Wolf Clan Village

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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

(advanced) Wolf Clan role playing tips

Time and Aging:

Given that Humans in Sosaria age at the same rate as on earth, the time conversion for equivalent chronological age is one month real time passes for each scale earth year in the game. The scale year in Britannia is 2.4 times longer then years on Earth. For every Five Winters that pass in Britannia you character ages the equivalent of 12 Earth years. Game Characters age one year every month.

Age Category, (Earth) duration, (Earth) transition age, (Earth) age range - Sosarian years as Winters

Youths will become Youngbloods in 2 - 4 months, 14 - 16 years, 12 - 16 years, 5 - 6 Winters
Youngbloods will become Adults in 1 - 2 months, 15 - 18 years, 14 - 18 years, 6 - 7 Winters
From Adulthood till Elder can run 18 - 24 months, 33 - 42 years, 15 - 42 years, 6 - 18 Winters
Elderly characters can last 18 - 48 months, 51 - 90 years, 33 - 90 or more years, 14 - 38 Winters

Death and Dying:

Many Wolf Clan have gone to join the ancestors before. This can happen several ways and the young and strong are not immune. Most often it is from extreme violence or self sacrifice among the warrior cast fighting to protect the clan. On some occasions it is due to extreme old age or infirmity that can not be reversed with chants and potions.

To ensure that the dead find their way to our ancestors in the house of the dead, we perform the Four Nights Wake. Even then, after sky burial and being properly waked sometimes the spirit of the person can come back to the clan in a reincarnated form.

Exploring and fighting does have risks, but the Shamans communion with the Ancestral Spirits is strong. Most times the fallen can be revived from the Small Death. When in the Twilight World the spirit will stay and haunt the body till assistance arrives or will have to seek out a Shaman in the village.
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 8th, 2022, 10:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Wolf Clan role playing tips

Lighting and Weather Conditions:

Unity with nature includes a deep sense of the cyclic way of things. The cycle of night and day, the cycles of rain an snows are some examples of these. Certain rituals and prayers are done at specific times of day, of particular importance are the transitions. Magics that alter the perception of light conditions should be used sparingly, when in need. If you can not see the coming of dawn, then you will not know what time to do the Sun Greeting Prayer.

Clothing and Armor:

The only times clan people completely cover themselves is in heavy fighting or against the snows. Their basic dress is half-apron/kilt, sandals. Those who spend a good amount of time traveling will carry a cape, for rain and a robe for warmth if caught in snowy weather.

Hunters wear little or no protective armor. Warriors will wear armor when fighting. Fighting without armor is considered a sign of bravery (cewe) and is usually required for obtaining War Honors (wakhonak). They would never consider wearing any armor made of metal items or head coverings that obscure sight or hearing.

Some types of armor, robes, headdresses and masks are warn for rituals or other special occasions.
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

The path of the Hunter

The Hunters are the most critical members of Wolf Clan society. Much of the Clan’s prosperity and survival depends on the skill and success of this labor. By not storing or hoarding the gifts of nature, Wolf Clan people live at the subsistence level requiring a reliable supply of fresh meat to keep hunger at bay.

Many of the Wolf Clan traditions revolve around hunting animals. The Wolf Clan people are meat eaters, yet have respect for all living things as possessing a spirit and consider all animals their brothers. This requires sometimes elaborate precautions be observed not to offend the spirit of the animal being taken. It is their belief that angry animal spirits can follow hunters back to the village and will curse and haunt the people, bringing bad fortune.

This practice places hunters at the nexus of the balance between the physical needs of the ever growing Clan family and the endless slaughter of the forest creatures that are considered brothers and sacred spirits. A good hunter is a careful hunter and always mindful of the consequences at home of failure and risks of offending nature, cursing himself or causing the haunting of the home camp by angry spirits.

To this end, risk can be minimized by strictly observing traditional hunting rituals that help guild the hunter to be able to walk the thin line of the harvester of life. Several methods are employed to assist this complex effort. The hunting parties are often accompanied by a Shaman for spiritual guidance, healing and to ward off evil spirits. Hunters specialize in the use of traditional weapons, some utilize trained pets for hunting including Dogs, Timber Wolves, Bears even Cougars and the so-called Dire Wolves.

