Mining cart house guide

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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

Does anyone know where the macros or scripts created in UOS are saved by default? ... os.106233/
right click on your UOS shortcut and select open file location then open profiles.

e.g. mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\UOS\Profiles

Profiles are stored in .xml's, find your macros between <macros> and </macros>
JDXM, Nov 17, 2018
Right in front of my face. :geek:
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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »


Code: Select all

menu window size 800 600
menu window transparent 50
menu window color yellow
menu Image Create ULLL%counter 0 0 800 600
menu Image Create URLR%counter 0 0 800 600
menu Image Create ULR%counter 0 0 800 600
menu Image Create LLR%counter 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line ULLL%counter %upper_left_x %upper_left_y %lower_left_x %lower_left_y blue 1 ;Upper Left to Lower Left
menu Image Line URLR%counter %upper_right_x %upper_right_y %lower_right_x %lower_right_y blue 1 ;Upper Right to Lower Right
menu Image Line ULR%counter %upper_left_x %upper_left_y %upper_right_x %upper_right_y blue 1 ;Upper Left to Upper Right
menu Image Line LLR%counter %lower_left_x %lower_left_y %lower_right_x %lower_right_y blue 1 ;Lower Left to Lower Right
menu Image Create A 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line A 446 248 446 248 red 4
menu Image Create B 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line B 360 334 360 334 blue 4
menu Image Create C 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line C 446 248 360 334 green 1
menu Image Create D 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line D 413 297 413 297 black 5

menu Image Create E 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line E 360 248 360 248 red 4

menu Image Create F 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line F 446 334 446 334 blue 4

menu Image Create C 0 0 800 600
menu Image Line C 360 248 446 334 black 1
menu show 12 0

set %gemX 446
set %gemY 248
set %gemZ 12

;gosub Double_Click_Mining_Carts

set %gemX 360
set %gemY 334
set %gemZ 12

;gosub Double_Click_Mining_Carts
Making it a bit more intelligent; using the overlay as a visual reference for me; the visual reference has helped me to figure out the other xy coordinates I need to double click mining cart stacks that are around me in the N E S W positions now.

Nerd.. I know... listening to Carmen about it as I type this. :geek:

Last edited by kentares on May 5th, 2019, 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »


After some tweaking this looks better. Did you know that we are approximately 64 pixels tall? I know right. Anyways to explain this picture the colored dots are where the mouse should start clicking and as it goes through the FOR loop it clicks higher by a factor of 12 pixels. Hrm... I think I may add some graphics showing where the mining carts should be.

Don't really need to; but it confirms my x y coordinates... OOOooo I already have those too.. yes I think I will add some dots where the mouse will actually click.

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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

Code: Select all

; Script Name: Placing Goza Mats
; Author: kentares
; Version: 1.031
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: Demise
; Revision Date: 05/02/2019
; Public Release:

set %axe #######
set %regbag #######
set %interior_decorator #######

gosub Create_Gozas

sub Create_Gozas
 set %counter 1
 for %goza_number 1 3
  target 10s
  set %goza_mat_. %goza_number #LOBJECTID
  if #CHARDIR = 0 ; Facing North
      set #LTARGETY #CHARPOSY - %counter
  if #CHARDIR = 2 ; Facing East
      set #LTARGETX #CHARPOSX + %counter
  if #CHARDIR = 4 ; Facing South
      set #LTARGETY #CHARPOSY + %counter
  if #CHARDIR = 6 ; Facing West
      set #LTARGETX #CHARPOSX - %counter
  target 5s
  event Macro 22
  set %counter %counter + 1
Auto deploys the goza mats as you double-click the goza mat scroll. :geek:
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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

Code: Select all

; Script Name: Placing Goza Mats
; Author: kentares
; Version: 1.097
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: Demise
; Revision Date: 05/05/2019
; Public Release:

gosub Create_Gozas

sub Create_Gozas
 for %goza_number 1 3
  finditem EWH
  event Macro 17 ; Use Last Object
  if #CHARDIR = 0 ; Facing North
      set #LTARGETY #CHARPOSY - %goza_number
  if #CHARDIR = 2 ; Facing East
      set #LTARGETX #CHARPOSX + %goza_number
  if #CHARDIR = 4 ; Facing South
      set #LTARGETY #CHARPOSY + %goza_number
  if #CHARDIR = 6 ; Facing West
      set #LTARGETX #CHARPOSX - %goza_number
  event Macro 22 ; Use Last Target
  target 5s
Improvements to the code; enables more laziness on the users part.
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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

