Peerless Solo , Guide to Whammy

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Peerless Solo , Guide to Whammy

Post by Tanya »

1. Introduction
2. Creating your Whammy
3. Template and training skills
4. Gearing your Whammy
5. Weapons
6. Macros/Hotkeys section
7. Spells
8. Tips and Tricks
9. Usefull links

This is all copy from old forums, finally found it hehe
(some links are not working need to update them later)


Hello everybody and welcome to my guide. I started to play about a year ago, and I always liked to play dexxer more than a tamer or a mage. My goal was to create a strong warrior-dexxer, that will be able to do everything in PvM: soloing Champion Spawns, Peerless, Doom, ML named monsters. Now I think I achieved this goal, and want to help new players.
After I posted my videos and guides how I hunt Dread Horn, Paroxysmus and others, I got lots of private messages. People were asking almost same questions: what is better, parry or resist, about my gear, my template, my macros and some tips for beginners. These and other questions I'll try to answer in this guide.
I will try also to give more practical information and less theory.

The Whammy class is very strong in PvM and cheap to create. But also it is weak in PvP. Now after my character is pretty much finished, I will be developing my tamer, and crafting perfect PvM weapons and armors.

2. Creating your Whammy

If you already created your whammy as elf, but still not used powerscrolls, I recommend to delete it and create a new character as human. If you have already 120 skills and don't want to start again from the beginning, you can make a Human Heritage Quest and become human. As Whammy-Human you will be better then Whammy-Elf not only in Doom, but everywhere.

3. Template and skills

What is better, resist or parry?

While playing this game, I found that it is impossible to create only 1 template and be good with it everywhere. I am using soulstones a lot, I have now 7 soulstones with different skills, also some skills are stored in another characters on the same account.

Basic template is this:

120 weapon skill
120 bushido
100 magic resist
120 tactics
120 parry
70 chivalry
70 spirit speak

And I have stored following skills: anatomy, archery, fencing, mace, swords, necro, spellweaving, ninja, carto, lockpick, mining, hiding, poisoning, stealth, music, discordance.

2 skills that you can replace are magic resist and parry. I use resist only if monsters can cast mana drain (example undead spawn), in other situations you can replace resist with anatomy.

For training skills there is this topic: ... f=10&t=108
Most difficult part is probably to train bushido after 100. I used for that a tamer with 2 gamans: attack with them whammy and set up macro for healing them, and whammy doing momentum strike. Takes not much time to get to 120.

4. Gearing your Whammy

Here are good news: you don't need to waste a lot of money for gear. Most expensive parts are mace & shield glasses, CC and legs of bane. Some people using totem instead, but I don't like it :p (I used also Jackal's Collar, but now changed it for a crafted gorget). Other parts can be HRSK crafted. Weapon can be 3 mods, also not a problem to find. What is difficult to get, are good rings and bracelets.

5. Weapons

Minimal requirement for a weapon for Whammy: must have stamina leech. I am trying to avoid weapons without stamina leech. Here is example of how this template works: lets take simple 2 mods weapon, scorpion slayer + stamina leech and test it on miasma (note that weapon has no mana leech and no life leech).
scorp_rad.jpg (43.36 KiB) Viewed 15803 times
This is because when you are in wraith form, you can leech mana from every hit, and leech life from curse weapon spell (50% of the damage you make, you get back as life).

For new players I recommend a Soul Seeker - nice and cheap weapon.

Here are more examples of my weapons:
weapons_tanya.jpg (188.6 KiB) Viewed 15803 times
It is also not required to be always in wraith form. Wraith form more used for single target, but when I play spawns, I ride my swamp dragon (The armor blocks 20% of damage). I cast wraith form spell and curse weapon spell from scrolls.

6. Macros/Hotkeys section

I use very simple macro: the idea is when I am in wraith form, I use special moves of the weapon: double strikes or armor ignore. Mana leech from wraith form helps too. And when on spawn, the macro will attack closest enemy with whirlwind.
I am not so good in UO Steam, so you can probably make a better macros then this :)

Code: Select all

if buffexists 'Blood Oath'
  usetype! 0x2fd8
pause 1500
if not buffexists 'Curse Weapon'
  usetype! 0x2263 //cast from scroll
  pause 1000
if not buffexists 'Consecrate Weapon'
  cast 'Consecrate Weapon'
  pause 1000
setability 'primary' on
getenemy 'criminal' 'enemy' 'grey' 'murderer' 'closest'
attack 'enemy'
For everything else I have a hot key.
If you have a problem casting curse weapon, consecrate, and lightning strike, read this topic: ... 99&p=76100

7. Spells

Most important spell is Curse Weapon, and my macro does it as first check. As human you can cast it from scrolls. In case it fails, I have a hot key for it.

Second important spell is Enemy of One - used if you fight only one type of monsters. Need to be carefull with it, because when on, other types will hit you harder.

