Update September 1, 2023

UOG: Demise news will be posted here.
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Demise Administrator
Posts: 357

Update September 1, 2023

Post by Eos »

The following changes will be added to the main server during tonight's server restart:

From the Test Center:
  • Hit Life/Mana Leech
    Ranged weapons will now only leech half the amount of life and mana compared to non-ranged weapons.
  • Cure Potions
    Adjusted the chances for cure potions to cure poison. Generally poison is now harder to cure, but lesser cure potions have also gained a (small) chance to cure deadly and lethal poison. The chances used are from Publish 75.
  • Mana Regeneration
    The effectiveness of the Mana Regeneration property on worn equipment is no longer scaled by Meditation and Focus skill. The full effectiveness is now granted regardless of skill. (The diminished returns system is still in effect.)
  • Pet AI
    • Pets no longer reset their control order when fed. Pets no longer start wandering when adding/removing a pet friend or when traded.
    • Attempting to mount a pet now performs a control chance check in all cases, not just when the pet is in combat. If the pet refuses, it will say "The creature refuses your attempt to ride it" and it will count as a failed pet command (also affecting the pet's loyalty).
  • Spellcasting
    • Spells no longer "break" when cast too fast (also called "overcasting").
    • The rest of the OSI-like casting mechanics remain, and now apply to all facets.
(The above changes are Demise custom changes, for PvP balance purposes and to soften some past nerfs, not intended to be accurate to OSI during Mondain's Legacy.)

Additional changes:
  • Added the Cloak of Humility quest. Speak to Gareth the Emissary of the RBC in the Trinsic shipwright building to begin this quest.
UOGDemise - Administrator

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