Some of the basics of a group hunt are: to set out to hunt one type of animal at a time, to make blessings and have a ritual dance in preparation for the hunt by making contact with the spirit world, to hunt using traditional weapons (bow and spear), to show respect for the prey by not utilizing magic or poison to kill them, to immediately pray over the "corpse" asking for forgiveness and by not leaving anything useful from the animal behind to rot.

There is little need for pure Warrior Cast members to escort the hunting parties, due to the fact that such parties tend to be large and hunting skills turn out to be quite lethal by necessity. Often Hunters are called upon for assistance in the common defense and can use their Archery, Stealth, Tracking and teamwork skills developed from hunting for hit-and-run type skirmisher attacks.


Hunters can specialize in several different ways. Hunters who focus on one type of game become known as Slayers of that type like bear slayer or deer slayer, for those who like a bigger challenge, dragon slayer.


Hunters who demonstrate outstanding combined stealth and fighting ability can obtain the honor title of Scout and be invited to join Warrior Societies. Scouts form a close knit sub-group of their own, due in part to being from a hybrid profession - they are no longer accepted as pure Hunters or pure Warriors.


Hunters who develop a knack for reading even the most subtle sign of the movements of animals and revealing that which is hidden to the untrained eye become known as Trackers.

Trackers who demonstrate outstanding ability and who are ready to test there skills against the ultimate quarry can be invited to join the only existing honor society for hunters, Shadow Wolves.

There is a natural rivalry between Scouts and Trackers with the Scouts trying to move without being detected and leave no sign and Trackers trying to prove their superiority by revealing the movements of Scouts. This also causes clashes sometimes between Crazy Wolves and Shadow Wolves societies.

Elite Hunter Honor Society:

Shadow Wolves (OptayeNagi) are the elite among the hunters. They are taught the traditional methods of “cutting for sign” for tracking humans who venture into Wolf Clan territory uninvited, like poachers, smugglers and settlers. An experienced Shadow Wolf can spot small items snagged on branches, twigs bent or broken, will know when a blade of grass has been bent by a human footstep. By close examination of a dead body, Shadow Wolves can determine much - like the method of death, wither the body was disturbed after death and sometimes identify the killer. The most skilled among them have the ability to assume the form of animals, acquiring an animal's ability to track by scent as well as sight, blend into the surroundings unnoticed and walk among the forest creatures without spooking them.

Primary Skills:

Archery / Fencing
Animal Lore

Secondary Skills:

Animal Taming


Hunter (starting title)
Slayer (honor title)
Scout (requires Stalking, Archery, plus Fencing or other weapon Mastery)
Tracker (requires Tracking, Detect Hidden and Forensics Mastery)
Whisperer (requires Animal Taming, Animal Lore and Veterinary Mastery)
Shadow Wolf (OptayeNagi, trackers only)
Hunt Leader (honor title)
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 6th, 2022, 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

The path of the Warrior

The Warrior embodies the pride and prowess of the Wolf Clan people. This is the path of great suffering and endless trials. The Warrior is charged with shouldering the tasks that often demand extremes of the limits of human endurance both physical and psychological. In order to protect the family from all harm, Warrior Cast members must keep themselves at all times in a state of preparation to intervene in the event of catastrophe or strife.

Social climbing in these orders goes by shear right of combat, though ritualistic - can sometimes turn deadly. Daily life is comprised of sparring, challenging for rank, keeping the watch and gorging on meat. Warriors that are in top condition need to eat on average about three times the amount of meat that is consumed by Hunters and other typical villagers. Even in times of relative prosperity the numbers of the ranks of the Warriors can place a severe strain on the food supply. This is another reason for the harsh conditions of the elite Warrior Society groups.

Death and exile due to tests of strength and courage, challenges, raids and loss of rank tend to keep the numbers of top Warriors at a reasonable level, but also limits the clan's war making capacity. In times of war, when their number are increased, low ranking Warriors may have to assist Hunters in the expanded meat harvesting demands. This arrangement, never very popular with either the Hunters or the Warriors, but the true strength of the Wolf Clan is found in their ability to pull together as a family.

The wearing of armor in peace time is reserved for high ranking Cast members, and is largely decorative. At most, arm or neck protection might be regularly worn and that would be of some type of leather and bone construction. Wearing items of metal or coverings of the head other than war masks is unheard of, considered cumbersome and impractical.

