Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by The Silvertiger »

Yo, Arden is one of the good guys. Reports exploits instead of abusing them while staffing on his other account.

There have been a few suggestions taken by staff over the years. The tmap event was most certainly due to Amish complaints\suggestions.

If you staff are reading this, we would love some more of those mini-events.

Speaking of drag drop events, I enjoyed the juka invasion event on another server. You would of course have to balance the rewards for Demise.
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

in all seriousness, if you want i'll download MS-visio and draw up a map for it.

it's gonna have a volcano in the middle tho.. just cos...

rivers of lava.... smoke to block tp :P
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

viso torrent's not downloading... but im thinking like... you know the city from attack on titan, with the concentric walls?


effectively simulate that to create a bunch of choke points, but also a 360 ring of exits, instead of walls have rivers of lava, over the lava put smoke to block line of sight, but allow some gaps where it's like just magma instead of lava. in the center have a steampunky style town that is running off the volcano. have like 8 gates on the very outer ring of the map.




the idea would be to capture the town in the center, using a sigil type system from the factions.
you could also allow from some siege machinary, in the form of monster spawners, or AI camps that could be captured, things like a greater dragon breath could really change a pvp fight, and could add a usefullness for pvm styled characters. you could for example have a group capturing a support camp, with a dragon tanking, then it gets counter attacked and they kill the tank. styled off wow battlegrounds.

if anyone remembers this map, and how the different objectives would buff your attack on the main objective?
effectively that, but king of the hill.

in the town would be some kind of reward vendor like to buy scratchers or something like that.

i was thinking just capture the flag style, but if you're putting in ai you could have like barriers on each ring so you have to take them down in turn

just rip the volcano off the one in illshenar, it's sexy.

:lol: :P

you could even put like attack group spawns on from the attacking side, like by each of the 8 gates put a lil outpost camp for the attackers, give the option to buy a group of ai to start marching toward the nearest choke point.

if you wanna slow it down make it so you can only take down like 1 barrier every 3 hours... or 12 even? or 24.

just make it a new facet, put it on the moongates, and let people pick from the gates 1-8. if you are in the controlling guild you can gate into the center town. limit guilds to 20 people.

at the same time make a second doom gauntlet styled dungeon with some extras and some different drops. make it like super fire element, super orc. shit like that so we can actually use those weird slayers we make. but otherwise pretty much just carbon copy it. maybe put in some peerless keys for something as an on corpse drop, and some nice high loot packs.


perhaps repurpose the seven deadly sins monsters? you could even make less spokes on your wheel and have champ spawns there. or dungeon entrances to peerless?


there is also an opening to use emblems more. you could put that as a currency for something, because people want them still i think.

try to keep the narrative layer on top of everything, so dont just label the gates 1-8, call them like "Camp Northern Light" or some stuff like that.. maybe not camps then, maybe landmarks, but you get the idea. you'd want a guild to say like "we're attacking from X"
"we've made a deal with 'blahblah' we will team up and swap players after we capture the town, we're coming form the north and them from the south..." etc

you could put drops off the ai bosses in the pvp zone, and drops for the pvp zone in the pvm zone so they trade between. like a crystalized greater dragon anyone? could be a nice thing to drop in a fight. give it a live span tho, maybe sick speed. call it a clockwork dragon. just have them usable in the zones tho.

perhaps you could do like a protection crystal is the barrier that they have to smash, then just script a gate to open and spawn a load of allied npcs.

hmmm maybe scratchers aren't enough.......... global 10% damage buff anyone?

i wonder how that would effect the guild applications :lol:
with a 20 man limit, would players be opting for multiple characters in the same guild to pass the bonus over?

damage buff and scratchers enough to make you fight for it? scratchers would be a permanent gold sink. guild could decide internally how much to sell them for to the wider public. keep the drop rate for darksides very low. could do some other buff.. +luck? regen?

perhaps each ring has 4 crytsals to destroy, and when they get hit it issues a global message for the zone saying like "the south crystal is under attack!". you could like lure them away perhaps ;)
as the circles get smaller, the distance to cover between them will get smaller, until they are all defending the same area.
Last edited by Calvin on June 16th, 2020, 4:24 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Arden »

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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

i can edit some more pictures in if it helps...?
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Bad Religion
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Bad Religion »

why are you arguing with this retard
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Bama »

Arden wrote: June 15th, 2020, 8:29 pmTldr.
73830DF0-7D03-463E-9B73-D20A2B5CBD46.jpeg (146.24 KiB) Viewed 10193 times
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Bama »

Calvin wrote: June 15th, 2020, 2:36 pm in all seriousness

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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

there is absolutely no reason you cant make these in UO

see im on about making #4, the "Large Multiple Objective Map"

.. im actually an epic pvper btw, just i dont personally think uo is the game for it. still, doesn't mean you cant make the standard maps and game types. it's a perfectly capable engine.. it just doesn't have the accuracy or controls i would want. uo pvp does my head in frankly, it feels like trying to dance in lead shoes to me.

like, i dunno wtf you guys want to make, but that's how you make them properly *shrugs*

if you actually like uo pvp, then fair enough, all you want is the game rules of the maps.

and for the gms - it's the same with anything, you wanna build in layers, dont make a detailed part, then make the next detailed part. box the whole thing out, then as you work on it, add layers of detail over the whole thing. see this is like an overview, you would want each part of the map to have it's own details as well. so like, take one of the camps for an example, is there an NPC boss? who's he? what race is he? are there specific monsters that can spawn there because of that? etc.
each part of the map has it's own lil map kinda thing. where you draw the lines for that is up to you. it's all balance, dont make it too detailed, dont make it too simple.
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

tbh this thread is a perfect example of why game devs do not have transparency ;)

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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

hows about this for a battlegrounds item:

Armageddon scroll - kills everyone on screen (including caster)
takes like 5 seconds to charge? cant be insured? so you use it and start chanting or something, and everyone starts running :P
kamikaze those choke points in extreme cases.
or if they dont run, maybe they could nuke you down and they can pick up the item.

you could get the thieves into pvp too ;)
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Bad Religion
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Bad Religion »

how about you pvp before chiming in on pvp mechanics. they cant even make balance current mechanics that havnt changed much in 10 years, let alone add new pvp mechanics.
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

oh so all you really wanted to do was bitch and moan about losing duels to eachother?

sorry i forgot the type of pvpers uo has.

i tell ya what right. do what ya want ya buncha fucking goons.

your sig pic is funny, cos every single one of you is on the right side. not one of those proper pvpers would be seen dead playing a game like this in pvp. i try to do you retarded babies a favour, but end of the day ya get what ya fuckin deserve.
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

see im not chiming on the pvp mechanics, im distracting away from the pvp mechanics, with actual gameplay, because the pvp mechanics are not good. but it wont matter so much in a battlefield setting, rather than a duel one.

but you're just fucking retarded assholes, so why bother really?

ya know when they say "what a shame.." well it's not me that should be feeling the shame.

i'll give you my professional opinion as a QA Games Tester; your game is not playable.
it's not currently a game. im not sure what it is, but it's not a game. you have the systems in place, but none of them are feeding into each-other to make a complete overall system. it's like imagine a boiler, but the pipes just stick out in all direction with nothing connected to anything, just spewing water all over the place. and you're sat there playing with the thermostat. ya dont know what the hell you're doing.
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Re: Battlefield event and guild point suggestions

Post by Calvin »

like the pipes are not the problem. you've destroyed the meta-game. and the entire game, is the meta-game, it's a collection of mini-games... you've basically made them all pointless. like they work, but they're pointless.
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