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Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 22nd, 2018, 8:08 pm
by Loler
There was no cub since i joined and the world saves were at 20+ seconds which means in 3 years world saves have decreased by 5 seconds thats pretty good.

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 22nd, 2018, 10:19 pm
by Reetus
After the last cub they were at 11 seconds.

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 22nd, 2018, 11:23 pm
by Calvin
speaking just for myself, i've never noticed the world save time change, and i wouldn't mind it taking an extra few seconds anyway

imo: people make money to the point they start to runic gamble, then the money they make is 90% burnt in search of perfect items, there is no point throwing away items until your space is full because you never know what someone might need, hence people keep all the trash from burning.

playing generates gold, gold is spent on hard items up until you start to gamble with it. runic crafting stops you generating gold per day, and replaces it with generating items per day. see what i mean? eventually the storage gets full though.

so to me cub is more for people to have storage than for the server to work faster. i think of it like a tax rebate - you finally get some money back from all the failed gambling if you are contientious enough to keep things going. the same is true of looted items, you horde the decent ones at your house until your house is full.

the last time they did cub, i literally had every house completely full apart from 50 space in my castle, and every character on every account with their bank and backpacks full too. i even had them with pack horses.

see that's when you need CUB

(i dont mean to be harsh but it's not just for people to get a quiver without having to pay 60kk for it, and as much as it is a great event that adds a lot of life to the server, that's not really what it's for either)

i do think it'll be soon though, it has been about 4 years - but that said, next event season is the other end of the year, so it's more likely they will put it smack in the middle of nothing else going on. (tho it's debatable if it's better to do it while the population is good tailing off from event season)

people will come back as long as they know it's on and you leave it open long enough for them to hear about it, they're really not gonna be happy if they miss it tho, so honestly i'd leave it open for like 3 months, as long as the house timers - it doesn't matter too much cos the start date is set anywy

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 22nd, 2018, 11:49 pm
by Arden
Calvin wrote: every character on every account with their bank and backpacks full too. i even had them with pack horses.
You cant have full packhorses and log them out...

so obviously everything else you said is wrong... :P

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 22nd, 2018, 11:50 pm
by Calvin
Arden wrote:
Calvin wrote: every character on every account with their bank and backpacks full too. i even had them with pack horses.
You cant have full packhorses and log them out...

so obviously everything else you said is wrong... :P
you might be right tbh, it was 4 years ago :P
but when i log them in now a lot have pack horses, probably just to move them tho cos they only have like 20 str. still it sounds better with pack horses :D
so be fair that was an edit at the end tho, characters were defo full, that's why all my non-characters are either in my smiths or at luna.

it's actually not that hard when you consider a copper hammer is 40k and generates 35 or 40 items, i've been trying not to burn any 3 mod hammers tho so it's taking a bit longer this time

but either way im not that full yet, and i doubt you guys are either

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 22nd, 2018, 11:57 pm
by Calvin
and anyway, i didn't say the pack horses were full :P

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 4:05 am
by Calvin
serious question tho, who actually is at that point? where you are having to dispose of items before you can store new ones?

and i mean like, every non-CUBable item has been thrown away, and anything stackable has been stacked. this means runes, seeds, potions, scrolls, smoke bombs, treasure maps, all that shit.

i did not come up with the idea of loading the characters up, someone posted on forum that they had been at this point for months and i was like "that's a good idea". so you're talking multiple people prepared for it like this.

how many people are actually ready for CUB in that way, right now?

i dont think it's that many, and if you really wanna make it happen, all you need to do is actually make it necessary, there is still a lot of work we can do to prepare for it, and so i dont think they will have it yet.

they probably will anyway cos of all the complaining and it's a fair point it has been a while, but really they do it when it's needed.

