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State of the Game/Demise

Posted: February 6th, 2020, 1:38 am
by raveX
Hey everyone.

I've returned from a few year's hiatus and was wondering how Demise is doing and the game in general. I've seen a few complaints about people wanting casting fixed (not sure what that is about, would appreciate an explanation) and also see a ton of new items...glasses, trinkets, new robe (conjurers).

So my question is: for a PvP minded person, what are the templates/gear everyone is after now. Hopefully that is not too vague of a question, but I'm focusing on the newer items and what they may be replacing from the older templates I knew.

I still see HZ running around, and KvG, and Loop...I assume those are still the only PvP guilds and still fighting at Brit Gate. I half expected to still see Zulu insulting MB on here! Is PvP sparse or still nightly fights over champ spawns?


Re: State of the Game/Demise

Posted: February 7th, 2020, 2:00 pm
by Dwn Wth Vwls
Champs are pointless now. We fight over them but scrolls are mostly dropped on ground, same with Harrower. I watched +25’s sit in gh decaying after our last Harry because no one wanted/needed them. Only replica worth messing with is sash. I suggest making an archer and joining loop - very cookie cutter guild who all use the same template. There are nightly fights but usually someone brings out a dismounted and the fights typically disperse and die off pretty quickly after that.

Good luck