Consecrate Weapon - this is also very usefull spell, I use it for 1x1 and spawns. (also not always, for example Dread Horn has low phys. resist, and if my weapon is 100% phys damage, then no need to use.

Lightning Strike: good when you fight a single target, and have low HCI. Because Lightning Strike gives you max HCI anyways.

Divine fury: I am trying always to have weapon with stamina leech and be on max swing without divine fury. But if I see that I loose stamina, I cast it. It gives more hci, di, and all stamina back.

8. Tips and Tricks.

- Use of soulstones is very helpful.
- Can transfer skills to another character on the same account.
- Perfection and Honor a target creature.
- Honor self: the ability to move peacefully among aggressive monsters, up to 5 min on max level.
- ssi calculator - - use it for finding optimal dexterity for every weapon
- Oft no need to have all resists 70, that allows to create cheap suits.
- Try to have 40+ HCI, and DCI is not so important, can be around 20.
- Peerless dificulty: Travesty (most easy) < Paroxysmus < Dread Horn.
- Don't hunt Travesty with a weapon that has armor ignore. She makes a copy of you and will hit really hard.

9. Usefull links.

Other usefull links with more information about Whammy:

- Soloing Dread Horn
- Paroxysmus, Travesty and Putrefier
- PVM dexxer thread by royal kapero2
- another guide about Whammy
- Bedlam spawn
- Minotaurs spawn

Good luck!
Feel free to comment and ask any questions.


Dread Horn



Bedlam spawn (before spawn change)

Greater Dragon Paragon

PvM Tournament 2016

NEW: Monstrous Interred Grizzle

Let me know if you need my guide so I will write a new one later,
also was planning to talk about farming peerless keys and fighting with a Double Axe...
Last time in game I am mostly farming gold and doing bods to upgrade my weapons and armor.
If you have any questions about Whammy, let me know and feel free to post them here in this topic^^

Last edited by Tanya on July 24th, 2018, 5:07 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Peerless Hunter
Guide to Whammy - viewtopic.php?f=10&t=314
My youtube channel - /watch?v=sx5zGCbILtA
Weekly Bedlam Spawns - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9131
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Gargl Kark
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Re: Peerless solo , Whammy guides by Tanya

Post by Gargl Kark »

Whammy | Timezone: GMT+2

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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by vendetta »

Tanya, try to find it on forum archive.(link should be in admins post, where they explain whole situation)
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by Akka »

Care to share your macros? this one that keeps counter attack up would be most usefull.
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Gargl Kark
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by Gargl Kark »

This is how it works for me:

Code: Select all

    if not timerexists 'counterAttack'
      settimer 'counterAttack' 0
    if timer 'counterAttack' >= 7000
      cast "counter attack"
      settimer 'counterAttack' 0
Whammy | Timezone: GMT+2

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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by Tanya »

Thanks Gargl Kark for this macro, it works for me too, I only change the time instead of 7 sec I put 2 sec. Adding this macro to the begin of my main macro, which I post now here below. Before I used same like is written in Indikas guide - the EUO separate macro, that checks the pixel color of the icon, and if it is not red, it will click that icon until it turns red.

Code: Select all

savepix x y 1 //x,y coordinates of the icon
if #pixcol = 9750230
 event macro 15 148
 wait 2s
This is my main macro for Peerless and spawns:

Code: Select all

if buffexists 'Blood Oath'
  usetype! 0x2fd8
  pause 1500
if not buffexists 'Curse Weapon'
  usetype! 0x2263
  pause 250
if not buffexists 'Consecrate Weapon'
  cast 'Consecrate Weapon'
  pause 1000 
setability 'primary' on
//setability 'secondary' on // depends on the weapon
getenemy 'criminal' 'enemy' 'murderer' 'grey' 'closest'
attack 'enemy'
So this is simple macro, it checks always if curse weapon spell is on, then consecrate, and hit the closest enemy with a special move.
It will be double strike for single target or whirlwind for spawns.
And if you use a Double Axe, change it to setability 'secondary' on

This macro doesn't make any checks about life, mana, stamina - this is because every other spell I cast from hot key if need.
Also I am using always weapons with stamina leech, so I don't need to cast too much divine fury. And the amount of life leech from curse weapon is enough, I don't need to drink too much potions or heal self.
If you want to spam endless double strike on Peerless, look always for high ssi weapon, and then you can change your stats (add more mana, reduce stamina), and hit it always with double strikes or armor ignore.

