Update January 14, 2022

UOG: Demise news will be posted here.
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Demise Administrator
Posts: 357

Update January 14, 2022

Post by Eos »

We will be performing server maintenance tonight during the scheduled server restart. As a result, the server will take a bit longer to start back up. (It should be delayed no more than 30 minutes.)

After the server restart, the following changes will go into effect:
  • Added the Monster Stealables system. In short:
    • New consumable items can now be stolen from monsters.
    • Monsters only carry these new items in Felucca dungeons and champion spawn regions on any facet.
    • At least 100.0 Stealing skill is required to steal these new items.
    • Monsters can only be stolen from once.
    (For more information please see the UOGuide article.)
  • The Strange Contraption has been added to the Solen Hive.
  • The Fire Rabbit now spawns at Mount Sho in Tokuno. (And it occasionally drops Animal Pheromone, one of the crafting ingredients for hitching post replicas.)
Bug fixes:
  • Ninjitsu and Bushido moves no longer go off when the attack is parried.
    Specifically, this applies to:
    • Backstab
    • Death Strike
    • Focus Attack
    • Ki Attack
    • Surprise Attack
    • Honorable Execution
    • Lightning Strike
    • Momentum Strike
  • An arrow can no longer hit with velocity when the attack is parried.
  • Wall addons can no longer be placed under a house, where they could not be redeeded.
  • The personal attendant fortune teller no longer draws the same cards twice in one reading.
  • Veteran reward braziers no longer lose their flames during house customization.
(The following bug fixes were already done previously, but have not been posted yet:)
  • The Santa statue now emits light when turned on, and can now be flipped.
  • The missing guardzone around Jhelom moongate has been fixed.
  • Personal attendant heralds will now redeed when they are in greet mode but no longer inside a house. (The deed goes to the personal attendant owner's backpack.)
UOGDemise - Administrator

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Thank you for your continued support of UOG: Demise.
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