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Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 1:26 am
by atomic chicken
MB wrote:But you say the servers with proper casting are failing and we need to emulate to succeed? Demise doesn't seem dead to me, dozens of pvpers fighting most evenings.
They're failing bc they are terrible at stopping speed hackers, they're not failing bc of the 2/6 casting. This is a misleading argument, just because something is failing doesnt mean that there arent redeeming qualities about it.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 1:35 am
by atomic chicken
Also, I didnt quote you but your argument as to why pvm should be prioritized in the discussion is because "how would we suit the new players?" Thats retarded, because 1. it's not like pvm IS EVEN FUCKING HARD, needs to be harder. I understand that there are more pvmers than pvpers, but the timing shit matters a hell of a lot less in pvm than in pvp, but there are very very few mage classes, like necromage or spellweaver mage are the only ones i can think of for purely pvmers/trammies bc the primary classes are dexxers/tamers, so they should be of little concern bc it's a smaller subset of pvmers which is probably smaller than the mages who pvp. Obviously, I dont have the numbers bc no one does. Also, you have to get players over here in order to get them suited. All I know is that there are plenty of people who would come here if the casting changed. Also, someone else made an argument that "we dont want more rude pvpers" if you dont like trash talk that's fine, but that happens now, i've been told to get cancer from here by some brazilian kid, I would rather the trash talk from people like Blitz and Calamity than the shit spewed here. Also, you dont have to listen to them it's not like we have a discord. And yes i want more trash talking pvpers, shit i want more pvpers, fighting the same dudes gets boring, I'd rather have like 6-7 guilds rather than 4-ish.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 1:38 am
by atomic chicken
Anthony File wrote: There is no way even the best of mages could kill any mediocre dexxer on Demise 1v1 with OSI mimicked casting. .
maybe you dont know very many good mages....

also, the secondary argument people are making is taking away scripts (you know the play button you hit every time you "pvp") which needs to happen.

Alternatively, this doesn't mean mages in the field can't sync drop them, there are counters to dexxers, besides fb ma macro.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 1:40 am
by Reefer
atomic chicken wrote:
Anthony File wrote: There is no way even the best of mages could kill any mediocre dexxer on Demise 1v1 with OSI mimicked casting. .
maybe you dont know very many good mages....

also, the secondary argument people are making is taking away scripts (you know the play button you hit every time you "pvp") which needs to happen.

Alternatively, this doesn't mean mages in the field can't sync drop them, there are counters to dexxers, besides fb ma macro.
He doesn't understand that you can Gheal between each shot from an archer, even with OSI casting. These kids know nothing.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 2:28 am
by Tempest
Anthony File wrote:I'll start by saying that I've only ever played Demise and another server. I never had the chance to experience OSI, but I honesty I prefer the casting on Demise over the casting on another server any day. All I ever recall seeing on the field on another server was weapon mages and ai/moving shot spamming dexxers.

Demise has a greater diversity of templates available and each serve a purpose and have pros and cons on the field and none of which are over the top and superior to all else with the current balance in field pvp.

As it stands Archers are a lot more powerful on Demise in comparison to another server given the skills, mechanics and items that are available to them and nerfing casting would only ruin the current balance in place and do away with so many diverse templates.

There is no way even the best of mages could kill any mediocre dexxer on Demise 1v1 with OSI mimicked casting. We can go ahead and put it to the test, Des & Reefer feel free to go ahead and make the perfect field suit and template and I will play a pure archer in a mediocre suit on Test Center and we can see what happens..

Overall I'm not in support of this casting change in as it would ruin the balance in field PvP, I only really see another server players who don't actively play here, and trolls of Demise that don't even pvp with strong opinions on this thread.

This update could still serve a purpose though, I would be in favor of adding the OSI mimicked casting as a setting for duel pits and tournaments where I think it would appease more people and get the desired results.
I'll start by saying that you only play an archer because playing a mage is too hard for your bitch-ass, even with this casting.

I've got a mage on TC and i'll dirt your ass in under a minute if you stay on my screen because i'm good enough to gheal through your shitty auto-mortal spams. Challenge accepted.

Your words on this topic mean absolutely nothing since you haven't pvped on OSI/another server. You only pvm on another server and you suck at that knowing that you die to 4 imps at a Semidar.

Keep playing that archer with the script that MB issued you. You're nothing but a ******* who relies on scripts to carry you through a fight because hitting a hotkey and dropping a spell is too difficult for you. Tell Mollie I said hi bitch.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 10:36 am
by Vitek-
Demise is pretty fun as-is and there is no trouble finding fights. Whatever changes come I'm sure we can easily adapt to, but one thing that needs to be fixed if mage casting is fixed, is concussion blow. That special is useless on OSI and it's immensely powerful here. Also, 140 dex = 4 second heals (not sure if that's on here or not).

