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crystal altar deed

Posted: November 11th, 2018, 2:38 pm
by Skrillex
hello, pc on this deco ítem? thanks

Re: crystal altar deed

Posted: November 11th, 2018, 5:20 pm
by Calvin
hard to say.

i've seen them cheap and passed on them tbh, because it's not a very nice graphic.
(by cheap i mean like 1kk)

i bought a set of crystal statues at 500k each cos i figured i couldn't lose money on them, but they've still not sold at 1.5, or even 1kk.

2kk would be a good sale imo. but then it is a big item, and when you use big items it's best to make them a center piece... so not sure rly. center pieces like globes, fountains, harpsicords, trees, etc, usually get good prices over 10kk - cos you use them to set the tone of the whole room, then deco around them

Re: crystal altar deed

Posted: November 11th, 2018, 5:30 pm
by Skrillex
Understand, thanks calvin. :D

Re: crystal altar deed

Posted: November 11th, 2018, 5:32 pm
by Calvin
ya know my degree was weird, sorry i know this isn't relevant really, but i did Computer and Video Games Design. and while it's heavily technical, and was a bachelor of science, not a bachelor of arts - it's still a design degree. we actually did creative design modules where you do fonts, use of white space, colours from the pictures, limited pallets, etc.

i love that though, that as technical as it was, it was actually a design degree.


*sigh* i should really do something with it..