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Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 1:46 am
by Calvin
ya know actually from your description of the freeze crash, i have possibly had that happen. does it time out eventually?

UO has always had lil dodgy crashes tho, i mean, im multi-clienting, you're not supposed to. it literally says when you open up a client with one open "multiclienting is not supported". works anyway like... we all do loads of dodgy shit that the game did not intend us to do, of course it's gonna crash sometimes.

imo you prissy lil princesses need to accept that, and stop bitching at the volunteer staff that everything is not working perfectly with your custom shit.

lemme ask you a question, if they gave you a choice of everything working perfectly, but you cant use anything custom - you're not even allowed to open more than one client at a time. would you go for that?

they could do it, enforce one IP connection.

i can guarentee you one thing, and that's if i had this problem, and it was a problem for me, i'd have figured it out by now.
you just seem to be blaming the staff and hoping someone fixes it for you. pathetic. (sorry im on the rum)

right you try this, run one vanilla client, nothing else, and get the crash. then open a VPN, change your location, and do it again.
(then i'll be stumped - because it's not mods, it's not your location or isp, it's not multiclienting - THEN it is the server. but not until then.)
(and in fact you would need this to be done on different hardware too, so we need at least 2 people to do it. but then you can open this thread)

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 2:08 am
by Loler
I don't need to do this as I'm not even crashing its the other 30-40 people having the issue that im defending.

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 2:09 am
by Calvin
Loler wrote:I don't need to do this as I'm not even crashing its the other 30-40 people having the issue that im defending.
well, fuck em lol

they should learn to use their pc better, cheeky bastards though, blaming the server

it's free, they literally owe you nothing. dont be so ungrateful.

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 2:14 am
by Calvin
if you are talking about the crash i think you are talking about tho, im 90% sure it's multi-clienting that causes it

in fact for this reason, if i have something important to do in game, i will close all other clients.

the word is unstable, and you should have accepted that before you deviate from a single vanilla client.

what pisses me off, is that it's not perfect, but it is like 99.9% stable. but that's not good enough for you?

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 7:41 am
by The Silvertiger
The ability to access and play a game is a primary and basic focus of game development.

A flaw in your logic is the fact that the most adamant complainers/reporters of this issue live in the U.S. As a matter of fact, one person lived within the same state as the server. That is one of the reasons I got involved even though, I, a trammelite such as yourself, have had very few occurrences of this issue and none since Halloween town.

I only wish that someone who experiences this on the daily would have been there when I reported the issue and could fully explain what is happening.

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 10:43 am
by EV


Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: February 21st, 2018, 1:02 pm
by Porky
The Silvertiger wrote:
Porky wrote:I don't use steam. I use Razor, and get disconnected all the time.
If it's a bother to you to be disconnected perhaps you would like to message Ryan on discord. Or perhaps you've grown accustomed to it and don't wish for it to be fixed.
Only reason I say that, is because some think it's only when there are a lot of people on, in the same area. That's not it. Then some say it's mostly in Fel. That's not it. Then some say it happens when using steam. That's not it.

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 25th, 2018, 5:58 am
by Raspinator
I Say fuck your 4 clients and fix the fucking server as in DAMAGE and BALANCE PVP, who gives a fuck about you using scripts and it DC YOU, FIRST they need take out easy uo, and any other fucking automatic pot chugging mystical llama herder shit, like foreal they need someone that actually gives a fuck, even if its a player on demise, and take away balance on bows cus that is just fucking bullshit period the end or make every two handed weapon balance

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 25th, 2018, 6:00 am
by Raspinator
cus everyone here sucks at the game, they just got OP gear and shit that GMS mad most likely lol

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 25th, 2018, 10:08 am
by Calvin
Raspinator wrote:and any other fucking automatic pot chugging mystical llama herder shit
well put :lol:
it's just fun to say, it's so punchy it's verging on Chinese

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 25th, 2018, 10:27 am
by ortiz
Raspinator wrote:I Say fuck your 4 clients and fix the fucking server as in DAMAGE and BALANCE PVP, who gives a fuck about you using scripts and it DC YOU, FIRST they need take out easy uo, and any other fucking automatic pot chugging mystical llama herder shit, like foreal they need someone that actually gives a fuck, even if its a player on demise, and take away balance on bows cus that is just fucking bullshit period the end or make every two handed weapon balance
get more DCI nub :popcorn:

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 26th, 2018, 7:45 am
by Raspinator
nice spanish name and nice never get on the mic and talk, i wander why??? YOU GAY BRUH?

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 26th, 2018, 7:48 am
by Bad Religion
Raspinator wrote:I Say fuck your 4 clients and fix the fucking server as in DAMAGE and BALANCE PVP, who gives a fuck about you using scripts and it DC YOU, FIRST they need take out easy uo, and any other fucking automatic pot chugging mystical llama herder shit, like foreal they need someone that actually gives a fuck, even if its a player on demise, and take away balance on bows cus that is just fucking bullshit period the end or make every two handed weapon balance
youre preaching to the choir, just not in a very christian way.

Re: Fix your fucking server

Posted: July 26th, 2018, 5:34 pm
by ortiz
Raspinator wrote:nice spanish name and nice never get on the mic and talk, i wander why??? YOU GAY BRUH?