Warriors can rise to prominence quickly, but that life can also be a short and brutal one. Warrior missions typically are: patrol the hunting grounds, keep the night-watch, carry out the Raids and Battles planned by the War Chief, train constantly by sparring, eat as much as you can, stay in a state of readiness for battle and increase your social rank by joining one of the warrior societies, Nota’xeo’o

There are three traditional Warrior Societies and one Sacred Society:

Dog Soldiers (Hotamitaneo):
Proud, haughty, defiant as should become those who are to grant favors, not beg them, (favors Mace type weapons). They are expert warriors and horsemen. They are the first to charge into battle and always the last to withdraw. Dog Soldiers warriors make up the body of the main army.

Crazy Wolves (Xuaz’Honehe):
A shape-shifting warrior; whenever he senses combat is near he enters the spirit world and goes berserk, attacking with a ravenous ferocity and total lack of regard for his own life (using Knives and Spears, sometimes claws). They employ many Scouts and are expert ambush fighters. Crazy Wolves are used directly by the Chief for special missions including surveillance and information gathering.

Red Shields (Mahohivas):
Secretive organization and self proclaimed protectors of the Elder Chieftain and the Council Elders (carries Axe type weapons). They maintain a constant vigil guard presence inside the village and rarely venture out unless to accompany the Chief. Red Shields maintain order in the village and enforce tribal customary law. They also work to bolster the power and prestige of the reigning Chief.

Fool Soldier (Akicita Heyoka):
The revelation of the Golden Deer God, reported by scouts was taken as a sign. This sign has been interpreted by the shaman as the manifestation of the dream of Charging Wolf, the founder of the Akicita Heyoka. Now it is time to revive the most sacred order of the Wolf Clan nota`xeo`o. These men are dedicated to the principal that generosity is better than fighting. They pledge themselves and their property to promote peace.

They live by the saying: "It is the hardest path for anybody, to do good to others and to your enemies." There are many stories of a few brave Akicita Heyoka who prevented war by making a feast in the heart of the enemy camp or risking their lives to free slaves in the face of certain death. Fool Soldiers only select great warriors. These champions of peace act as healers, envoys, diplomats and protectors of all life - not pacifists, yet an important stabilizing force that counter balances the traditional impulse toward limitless revenge killing.

Martial Prestige:

The main method for improving social stature for the young warrior is to impress warrior society members with outstanding demonstration of cewe, the spirit of bravery in battle. It is strong cewe that can make the warrior immune to blades, clubs, arrows and magical attacks. It is also the measure of the joy that will be attained in the afterlife when killed on the war-path.

Cewe is demonstrated through a series of coupes and wakhonak, war honors. One example is counting coupe, where the warrior would make contact with the enemy open handed. Other war honors would be for the first time being in battle, the first to make a kill, the last one to stand defending a retreat, outstanding performance in battle, fighting without armor, fighting multiple enemies without moving from one spot. During the celebration for returning warriors after a raid or battle the wakhonak are acknowledged by each warrior giving his own account of his deeds.

Primary Skills:

Fencing/Swordsmanship/Mace Fighting

Secondary Skills:



Warrior (starting title)
Brave (honor title)
Dog Soldier (Hotamitaneo, Club/Mace)
Crazy Wolf (Xuaz’Honehe, Spear/Dagger)
Red Shield (Mahohivas, Axe/Knife)
Fool Soldier (Akicita Heyoka, Staff/Music/Peacemaking)
Society Leader (one for each warrior society, can be challenged)
War Chief (honor title, directs the Society Leaders)
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

The path of the Shaman

The Shaman is the spiritual conduit between the World of the living and the realm of the Spirits. They play a key cultural role in Wolf Clan society as they assist the tribal Elders by communing directly with the spirits of the ancestors. It is through channeling the power of the ancestral spirits that the Shaman exhibits their seeming magical abilities. The results are similar in appearance to those achieved by practice of the demonic occult power pursued by the scholars of the White-Eyes. Ours is an animistic, spiritual force derived from communion with our ancestors and the beings of nature.

The Creed of the Wolf Clan forbids open displays of mystical power, as we prefer to keep our rituals secret and safe from the eyes of the profane. The occasions that call for the skills of the Shaman are, blessing and protecting tribesmen before the hunt, healing and curing tribesman during the hunt (and sometimes in war), private displays of mystical power during Clan ceremonies and rituals, communicating with the spirits of the dead and resurrection of the dead. Shamans are usually a good man, a righteous man, one with a sustained consciousness of moral responsibility (wana'iksap) peaceful and will rely on a prayer and his walking staff and try to avoid killing even in self-defense.

