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KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 5:57 am
by zulu2401
NOW ACCEPTING ALL HZ, LOOP, REQ AND SAS APPLICANTS TO JOIN KVG. With the exception of a few who will never be part of our great team (You know who you are). We at KVG shall extend our hand of greatness in a gesture of temporary friendship to all those who wish to become better pvpers in hopes of having a greater challenge. We can teach you to become not only great pvpers, but we can teach you how to fight and be successful without needing double and triple numbers. Leave me a PM or dial 1-888-GET-GOOD. I will get back to you sometime between now and the 32nd of fuckin never. All applicants must take a general knowledge test and be categorised by IQ level. All applicants will receive a free "Tickle me Elmo" to and cry on after being viscously raped with a cork screw upon failure of KVG boot camp. MUST SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH. All Jewish Nazi applications WILL be rejected.

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 6:02 am
by The Silvertiger
Fleetmaster Xpress wants their number back. :D

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 7:04 pm
by Bad Religion
What about the chinese!?

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 7:15 pm
by Legacy


Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 7:22 pm
by zulu2401
Nah we never feel bad when it takes a 7 nation army to handle us

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 7:25 pm
by Grifo
Recruit me! I dont speak English but i can train mace to 120 in guildmembers afk!

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 8:50 pm
by The Silvertiger
Grifo wrote:Recruit me! I dont speak English but i can train mace to 120 in guildmembers afk!
You trying to be the next kapero, or what? That's his m.o.: guild hopping and breaking suits.

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 6th, 2017, 3:57 pm
by capalbo

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 6th, 2017, 4:47 pm
by zulu2401
capalbo wrote:I WANT!
Fluent English is a must

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 6th, 2017, 10:13 pm
by royal kapero2
The Silvertiger wrote:
Grifo wrote:Recruit me! I dont speak English but i can train mace to 120 in guildmembers afk!
You trying to be the next kapero, or what? That's his m.o.: guild hopping and breaking suits.
It's very true, so this post hurts me like DDT kills a katydid. Yeah, so I did. When I was younger, about 4 years ago I went into some trance. I believed people constantly need me in their guilds. I joined guild A, then in two weeks the others wanted me in guild B and so on. I used to be in Nya, FBI, China, twenty times Hz, ZS/Lord, 303, Qing, Legionaires, twice Req, KvG, 2015, NWO - all of those can testify I burnt bridges. I was like a tornado, wherever I went, first I was being nice and friendly, a little chit-chat, and then with no prediction I caused a total mayhem. Dramas, doing random crap, breaking suits, killing guildmates, constant trash talk, it was everyday. It's surely dishonorable but that was the only option for me to play. I desired attention and I thirsted for approval. I potrayed myself as a batman, when I arrived on a battlefield I changed the game. No one can hold the top spot forever though and I lost a meaning. As time passed, my fencer template was ruined by updates and uosteam and my archer suit began to be out-dated. Now I regret my actions because I met many amazing people that needed to step back due to my shity personality and what's worse, some of them will never learn that I regret now because they had already left and they will remember me as a snake, whose falsehood dominated every Eden, which people tried to make out of their guilds. I am sorry to all people who put their faith in me.

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 6th, 2017, 10:22 pm
by Bad Religion
Dont worry, you arent missing much except terrible lag/dcs and horribly managed events.

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 6th, 2017, 10:38 pm
by Arden
Kapero can you do us a favor and just delete your char again?

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 7th, 2017, 1:42 am
by The Silvertiger
Make demise videos great again! Kapero!

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 7th, 2017, 1:45 am
by Necrodog
zulu2401 wrote:All Jewish Nazi applications WILL be rejected.

Re: KVG applicants

Posted: November 7th, 2017, 2:35 am
by zulu2401
Necrodog wrote:
zulu2401 wrote:All Jewish Nazi applications WILL be rejected.
Yes we accept vampires