Code: Select all

; Script Name: Placing Goza Mats
; Author: kentares
; Version: 1.154
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: Demise
; Revision Date: 06/24/2019
; Public Release:

gosub Create_Gozas

sub Create_Gozas
 for %goza 1 3
  finditem EWH
  event Macro 17 ; Use Last Object
  if #CHARDIR = 0 ; Facing North
      set #LTARGETY #CHARPOSY - %goza
  if #CHARDIR = 2 ; Facing East
      set #LTARGETX #CHARPOSX + %goza
  if #CHARDIR = 4 ; Facing South
      set #LTARGETY #CHARPOSY + %goza
  if #CHARDIR = 6 ; Facing West
      set #LTARGETX #CHARPOSX - %goza
  event Macro 22 ; Use Last Target
  ; The click is based off of an 800 x 600 screen.
  set %click_x #LTARGETX - 1500
  set %click_y #LTARGETY - 2000
  click %click_x %click_y

  set %jrnl #jindex
  while #true
      if #jindex > %jrnl
            set %jrnl %jrnl + 1
            scanjournal %jrnl
            if goza_mat in #journal
            event sysMessage There is a Goza Mat at: %click_x %click_y

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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

Main Macro; named 0 (zero)

Code: Select all

pause 1000
if x == 1890 and y == 2318
  playmacro "1890x2318"
if x == 1891 and y == 2318
  playmacro "1891x2318"
if x == 1892 and y == 2318
  playmacro "1892x2318"
if x == 1893 and y == 2318
  playmacro "1893x2318"
sysmsg "Done gathering from mining carts!"
Called Macro; named 1890x2318

Code: Select all

for 10
  useobject 0x407e44ac
  useobject 0x407e45c8
  useobject 0x407e4723
  useobject 0x407e47c6
  useobject 0x407e48c7
  useobject 0x407e497f
  pause 1500
walk "East"
sysmsg "End of 1890x2318"
playmacro "0"
Useobject and serial numbers are the mining carts. The serial numbers are gathered by this macro:

Code: Select all

; Script Name: Mining Cart Serial ID Gatherer
;              to be used with UOS v1.0.5
; Author: kentares
; Version: 1.783
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: Demise
; Revision Date: 07/28/2019
; Public Release: Still in development

if #CHARDIR = 0
set %counter 0
set %gemX 467
set %gemY 298
set %gemZ 13

  for %i 0 5
  set %gemV %gemY - ( %gemZ * %counter )
  click %gemX %gemV mc d
  event SysMessage %counter %gemX / %gemV #LOBJECTID
  set %counter %counter + 1

if #CHARDIR = 2
set %counter 0
set %gemX 456
set %gemY 334
set %gemZ 13

  for %i 0 5
  set %gemV %gemY - ( %gemZ * %counter )
  click %gemX %gemV mc d
  event SysMessage %counter %gemX / %gemV #LOBJECTID
  set %counter %counter + 1

if #CHARDIR = 4
set %counter 0
set %gemX 380
set %gemY 387
set %gemZ 13

  for %i 0 5
  set %gemV %gemY - ( %gemZ * %counter )
  click %gemX %gemV mc d
  event SysMessage %counter %gemX / %gemV #LOBJECTID
  set %counter %counter + 1

if #CHARDIR = 6
set %counter 0
set %gemX 366
set %gemY 246
set %gemZ 13

  for %i 0 5
  set %gemV %gemY - ( %gemZ * %counter )
  click %gemX %gemV mc d
  event SysMessage %counter %gemX / %gemV #LOBJECTID
  set %counter %counter + 1

Still tweaking some of the CHARDIR X and Y coordinates; but close to being done.

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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by redwolf850 »

can someone come to my house and explain how to do this??? been trying for 3 hours
Skype: redwolf850
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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by kentares »

redwolf850 wrote: November 30th, 2019, 5:38 am can someone come to my house and explain how to do this??? been trying for 3 hours
Meet at Luna gate? I will bring everything you need.
Posts: 135

Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by redwolf850 »

are you on now?
Skype: redwolf850
Posts: 135

Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by redwolf850 »

figured it out this morning
Skype: redwolf850
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Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by redwolf850 »

lay out in a flat row in 3 spots, the way the cart goes.. e-w or n-s
Skype: redwolf850
Posts: 135

Re: Mining cart house guide

Post by redwolf850 »

now if there was a UOS macro to pick the gems or ingots from them...
Skype: redwolf850
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