Offensive chants are reserved for calling upon ancestral spirits to driving off monsters and evil spirits that are threatening fellow tribesmen. It is forbidden to call on the spirits to kill animals during the hunt. Animals must be killed properly, in a traditional manner and the corpse treated respectfully so that their spirit will return in peace to the forest and become an animal again. If not, it is believed that they will become angry ghosts and haunt the forest or our hunting lodge. It is still hotly debated by the Council of Elders how or whether the spirits should be called on - in the event of war against men. Most White-Eyes already fear and hate us and drive us out of the World wherever they find us. However; if we make war on men it will at least be with the honor that we give an animal, for the time being.

The animistic gifts of protection, healing, calling lighting and fire, summoning animals and shape shifting are not forbidden, they are sacred and the rightful inheritance of the Children of the Wolf who seek the path of the Shaman. Only the most powerful and most pious Shaman can guide the spirit to be reunited to the body of our slain kinsman. This is the mark of the highest sacred order, the Spirit Walker.

Primary Skills:


Secondary Skills:

Mace Fighting
Animal Lore
Animal Taming


Medicine Man
Spirit Walker
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

The path of the Witch

The Witch exists on the fringes of Wolf Clan society. Witches tend to be reclusive and live apart from their own village, and are noted in part for speaking in riddles and in strange languages. They are considered quite mad, probably driven to insanity by the trance inducing poisons of their own making, used to enhance their permanent contact with the spirit world.

Although they may possess magic of a constructive nature, witches are feared and respected for their many evil powers. Though generally shunned, they fill special roles during tribal rituals, that of the Trickster, adding elements of fright and unpredictability. They are also sought out for their skills of communication with spirits, control of animal spirits to cure and cause disease, knowledge of herbs and potions, prophecy and divination of the future. The term for witch is synonymous with "poisoner" (wak'a'wax).

Thus, it is not surprising that the blame for disease is often laid to the malefaction of witches. Once a hunter who refused to pay tribute to the witches suddenly fell ill and died through their power of witchcraft. It may be in this way that wak'a'wax is thought of as a kind of poisoning. It follows that those in possession of this power over the health of the body can also protect their own persons from injury as well as effect cures on others. It happened that the notorious witch Midjiste'ga had incurred the wrath of many men through his nefarious deeds. As a consequence, he was often set upon and stabbed, yet owing to his somatic powers, he was always able to cure himself.

The potency of witchcraft derives ultimately from the blessings of certain spirits, most particularly Waterspirits, out of whose bodies powerful medicines can be made. Once a Medicine Man called Dark Shaman, who had a reputation as master of the dark arts, challenged those blessed by the Nightspirits to a contest of magical power. When the Medicine Man shot Magic Arrows at the Night blessed men, no harm came to them. It was then that the Medicine Man conceded the superiority of those blessed by the Nightspirits. One can also acquire the powers of witchcraft by being an understudy to witches. Such men are able to bestow blessings themselves, and witches often get their start by obtaining powers granted by another witch. It is also said that if a witch can be captured despite all his powers, the witch is then obliged to tell his captor all the secrets of his art. By capturing a witch, one can therefore also acquire his powers.

Almost all witches become Night Wanderers (Hahe-horadje), since the malevolent powers most often achieve their greatest efficacy at night, and the most paradigmatic of these powers is the ability to travel through the air during periods of darkness. The power of sorcery is strongly bound up with the fluidity of form associated with water. Shape changing powers are an aqueous-like ability to flow from one physical form of being into another. This includes changes in scale. A witch may transform herself into a being of almost microscopic size appearing to vanish. It is said, for instance, that the tubercles on weeds are the hidden sleeping places of witches.

The power to accomplish such feats often resides in charms that the witch has acquired. Acquiring a part of the body of someone killed by a witch is one way that practitioners of the dark arts may augment their powers. However, such a charm must be obtained before the fourth day after the victim's death. Charms may also find their way into the witch's cache through the blessings of the spirits. A particularly powerful witch may possess an entire bandoleer of such charms. The Blue Bandoleer it is said, contains black bear claws, a cougar paw, beards and sacred feathers of the eagle, the head of a crow, a bull frog stuffed with down feathers, packets of medicine, and a plethora of arrowheads. The witch uses these charms in order to travel swiftly and incognito, to covertly strike his enemies.

