Demise History

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Two Wolves
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Re: Demise History

Post by Two Wolves »

Demise RP history, in links

[12-07-2004] Role Play town/kingdom

[06-29-2005] Britain Roleplaying Community
[11-10-2005] Starting a roleplaying community

[01-23-2006] DRC - Demise Roleplayers Consortium

[03-13-2007] Kingdom of Bretonnia promo video
[06-05-2007] Battle for Britain
[12-20-2007] Hardcore RP signup

[03-14-2008] Orc Wars Promo Trailer

[08-27-2011] Wolf Clan player run town
[08-30-2011] [Red]vs[BLCK] battles and results

Between 2005 and 2006 there where several attempts to bring the various RP guilds together into some type of consortium or to get everybody involved in one over-arching narrative. These started and stopped and struggled a bit till we ended up with [DRP] Demise Roleplayers alliance.

Not really a narrative, but more like a faction where RP guild leaders put their representative characters in [DRP] and an opposing [EVIL] alliance that allowed RP guilds to run their own RP conflicts across all facets.

I lost touch with RP on Demise around 2016, at a time when there was only me and one other active member keeping Wolf alive.

For me the hay-day was about 2011 when Lady Crimson implemented Player Run Towns with custom server add-ons for regions of the map with dedicated RP groups headquartered there. This is the origin of the talking standards on the road to Yew.

Also, half way up the Dragonspine there is a cave with a pack of white wolves named Stormcloud Pack. Directly West from there you will find a densite with hostile wolves named Sawtooth pack.

These are some of the remnants of the customizations that where added for the Wolf Clan territory and from what I can tell they still exist.
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Posts: 15

Re: Demise History

Post by lordwolfx »