One more quick update, that was not in my old guide, I just found this recently:


I found this Protection spell very usefull for whammy (can cast it from scroll). Now I can cast curse weapon/divine fury when many mobs attacking me, and my spells have always success. This is extremely helpful on hard spawns like Bedlam)))

Another quick update about Peerless: I found out how to solo Monstrous Interred Grizzle Peerless Boss, it takes about 15 min. The suit and tactics there are different from fighting with Trav, Parox and Dread Horn, I'll update you later about that.
I need to make some more changes in my suit, then I'll be ready for the fight with Grizzle)))
Last edited by Tanya on November 27th, 2016, 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Peerless Hunter
Guide to Whammy - viewtopic.php?f=10&t=314
My youtube channel - /watch?v=sx5zGCbILtA
Weekly Bedlam Spawns - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9131
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by kze »

what Peerless drop?
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by Akka »

rather than make me do it, go to and use the search to find out.
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by kze »

would like to see a guide...
mostly interested in template, gear used, wep mods and what it can be used for..
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by LUDENS »

Thank You for this!!!
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by gonthrax »

Interesting. My steam will not read by buffbar for Curse Weapon or Concecrate. Client version UOSteam Version

What Client/Steam version are you all on and does the buffexists for Curse weapon / Conc work for you?
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by Tanya »

gonthrax wrote:Interesting. My steam will not read by buffbar for Curse Weapon or Concecrate. Client version UOSteam Version

What Client/Steam version are you all on and does the buffexists for Curse weapon / Conc work for you?
Sorry for the late reply. There is some bug in UO Steam, and you need manually edit one xml file.
The file is bufficons.xml and it is located usually here: C:\Program Files (x86)\UOS\Data\bufficons.xml

Add to the file 2 following lines:

Code: Select all

<icon id="1082" name="Consecrate Weapon"/>
<icon id="1088" name="Curse Weapon"/>
and it will work!
kze wrote: mostly interested in template, gear used, wep mods and what it can be used for..
This is my template right now (my character is human):
Skills_whammy_example.jpg (44.86 KiB) Viewed 19799 times
Also I have stored in soulstones following skills: swords, fencing, archery, resist, ninja, hiding, stealth, lockpick, cartography.
For example if I fight with monsters that cast mana drain (undead, bedlam), I change anatomy to resist.
Curse Weapon spell I cast from scrolls, the duration of spell gives this formula:
Caster's Spirit Speak x 10 / 34 + 1 in seconds (1s at 0 SS, 30s at 100 SS, 36s at 120 SS)


In my gear I am using: Mace and Shield Glasses, Jackal's Collar (sometimes crafted gorget),
Legs of Bane, CC, sash, int +4 boots, talisman Conjurer's Trinket, crafted gloves, sleeves and tunic.
Crafted tunic can be switched to Heart of the Lion/Violet Courage, for more DCI.
Ring - I switch it to Turquoise Ring (crafted ring with 5 ssi) when I am using a Double Axe
(it allows to be on max swing when you have 150 stamina instead of 180 if use normal ring,
but only when D-Axe has 30ssi).


Example of my status right now, this I use for spawns:
(weapon is black staff with 10ssi, mana leech, stamina leech and hit area):
status_spawn.jpg (50.19 KiB) Viewed 19799 times
Energy resist is missing, still need to improve my suit)))

Example of setup for Peerless Bosses (Travesty, Dread Horn, Parox) and other strong monsters (like Putrefier):
(weapon is quarter staff with high ssi (30-40ssi), mana and stamina leech, use double strikes):
Status_Peerless.jpg (39.81 KiB) Viewed 19799 times
Now I am making more suits, one is a Luck suit for Doom, another is a suit for a Double Axe.
I let you know when I finish them)))
Last edited by Tanya on November 22nd, 2016, 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Peerless Hunter
Guide to Whammy - viewtopic.php?f=10&t=314
My youtube channel - /watch?v=sx5zGCbILtA
Weekly Bedlam Spawns - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9131
MaliceMajere and gonthrax like this.
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Re: Peerless Solo , Whammy Guide by Tanya

Post by gonthrax »

Tanya wrote:
gonthrax wrote:Interesting. My steam will not read by buffbar for Curse Weapon or Concecrate. Client version UOSteam Version

What Client/Steam version are you all on and does the buffexists for Curse weapon / Conc work for you?
Sorry for the late reply. There is some bug in UO Steam, and you need manually edit one xml file.
The file is bufficons.hml and it is located usually here: C:\Program Files (x86)\UOS\Data\bufficons.hml

Add to the file 2 following lines:

Code: Select all

<icon id="1082" name="Consecrate Weapon"/>
<icon id="1088" name="Curse Weapon"/>
and it will work!
Outstanding! Thanks!
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Re: Peerless Solo , Guide to Whammy

Post by Cunnana »

Why u prefere 120 anato insted tatics?
Posts: 63

Re: Peerless Solo , Guide to Whammy

Post by 3dot »

Cunnana wrote:Why u prefere 120 anato insted tatics?
Mana Cost 10 Bushido
Minimum Skill 60.0
Duration 3 to 6 seconds with a 2 second bonus if your Bushido is above 100.0 and both Tactics and Anatomy are 100.0 or better
Area of Effect Caster
Description Increases your chance to parry, also grants the ability to parry direct damage attacks from other sources, such as spells and Dragons Breath. Evasion can only be used once every 20 seconds. The chance to block is based on Bushido, Anatomy, and Tactics. The duration of Evasion is also influenced by these skills.
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