Some have obtained power through magical potions derived from plants. The four Anishinabeg witches, who could fly through the air at night, gained their power through the use of such potions. Great Wolf attempted to obtain these potions, but the sorcerers would not yield them up. Instead they gave him a life-engendering greeting (Wiruhi'jera) still used in the Medicine Rite to this day.

Primary Skills:

Spirit Speak

Secondary Skills:



Night Wanderer
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Wolf Clan role playing tips

Eagle Feathers:

Tribal leaders will be awarding Eagle Feathers to outstanding Wolf Clan members in all walks of life. These awards will be accumulated in your character profile and used to signify Social Standing. These rankings generally represent a mixture of Hierarchical Chain of Command and Level of Social Prestige.

Award missions will follow the four goals for Wolf Clan:

1. seek traditional ways
2. seek knowledge of Wolf Clan rituals, customs and history
3. seek War Honors
4. seek to expand the Wolf Clan History

Mission Types:

In addition to Basic Missions, there will also be Special Missions that will be created by Leaders, and the Dreamquest, of individual design. See climbing in social rank
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 5:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Social Rank

Climbing in Social Rank

Eagle Feathers:

Eagle Feathers are used to signify Social Standing and generally represent your characters level of Prestige. A character with a high ranking title can find themselves having to clime back up from a low Prestige situation after having suffered a series of setbacks. Some industrious characters who distinguish themselves early may be able to outshine characters in leadership roles while having only a basic title themselves. This is the type of situation that can lead to rapid promotions.

Basic Missions:

Basic Missions have been established to give Wolf Clan people who have been raised outside of a traditional way of life the opportunity to get a jump on Social Climbing and at the same time immerse themselves in Wolf Clan culture.

Example basic missions for new members:

field bundles, make a kit with standard items that you should always keep with you
enesto'ohe (wolf speech), become familiar with some common traditional words and phrases
taho'evoha (riding horse), bond with your mount and give it a special name
blooded, going on your first hunt and learning how to hunt property
patrol route, going on your first patrol and learning the territorial borders
temescal (sweat lodge), attending and leading your first sweat lodge ceremony

Special Missions:

In addition to Basic Missions, there will also be Special Missions that will be created by Wolfmother, Chief Silver Wolf or by one of the Nota’xeo’o (Warrior Society) Leaders, these will be unique and of limited duration. Examples of Special Missions are: defend the town of an alliance member, capture a targeted enemy, observe and report the movements of an invader, help lead a rescue mission in a dangerous area.


There will also be Feathers awarded to characters exhibiting outstanding Role Playing, contributing in-game story elements to Wolf Clan history and for completing a Dreamquest - of individual design.
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 6:16 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Basic mission:

Field Bundles

Of the various kinds of kits used in different occupations, War Bundle, Medicine Bundle, Witcher's Bandolier; the Field Bundle is ubiquitous and a fresh one should be carried by Youngblood/Adult Wolf Clan people at all times.

Typical Field Bundle:
  • knife (skinning knife preferably 2)
  • scrapers (also called scissors 2)
  • potions (Cure and Refresh type potions 3 each)
  • bandages (20)
  • ammunition (50)
  • sundries (various food items 12, example: 4 fishsteak, 4 apples, 4 raw ribs)
All Wolf Clan people who strike out into the world, especially Youngbloods need to be carrying a fully stocked Field Bundle in addition to their other tools of their trade. Individuals that do not necessarily utilize all the consumables in their Field Bundle, should still include them in their pack as standard equipment in the event that it may fill a need for others.

Also, by keeping several of these in each of the Lookout Tower positions in the Wolf Clan Village, then everybody knows where to look to get resupplied quickly if the need arise.
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Basic mission:

Wolf Speech

Youngbloods learn basics of traditional enesto'ohe

Hello Kae
Goodbye Sto, formal Sto'etexa
My relative Mitakuye (colloquialism)

Thank You Nea, formal Nea'esemeno
You're Welcome Wreea

Yes Hae
No Hov

Good! (expression) Epeve, good (adjective) pa- (prefix)
Bad! (expression) Hoe’e, bad (adjective) qu- (prefix)
Let's go! (expression) Hoka hey, also Let's ride or Let's attack

You Qez, to you, for you -se (suffix)
Me Haj, to me, for me -ko (suffix)
I Si, I am Na- (prefix)

That (person) Neka
Those (people) Nekao
We\Us Hana, to us, for us, let's -tam (suffix)
You (people) Quena, to you all, for you all -we (suffix)

Understand/Know Ehene, Do you understand me? Qez ehene haj
Ready Kut, I am ready! Nakut They are ready for us. Nekaokut'tam
Speak/Talk Esta, I am speaking to you. Naestase
Follow/Move Stuac, You follow me. Qez stuac haj
Go home Machi, Let's go home! Machitam
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 6:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Basic mission:

Taho'evoha (the riding horse)

Wolf Clan people traditionally have a strong and deep relationship with horses of all types. Horses serve as their main method of transportation and the animal is also regarded as being a strong medicine symbol.

