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Super Skillball 720 Individual Chooser

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 8:23 pm
by Anthony File
With the idea of 7x Chooser/Stat balls already being an acceptable form of compensated gratitude to the player for donating to our Shard, I would personally like to suggest that a new skill chooser ball be added to the store with an improved interface that would allow the player to input and individually choose how each single skill point is invested.

To also consider -
  • Whether or not to allow this as a way to let new players bypass the initial 700 skill point cap?
  • In order to bypass each individual skill's GM cap, players will need to have used the applicable power scrolls.

I personally think is a great idea for numerous reasons -
  • Foremost, it broadens the scope towards your player-base of whom may be interested in donating and given the suggested capability compared to the current chooser, I think an increased price-tag would be justified while still leaving the 7x 100 chooser as an available donation store item.
  • With the current chooser offering 7x 100-GM skills, the player does not intend to use all of the 7x 100 skillpoints that they choose on their template and worse yet some players may not even have the soul stones to store what may be extra unused skill, especially if they are new to the shard.
  • Not only would this help new players jump right in if they want to go that route, it would also help out theory-crafting players like myself who would rather opt to instantly just make a new template and throw it right into the battlefield.
  • Another great thing to consider is that it would add incentive to players who are otherwise too lazy or don't have the time to invest to make new characters and templates, which in turn keeps the economy thriving and community engaged due to the potential increase in demand of gear, scrolls and resources.
  • I would assume that borrowing code the Test Center uses for setting skills and the current chooser system would make this suggestion easy to develop since there are two already similar systems in place.

Anyway @Demise Staff, please give response and feedback to if this is something you guys would consider adding to our donation store?

Re: Super Skillball 720 Individual Chooser

Posted: March 19th, 2022, 10:23 pm
by Anthony File