Bama wrote: March 22nd, 2022, 9:51 pm ... es.397257/

<tony> to all my haters. Ive been banned permantly
<Pbguy-> my best kill was a totem + a few gtots
<rfzero> YAY
<Mook> grats
<Pbguy-> who are you
* rfzero parties
<Mook> no more lol brazillians
<tony> because i found CORRUPTED STUFF IN DEMISE
<Pbguy-> and why should it matter to me
<Belldandy> ??
<Mook> i think he's inka tupac/el magico
<tony> BRAZ 2/6 100 LRC 110 NECRO
<Pbguy-> oh
<Pbguy-> its about time
<Mook> did you tell everyone where gunz got the val hammers?
<tony> BRSK 4000 USES
<Mook> hah nice
<Mook> who was it?
<Mook> host them please
<Mook> i'd like to see
<rfzero> Mook, stfu, i'm brazilian too
<tony> I WILL...
<Mook> There's a difference between brazillians
<Mook> and idiots
<Mook> most brazillian pvpers are absolute idiots
<tony> 15k POTS...
<Belldandy> brazil is pretty in magazines
<Mook> tony, post a link please
<Mook> in IRC
<Mook> if you post on forums, you'll get banned there too most likely
<tony> i will... i need to upload them
<Pbguy-> I'm sure brazil would be pretty in japanese entertainment
<Pbguy-> aka crap.
<rfzero> yes, and not private-shard-screenshots
<Mook> rfzero: he probably isnt lying, he's the GM of gunz
<Mook> or was
<Mook> i think
<tony> im not lying
<Pbguy-> upload them to
<Mook> and gunz shows up with ridiculous amounts of valorite crafted stuff
<tony> i have a pic of the braz 2/6 100 lrc 110 necro on luna bank demise and in brit
<Mook> and no gunz member had the patience to do bods
<tony> we got an IDOC
<Pbguy-> upload them to
<tony> full of this
<rfzero> Mook, i thought it was screenies from another shard
<Mook> rfzero: no, most people who know about it have been suspicious about GUNZ suddenly having like 10+ valorite hammers worth of amazing gear
<Mook> tony: bracelet?
<Mook> also, if you tell ferris about it, i doubt he would ban you for discovering corrupt staff
<rfzero> who banned you?
<Mook> most likely you would win an award, and I would have to apologize for ever calling you a dumb brazillian
<rfzero> i don't know who has banstick power if not him
<Mook> ferris, psz, asayre, caine, possibly some other staff
<Pbguy-> I wouldn't apologize for that
<Mook> i think GMs can block someone from logging in
<rfzero> psz - retired
<rfzero> caine - only gm afaik
<Mook> Pbguy-: if he turns in GUNz for abusing obvious illegal items, i'll say he is my best friend irl, and post pics
<Mook> psz: not retired, he still does whatever he wants to do
<Mook> caine: head of demise staff
<rfzero> ferris is corrupt!!!!
<ASayre> wow
<rfzero> he gave me a lot of ornies once. i have screenshots
<ASayre> Tony is a whiny dick
<rfzero> HAHAHA
<Pbguy-> oshit
<Mook> it was asayre?
<Mook> wow, asayre lives
<Pbguy-> Bringing out the big guns.
<ASayre> Yea, a staff member went bad. Yes, we already took care of it and delted the affected stuffs and tracked down and banned all staff and player accts
<Mook> i havent seen him talk on forums/irc for ages, thus why i didnt think he would do it, heh
<ASayre> and combd through logs and lines one by one
<ASayre> However
<Mook> In that case, ASayre: You deserve a medal.
<Mook> and i love you.
<ASayre> Instead of them notify us when they found an erroneous item
<ASayre> they decided to try and create new accts
<ASayre> to hide it form us
<ASayre> and abuse it
<ASayre> from*
<Mook> ASayre: they deserved it then <3
<Mook> nevermind tony, you're a tard
<Ferris> Well, tony
<tony> We never use it.. we burn the brsk and hummer...
<ASayre> So, I'm away frm the computer, and he decided to be a jackass and threaten us
<tony> tortu was out of control
<Ferris> Be sure to tell your buddy that you fucked him out of his accounts too
<ASayre> Because I can't answer fast enough
<tony> i told him... and know im banned cause tortus fault
<Ferris> Nope, you're banned because you're an asshole
<ASayre> [12:58] <tony> excuse asayre
<ASayre> [12:59] <tony> im trying to talk with Caine.. cause ive been banned... and know the reasons
<ASayre> [12:59] <tony> do you know something?
<ASayre> [19:16] <tony> this is not fair
<ASayre> [19:16] <tony> just want you to know...
<ASayre> [19:17] <tony> USA guild with modify razor, speedhacking... they do nothing
<ASayre> [19:17] <tony> people sending plugins so you dont see the trees and changing fields
<ASayre> [19:18] <tony> to moongates so you reduce lag
<ASayre> [19:18] <tony> ppl using new krioss... in obvios way
<ASayre> [19:18] <tony> and we got an idoc, from a corrupted gm... what do you spect?? To post in forum TRADING 2/6 BRAZ IN DEMISE
<ASayre> [19:18] <tony> ?
<ASayre> [19:18] <tony> its really unfair
<ASayre> [19:20] <tony> and yea... gm dont talk. dont give explaining..dont sit to talk...
<ASayre> [19:36] <tony> we were scared to report because that stuff was made by gms
<ASayre> [20:21] <ASayre> ?
<ASayre> [20:22] <tony> tony montana here... can i have a little talk with you please?
<ASayre> [20:24] <tony> i guess not
<ASayre> [20:25] <tony> im banned for being cousin with Tortu
<ASayre> [20:25] <tony> i have videos and pics about DEMISE CORRUPTION
<ASayre> [20:25] <tony> since i cant talk to anybody and you dont listen to me
<ASayre> [20:25] <tony> after 1300 days and more than 200 dolares in donation
<ASayre> [20:26] <tony> you banned me because a your staff is corrupted
<ASayre> [20:26] <tony> im gonna post videos and photos in youtube about what we get in your shard
<ASayre> [20:26] <tony> thx for banning because your staff is corrupted
<ASayre> [20:30] <ASayre> wow, Someone's a pompus asshole. I get back home and you act like this. The staff member has already been removed fom the shard and their created items dealt with. all linked accts were temporarily frozen while we investigated.
<ASayre> [20:30] <ASayre> Now, here's the thing
<ASayre> [20:30] <ASayre> You decided instead of saying something to the staff about it
<ASayre> [20:30] <ASayre> decided to wait til after you got banned
<ASayre> [20:30] <tony> im talking to you
<ASayre> [20:30] <tony> a lot of time
<ASayre> [20:30] <ASayre> after trying to hide it away
<ASayre> [20:30] <tony> and nobody answer inm
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> And keep it hidden
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> but i didnt use it
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> it was from tortu
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> Now, after all this, because your hands were unclean
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> not mine
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> we were goping to let you back with 1 acct each
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> bann him
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> i told tortu
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> but you're being a jerk
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> he is going be banned
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> so you can stay banned
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> Did it not occur to you that I wasn't at the computer?
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> You're just as guilty
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> jerk?? im talkin polite and nice like 7 hrs ago
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> for being aware of it and participating
<ASayre> [20:31] <tony> nobody say nothign to me
<ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> Did it not occur to you that I wasn't at the computer?
<ASayre> [20:32] <ASayre> so instead
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> yo guys dont give explaining...
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> just banned me ... tortu is the guilty guy
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> he was lucky
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> idoc
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> no more...
<ASayre> [20:32] <ASayre> And you're a jerk, I don't want either.
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> usa cheats, r.w cheats
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> why im jerk?
<ASayre> [20:32] <tony> because im not american?
<ASayre> [20:32] <ASayre> First thing because I can't respond to you fast enough in two miunutes
<ASayre> [20:33] <ASayre> I WILL THREATEN BLA BLA BLA
<ASayre> [20:33] <ASayre> So
<ASayre> [20:33] <ASayre> Enjoy being banned
<ASayre> [20:33] <ASayre> you dug your own hole.
<ASayre> [20:33] <ASayre> Bye.
<ASayre> [20:33] <tony> im talking you like 7 hours ago
<ASayre> [20:33] <tony> it was big hole already
<ASayre> [20:33] <tony> CAINE answer the mail in a rude manner
<ASayre> [20:34] <tony> i have 27 years old... i cant talk and understand
<ASayre> [20:34] <tony> and if i deserve being banned.. ok i will be banned
<ASayre> [20:34] <tony> what pissed me off is that nobody talk to me. nobody say nothing to me
<ASayre> [20:35] <ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> [20:31] <ASayre> Did it not occur to you that I wasn't at the computer?
<ASayre> So, if you're gonna be a jerk, I suggest you find someone else, instead of digging your own grave
<ASayre> I take staff corruption seriously. Staff member is gone, logs taken care of, items that we can track down are gone
<ASayre> But
<ASayre> I also take being a jackass seriously
<ASayre> so, you threaten us, you can take a long walk
<ASayre> off a short cliff.
<Ferris> I'm not doing it now
<Ferris> Fuck it
<Ferris> I tried to work with you guys, cause you were solid about it
<Ferris> But if you wanna be a pirck
<Ferris> You can eat one
<Ferris> Or a whole bucket
<ASayre> 20:36] <ASayre> I haven't even been on the forums yet.
<ASayre> [20:37] <tony> well sorry. ok... i deserve to be banned... im leaving demise...
<ASayre> [20:37] <tony> but we just make 1 mistake... not reporting...but we never use the braz and we didnt use nothing of that.. we just burn the brsk and hammer
<Mook> 4000 charge brsk/val hammer, but its not a mistake to use it?
<Mook> For the record, this is absolutely epic.
<ASayre> rule 0 of demise: Don't piss asayre off when already angry over having to delete a staff member and he just got back with food and wants to eat it but is instead threatened
=-= Mode #demise +b *!*@B8880674.58440DC3.B9C9885D.IP by Ferris
=-= tony was booted from #demise by Ferris (take a fucking walk)
Pretty sure im still in the gaming guild of the corrupt staff member in question lol
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Re: Demise History