There is one strain in particular that according to legend can be traced back to the ones created from bone and ash by Na`ashjeii Asdzaa (Spider Mother Spirit), called the Cayuse. The loyalty of the Cayuse is legend, as is their toughness and intelligence; and anyone who is fortunate enough to make a bond with one knows how truly special they are. The Cayuse Pony has gone by many names including cow pony, hunting horse or mustang - basically they are all the same animal.

Virtually every color known to the horse appears in this breed; he is sometimes appaloosa spotted, sometimes paint or pinto and sometimes solid colored with every variation available occurring. He is well made, has excellent feet and legs and has as much savvy as any horse that ever lived. Height ranges from 13 to 16 hands; weight 50 to 70 stone with few exceptional individuals over or under.

Ups and some down sides to being responsible for the care of a horse or other pets:
  • Social standing of an individual is greatly improved when selecting and naming a personal riding horse of Cayuse descent for the first time.
  • Social standing of an individual is improved when the bond is formed for the first time.
Social standing of an individual is lowered by neglect of a mount or other pet:
  • Tame pets depend exclusively on their handler for food. Some pets are more dangerous and difficult to control than others. If not fed constantly they could turn on their handlers or others. Abandoned pets will go mad from hunger and revert to a wild state. If outdoors they will run free and fend for themselves. If abandoned indoors there is a danger of starvation, see loss due to neglect.
Social standing of an individual is lowered by loss of a named mount in combat:
  • Loss of a mount in combat occurs when they are killed when not yet bonded.
Social standing of an individual is severely lowered by loss of a mount due to neglect:
  • Loss due to neglect can occur in two ways, an unbonded mount starves, goes wild while penned in and dies (vanishes) or a bonded mount is killed and the ghost dissipates (vanishes) before it can be revived.
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Basic mission:


The first hunting trip of a Young blood is a special occasion. He will be escorted by either a Warrior, a Hunter and a Warrior or by a Hunter and a Shaman cast member. A Scout or Tracker is a suitable replacement for a Hunter in this situation.

He will not hunt alone till properly instructed and then only in dire circumstances. Hunting Parties, Patrol Teams and Raiding Parties usually venture out in groups of three to five strong.

The Young blood will be shown the tools he is to have at all times when hunting. The Young blood will be taught, what weapons to use to hunt specific prey, how to perform the Deer Dance and the Bear Dance. Of particular importance to teach is the relationship Wolf Clan has with the forest animals and our attitude toward Eagle, Wolf and Crow.

If the hunt is successful, the leader will demonstrate how to prey for forgiveness and help the spirit of the animal return to the forest. The Young blood will then, if successful - pray in his own words and keep that prayer.

This is the way Two Wolves prays:
“Forgive me, my brother. You fought bravely.
Do not be angry. You have lived a long life.
Return to the forest. You no longer need this body.
Your flesh will not be wasted. Your strength live on.
Return to the forest and become a Bear again.
Forgive me, my brother. We will honor you.”

T`laloc showing great mastery of tracking, stalking and having made a good prayer

Tlaloc_hunt.JPG (28.9 KiB) Viewed 5306 times
Last edited by Two Wolves on April 9th, 2022, 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Basic mission:

Patrol Route

It is the duty of experienced Warriors to take a Young blood to ride along on a patrol around the borders of the Wolf Clan hunting grounds, once they come of age. For young hunters it is a chance to travel far from the village and get to see the extent of their home range. For young warriors it is the beginning of the atoha, Long Trials that will mark their life of hardship and training.

Once shown the rout, Warriors are expected to band together and keep it patrolled on a regular basis or run it alone if necessary. Patrolling warriors help protect the hunters by keeping the land clear of monsters, evil spirits and white eyes that are poaching game or just killing for "sport".

Special recognition for outstanding performance is warded on the first patrol that a Youngblood rides on.

