Baracoon altar lag

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Posts: 1415

Baracoon altar lag

Post by Maloskies »

This last week or 2, multiple players have been reporting a lot more lag on the altar.

I've tested multiple clients and still no fix.
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Anthony File
Posts: 1445

Re: Baracoon altar lag

Post by Anthony File »

Usually a lot going on there, maybe it’s an issue of being too CPU demanding for your computer?
Despite being an old game, UO can be heavily demanding on your resources.

I don’t have any issues on the coon altar myself, but that said I know many people experience lag in heavily concentrated areas such as the coon alter which has been reported and brought up numerous times.

I am personally running 16gb ram however I still randomly client crash from what I would assume are memory leaks from my client side. I’ve noticed heavily decorated houses, and the giant mushroom decos specifically cause me to lag/crash a lot of times, that isn’t the server’s fault though I would assume rather more so whatever client I’m using.
Posts: 222

Re: Baracoon altar lag

Post by DG »

Clients of high versions have this problem.
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Bad Religion
Posts: 2597

Re: Baracoon altar lag

Post by Bad Religion »

I don't have this problem and sent people that do my client and didn't seem yo help them.
Posts: 1314

Re: Baracoon altar lag

Post by Josh »

yea i changed my client and it fixed it seems
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Demise Administrator
Posts: 357

Re: Baracoon altar lag

Post by Eos »

The problem appears to be caused by a large number of invisible blocker tiles that OSI placed under the water around the champion spawn altar. Specifically, there are 4,352 of them, and even though the client isn't drawing any graphics for them, it seems to slow down the game significantly.

Testing shows that only 52 of those blockers are even really needed (and only if a RunUO server is using the map files, a client doesn't need any of them).

We have made available a patching tool to remove the unnecessary blocker tiles from your map file. The patcher (with source) is available here:

Note: The patcher modifies your client's statics0.mul and staidx0.mul. If you wish to keep your original versions, please back them up first! The patcher does not create backups.

Please see if that fixes your issue. Also, should the patcher not work, feel free to post about it here.
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