jakoś sobie radzisz z magami przy tych castach i jest ok :) Jedyne co to powinni zrobić range na teleport 8 tittle max, bo jednak te 11 to przeginka :)

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 1:14 pm
by LendariuM
When archery will be nerfed as well ?

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 2:41 pm
by Fenerous
atomic chicken wrote:Okay, "Pvm should have little concern in this discussion bc it can function easily in either setting. It's not like you can't necromage, in pvm, either it's just sometimes it's a stupid idea. We shouldn't cater to bad pvm classes.
PVM should be one of the main concerns in this discussion because only about 10% of the players on demise pvp the rest of the run various pvm templates. A lot of them cannot afford to make sampires right off the rip when they join the shard. Are any of you going to be donating suits and weapons to these newcomers? It is easier to get the 2/6 casting plus 100 lrc 40 lmc and run a necromage in gauntlet or when doing spawns. Most of the people who advocate for changes in casting do not play the server or have more gold/items to make the necessary templates. Changing casting will be the downfall and regardless of what you think most would agree.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 3:08 pm
by desalonne
Changing casting would single handily bring more players to this server and boost your community by 10x what it is now. Look at how many people have left demise since steam released. Keeping your arcade style casting is the number 1 cause for demise losing players and not gaining new ones.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 3:11 pm
by MB
But you say the servers with proper casting are failing and we need to emulate to succeed? Demise doesn't seem dead to me, dozens of pvpers fighting most evenings.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 3:27 pm
by desalonne
What serivers with accurate casting are failing? Hell the moment another server started to fix their casting to be accurate they more than doubled their numbers.....demise just happens to be the one vanilla ML era server and the only thing holding it back from being better is the casting. Any server with accurate casting is succeeding and the ones that don't have it are losing players regularly to them. Idk who said accurate casting server are failing. To my knowledge demise is the one losing players.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 3:30 pm
by desalonne
I see you saying dozens of pvpers.....meanwhile I can log into another server on any given day and find guilds of 20+ members on all sides having mass pvp with accurate casting.....the only thing holding that server back is aos doesn't have the content to keep people engaged. If you took the osi accurate casting and added it to an ML server that emulates osi ML. Gurantee your population takes off and you see some of the greatest pvp scenes you have seen since 2006 of osi. Back when uo wasn't garbage on osi.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 4:03 pm
by Buguei
if demise nerf mage, the server wont have mages for pvp, so srry but archers is too op, if nerf mages you guys need nerf archers with his damages and bands