WolfClan_Turf.jpg (97.55 KiB) Viewed 5305 times
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Basic mission:

Temescal (sweat lodge)

A traditional Sweat Lodge is a wickiup made up of slender withes of aspen or willow, or other supple saplings, lashed together with raw hide, or grass or root cordage, although in some areas the lodge can be constructed of whatever materials are at hand, from a mud roofed pit house to a cedar bark and plank lodge. The construction used by Wolf Clan is a rock walled pit dug inside an earthen mound. The top of the mound has a shelter, encampment and low pike wall that acts as a defensive structure.

The sweat lodge ceremony usually occurs before and after other major rituals like the Dreamquest for example. The aim of the ceremony is to purify one's mind, body, spirit and heart. It is also a "stand alone" ritual – in that it occurs whenever it is needed.

It revolves around the utilization of water under careful ceremonial conditions. Airborne water, in the form of steam, is viewed as the creator's breath because it is the result of mixing all the elements of the universe; earth, air, water and fire. This steam is thought to be curative, with the power to draw out poison and toxins through inducing sweat as well as having the ability to induce deep introspection.

There are long preparations that come before the arrival of the participants. These include the work of the Fire Keepers, the ones of proven faith, who maintain a sacred space in the fire pit that is used to awaken the spirits of the Stone People (the stones that will be used to heat the lodge). The stones are viewed as being alive with the spirits of the ancestors and when they are brought into the lodge, greeted respectfully with the saying “Mitakuye” (my relative).

Aglow with only the luminescence of the red hot stones, the portion of the ceremony for the participants then begins inside the lodge. The sweat leader sounds the Water Drum and calls forth the spirit guides in prayer from the Four Directions. The sweat leader then dips water and pours it onto the hot stones in the pit, producing large amounts of steam, usually one dipper for each of the four directions, or until he is told by the spirits to stop. Then he begins his prayers, songs and chants.

When invited to a sweat, for the greatest spiritual benefit, these conditions should be observed: the day prior to the sweat should be spent in cleansing, fasting, prayer and meditation on the intended purpose of the sweat, and you should be free from strong drink.

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Two Wolves
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Re: Wolf Clan Village

Post by Two Wolves »

Honara Djobohora (four nights wake)

The wana'ghi (ghosts), are the souls of the dead as opposed to the waxop'ini or divine spirits. Ubiquitously, it is clear that a ghost is a kind of spirit being. Although the ghost itself has a spirit body that is in some sense "incorporeal." Its incorporeal nature expresses itself in the ghost's invisibility: under ordinary circumstances, living people cannot see the departed, although a ghost may be present at its own wake.

Ghosts are also inaudible, and while they themselves typically cannot be seen or heard, they still possess the faculties of perception. Ghosts also retain the consciousness, emotions, and even the appetites of the living.

At death it is believed that the ghost experiences accentuated hunger and needs particularly to be fed the incorporeal counterpart of the food of the living. However, these desires associated with living bodies do not continue forever. On the journey to the Village of the Ghosts, a series of waxop'ini will be encountered, some terrifying, who teach how these desires can be lifted and reveal where the road is that will reach Earthmaker.

When a person dies, his conscious self lives on and sometimes the person does not even realize that he is dead. The soul stays around the body for four days, the period during which the Honara Djobohara is held for it. Then the spirit begins its journey to the Village of the Ghosts, which is not a simple and easy trip. To aid him on his journey are certain other ghosts, the spirits of those who had been killed in war by the elders who attend the wake. Inasmuch as the slain are said to be at the service of the victors, the veterans of wars may offer them as guides to the deceased on his journey to the Ghost Village.

Those who reach Earthmaker may elect to return as a human, an animal, or a bird, although most decide to return as humans and even choose to be born in their own villages. Normally only those who were killed in battle would have the opportunity of entering the abode of Earthmaker, although with the advent of the Medicine Rite, its members were thought to have this power as well.

However, those killed on the warpath, who choose to dwell in one of the spirit villages on the road to Earthmaker, will look just the way they did when they were buried, which usually means that they will carry with them horrible wounds. The rare ghost who does not have the power to get to his Village of the Ghosts is called a rohapjį "a whole body."

The lives of ghosts in the Village of the Ghosts seem to be carefree with most of their time spent in song and dance. However, they are creatures of the night and disperse with the advent of daylight. They also have a peculiar aversion to ashes: if a person were to throw a handful of ashes at a ghost, it would flee.

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