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Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 9:00 am
by royal kapero2
Imperializm Amerykańskich graczy doprowadził do zatracenia sensu istnienia czegokolwiek innego w grze. Prowadzą celowe działania, by wszelkie inne nacje były rozproszone, ale nie wiedzą, że my Polacy, nie jesteśmy pyszni i nie damy się zwerbować za garstkę komentarzy typu ,,GOOD JOB POLOCK".

Już wystarczy, że wiele aspektów z naszego życia jest zaczerpnięta z trendów, które ich zachodnia kultura ochoczo propaguje, zatem razem powinniśmy zniweczyć ich amoralne społeczeństwo, które jest również karłem organizacji. Tak ich pozamiatamy, że czyszczenie serwera (czyt. server wars) nie będzie potrzebne. :mrgreen:

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 9:08 am
by Daff
No ja bym pomógł ale jakby to ładnie ująć wczoraj na własną prośbę straciłem set :? :evil: :evil: :evil: :!: :?: :!: :?:

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 9:14 am
by Akka
This is an English server therefore you should post in English.

ps. i am somewhat relieved that i dont have to read your stupid cry posts.

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 11:30 am
by Alvin
Akka wrote:[...]

ps. i am somewhat relieved that i dont have to read your stupid cry posts.
...too bad we have to read yours...

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 3:39 pm
by Demise Vet
kapero has to post in polish because his posts get hijacked because hes such a pos :lol:

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 6:49 pm
by Anthony File
America, fuck yeah!
Coming again to save the mother fucking day, yeah
America, fuck yeah!
Freedom is the only way, yeah

Terrorist your game is through 'cause now you have to answer too
America, fuck yeah!
So lick my butt and suck on my balls
America, fuck yeah!
What you gonna to do when we come for you now?

Kacper <3

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 8th, 2016, 10:22 pm
by Demise Vet
anthony finally lost it get help there are people out there that can help you

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 9th, 2016, 2:54 am
by Anthony File
Come on now, surely you've seen Team America?..

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 9th, 2016, 8:47 am
by Akka
he named himself "Vet" after the forums JUST reverted and nobody can see how old he really is here.

I doubt hes seen anything thats not in his local library.

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 9th, 2016, 3:58 pm
by Demise Vet
yah ive seen team america its full of foreigners

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 9th, 2016, 3:59 pm
by Demise Vet
akka lol ive been here a long ass time so go back into the bush eat some croc and stfu

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 10th, 2016, 10:27 pm
by BannerBruce
no coz trzeba robic pvp

Re: Polacy, witajcie.

Posted: October 11th, 2016, 10:55 am
by Akka
theres no crocodiles in Finland, or Europe for the matter, "vet".