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Pumpkin Picking ARRGGGG

Posted: October 27th, 2020, 6:15 pm
by Tigatha
It is sooooooooooo bloody boring!!!!
All that time and effort to barely get a couple of pumpkins and even then most of the time they don't turn into Grimm!

Is there an easier way to do this?!?!?!

Re: Pumpkin Picking ARRGGGG

Posted: October 27th, 2020, 9:14 pm
by Xionu

Re: Pumpkin Picking ARRGGGG

Posted: October 30th, 2020, 9:42 am
by Calvin
seed quest is a good one.. can be annoying drop rate sometimes, but it does pay off eventually.
first plum tree i got after about 50 completes :/
second one was only after about 30 tho. think i was just unlucky on it. im happy to call it at 2 trees personally. but they are a pretty solid 15 mil, and pretty much any reasonable character can complete it.

i'd leave the pumpkins if you're not using the script..
same with trick or treat.

the bosses all have chance at nice things, but it is low chance and a lot of players, so no guarentee you'll get a nice drop on those..

i've had a couple of torture racks off noxious gas, an undertaker staff off heap, trinket off pumpkin lord.. couple of paintings from champ spawn... a lot of filler drops, like power scrolls, ML arts, tots, some hair dye, stuff like that. the drops aren't spammy this year, but i actually like it. it's been a lot of fun :)

if you aren't too bothered about jackpots though, and you're happy to just make some items you can sell for good money - then i suggest seed quest and britomas if you can find someone to run it with you :)

others you are really playing for a jackpot, it's good to get some rolls on that for sure, but it's far from a guarenteed drop.

if you wanna camp champ spawn, make sure you take a bag of sending and you wanna mainly be there for the gold that drops (250k on floor each time it dies i think). the drops might just come from being there and casually helping :)
imo it's a bad idea to put all your effort into one spawn because you think it makes your chances higher, i dont think it does. might be wrong, but i think you're better off getting comfortable there and sticking around for the duration, even if you're not gonna be top damage dealer. otherwise you burn yourself out after a couple of rounds.

that's why the botters are so annoying ;P

no breaks, no cooldowns, no sleeping, no resting, no chilling, no eating, no working. just relentless, constant, grind. then they have to balance drops so they dont get millions of the top item.

to farm the bosses, you wanna log in like 3 characters, and have them waiting on spawns in a window on the same same screen, so you can see them all, then just watch tv or something. after an hour or 2, you'll get a good idea of the order the bosses died in, and you'll know more or less what order they'll spawn in. i might be wrong again here, but they seem to spawn ever 2-3 hours, but sometimes they miss a spawn, so it becomes 4-6. I play a lazy guy that camps clawser (just cos the jr one is like an hour spawn as well), then i have mage that sits at spider and does champ spawn when i can be bothered. then my main guy runs between the bosses. if i bother to log the 4th account in, i'll sit him in asylum and warrior will run between pump/orc, freddy, and sewer. if you're not bothered about clawser jr, then can be good to run that character to sewer for heap after clawser has spawned, and just alternate between those 2.. you get the the idea anyway.