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 11:20 am
by The Silvertiger
Actually, we do have a discord. You're right I don't have to listen to them I could just go play another server. Only problem is I really like the demise forums and as more pvpers come to the shard the more topics get derailed due to "your guild sux blah blah blah...." So you can see why less is more. :D If pvpers would keep that crap in the PvP subforum it'd be no problem, but it spreads like a disease. Even here in the Bug forums they go about crying about how one is better than another. Instead of staying on topic they tangent onto "you suck blah blah blah...." I've been on or around demise for 10 years and it's the same crap all the time. It's not enough for a team or player to win in-game, it's considered a loss until they follow up on the forums. If you like being insulted so much they have these websites and phone numbers that have people that will insult you until you shoot the moon. I personally think that kind of thing is sick, but whatever floats your boat.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 1:47 pm
by desalonne
Necrodog people do play pestilent but aos only offers so much content as an era. ML era brings in such template diversity and pvm content that you have twice as much to do and play than you do during aos.

That being said I don't understand why a dying server would want to discourage something that would only increase its population while doing nothing but making its current population better at the game. I get it. You came to pestilent with a zerg and couldn't zerg there and your scripts didn't work so now you wanna keep your server scripted so you can feel relevant. But at some point the 8 of you on the server that pvp are gonna get tired of watching the 8 of you pvp -.-

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 4:40 pm
by The Silvertiger
I do not understand why we keep spewing these trash numbers: 8, 10, etc. There's at least 40 people pvping on this server on a regular basis.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 5:29 pm
by Necrodog
How do any of you know it would help the server population? Can we get some proof?

You all keep saying that a bunch of people will return, but how many will just quit?

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 6:11 pm
by Reefer
Necrodog wrote:How do any of you know it would help the server population? Can we get some proof?

You all keep saying that a bunch of people will return, but how many will just quit?
So far it seems like just 3 of you nerds would quit, not bad.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 7:59 pm
by atomic chicken
Vitek- wrote:Demise is pretty fun as-is and there is no trouble finding fights.
I find fighting NWO and Hz and Loop pretty boring with the explo fb ma macro spam, if casting changed it'd make it much more fun bc u can more easily disrupt the spell instead of watching some kid hold down a single key.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 8:02 pm
by Tempest
The Silvertiger wrote:I do not understand why we keep spewing these trash numbers: 8, 10, etc. There's at least 40 people pvping on this server on a regular basis.

You're right, 40 of the SAME people, no one new.

Even when someone makes a new character they really aren't "new" it's just an alt character.

It's really been awhile since we've had some new faces show up in the pvp scene.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 8:10 pm
by atomic chicken
Necrodog wrote:How do any of you know it would help the server population? Can we get some proof?

You all keep saying that a bunch of people will return, but how many will just quit?
Okay, sure we can't 100% predict the future, that doesn't mean predictions cannot be true and to dismiss the people who have been in the community for 10 years and know a lot of veterans players and to say we have 0 idea what they want. Homie, we've talked to the guys, they also gravitate to shards that claim to be true 2/6, some of them have told us that they quit demise bc of the casting, i personally have before, i'm only back here bc it's the least bad option right now for me and i like the guild i play with. Look, if we want to be quite frank about it, many people dont quit here because there is the commitment trap of playing here for 4-5 years and have a ton of shit. This would work both ways, the players would not quit bc they have so much time invested. I didn't want this to be an argument originally bc it doesnt focus on the desire of the player base but truthfully from a purely calculative standpoint I think few people who actually quit bc why would you stop playing if you have 100mil suit (i personally dont have one of those that I own). It's the same reason people stay on OSI, many of the veteran players hate SA but they stay bc they've been there for 5-10 years, they have stopped playing osi to go play pest bc it promised osi-2/6 but the problem with that server is the selective allowance of things like speedhack (possibly due to their terrible detection system), so it's killing that server. While this server doesn't seem to have the same problem, well not as widespread. I'm not saying some people won't quit but i'm saying a huge segment of a server that used to be pretty big is ready and willing to play an osi-style casting server without the imbuing and without the $15/mo.
I dont have a super power to 100% see into the future, but this doesn't mean I don't have some knowledge to be able to predict what would happen with 2/6 casting on here.

Re: TC Update June 18, 2017 - OSI Casting

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 8:28 pm
by Bama
So has anybody tested the new casting on the TC?