the best reason to have it now, in all honesty, is not cos we need cub, it's cos we need a gold sink. and it would be best to have the CUB items trading while the economy is flush enough to pay for it. so i figure CUB, then sink. but at the same time, i like having an inflated economy cos things like runic hammers dont go up in price. there is a clever way to play this, i'll let you guys figure it out lol

hrsk are also very affordable. lets bring everyone up to a perfect 4 mod standard. in the mean time you will drive the economy.

ya never know tho really, they might never have another CUB. which is why i dont really wanna be burning on 3 mod.. but yea nvm. jass needs slayers anyway. my gut feeling is that they will have another one, and it will be some time in the gap between event seasons. but i've been wrong before, it could be like another 3 years, could be never, could be tomorrow. i'm not fully prepared, but i've got 3 houses full, could probably get another 2k items with loading characters up. these 50 bronze hammers will get me about there.. if i can ever be arsed to burn them

see the thing is tho, once they have done CUB, and once they have done a gold sink, that's kind of a new age.
we need enough active players to get that new age rolling, it's very slow gameplay cos nothing sells well, items are hard to find, etc.
everyone is fully geared in like "end of the age" stuff, darksides, perfect runics, etc. but everything else, is very hard to find. mid level gear, lower power scrolls, etc.

they should do it based on the population more than anything, let new players get started so they have something for the end of the age, and dont get locked out of the game. they just need to judge when the best time to do that is, once they've 100% decided to do it. which i dont think they have... basically my point is it's not as simple as "me wants quiver!". it has massive effects on the server.

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 5:33 am
by Loler
I'm down for perma cub. Would give me incentive to burn these horned kits i have. I've already burned 10k horned kits but i've thrown away 20,000 pieces from those. With perma cub i would have gotten points from all of those.

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 5:43 am
by Calvin
Loler wrote:I'm down for perma cub. Would give me incentive to burn these horned kits i have. I've already burned 10k horned kits but i've thrown away 20,000 pieces from those. With perma cub i would have gotten points from all of those.
i actually suggested perma cub and perma tots, with reduced and balanced emblems literally years ago. no-one was up for it tho :/

i can kinda see their point about people abusing it, making a script to sit by the bin burning lockpicks or something, but i think it could be tweaked. i dunno tho, it's a big change, i remember thinking they were right in the end but i cant remember why

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 10:54 am
by kakel_anders
Calvin wrote:
Loler wrote:I'm down for perma cub. Would give me incentive to burn these horned kits i have. I've already burned 10k horned kits but i've thrown away 20,000 pieces from those. With perma cub i would have gotten points from all of those.
i actually suggested perma cub and perma tots, with reduced and balanced emblems literally years ago. no-one was up for it tho :/

i can kinda see their point about people abusing it, making a script to sit by the bin burning lockpicks or something, but i think it could be tweaked. i dunno tho, it's a big change, i remember thinking they were right in the end but i cant remember why
Sure they would devalue alot of shit, but it would add SO much shit to do that doesn't involve doing either peerless or champs. (I can only speak for myself but i have no interest at all in any of those and killing Miasma gets old even after you get all the afkers dead..)

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 12:33 pm
by Mr Straitions
I got the opportunity to talk with a staff member. They confirmed 100% that.....

They saw this post...

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 23rd, 2018, 8:19 pm
by Calvin ... st-4131813

i haven't read through it and i cant really remember what i was arguing, but there is the old thread about this

i've gotta be honest im finding my own posts hard to follow lol
- oh i explain it it's alright lol, this is trippy...

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 24th, 2018, 10:26 am
by The Silvertiger
Interesting I'm ignoring your content on uogamers.... Must have been a mistake... :roll:

According to the shard events section of the aforementioned website, as Tanya pointed out: 2012, 2015, [& 2018?]

Also worth noting, I specifically remember 30 second world saves. It used to mess up my razor macros. Now, whether cub is solely responsible for the decrease or if it was a combination of the thousands of accounts Xavier deleted and cub Idk...

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 25th, 2018, 1:49 am
by Aj

Re: Cub fans (Clean up Brit)

Posted: February 25th, 2018, 6:57 am
by kakel_anders