Post by ParagonDancer »

lordwolfx wrote: December 6th, 2022, 6:05 am
Bama wrote: March 22nd, 2022, 9:51 pm yadda yadda yadda
Pretty sure im still in the gaming guild of the corrupt staff member in question lol
I remember when all this went down. A while later someone I was in game friends with (and I can't remember the dude's name) inherited a bunch of random chests from Xeres' house before he destroyed it. He let me poke around the chests, and sure enough there was a 5500 charge BRSK sitting in one of them.
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Re: Demise History

Post by Calvin »

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Re: Demise History

Post by Raezion- »

Good ole days
Last edited by Raezion- on June 2nd, 2023, 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Demise History

Post by Kurupted »

Hz was strong the whole time I played. 12-16'. Their opposition had various teams through the years with various leaders. Both teams won fights in my day.
Posts: 15

Re: Demise History

Post by lordwolfx »

ParagonDancer wrote: December 29th, 2022, 7:36 am
lordwolfx wrote: December 6th, 2022, 6:05 am
Bama wrote: March 22nd, 2022, 9:51 pm yadda yadda yadda
Pretty sure im still in the gaming guild of the corrupt staff member in question lol
I remember when all this went down. A while later someone I was in game friends with (and I can't remember the dude's name) inherited a bunch of random chests from Xeres' house before he destroyed it. He let me poke around the chests, and sure enough there was a 5500 charge BRSK sitting in one of them.

Xeres would be a right name. The name your looking for has a statue in luna ^..^
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The Silvertiger
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Re: Demise History

Post by The Silvertiger »

And once again Ryan has let the forums go down. Half this thread is useless now.
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