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Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 6:12 pm
by Kojiro
My favorite template is the sampire/whammy, but i will not be able to build him for a while.

I already created my necromage. But i'm still confused about resist. I'm only going to PvM with this char, i dont need meditation, for example?

Initially i'm going with this:
Magery (120)
Eval (120)
Resist (120)
Spirit Speak (110)
Spellweaving (50)

How about Meditation?

Thank you!

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 6:35 pm
by Kojiro
The Silvertiger wrote:You may give the mounted whammy build a try. Instead of 100 necro it uses spirit speak in various ranges. It's stronger than the vamp as it has higher survivability. The only hitch is that it requires you to cast curse weapon a lot. There's 2 methods people use to help with this. As a human using magery scroll of protection or adding faster casting to their suit. The more elite players use fc... The whammy is generally cheaper to build than a sampire and comparable in damage with stronger survivability.

Which template you use depends on what exactly you plan on doing in pvm. If you plan on farming a lot of Guantlet, I suggest the archer tamer. Whammy for farming peerless. The necromageweaver is decent for both and at the beginners stage is stronger for champion spawns in fel or tram rulesets. I prefer the archer tamer for farming bags of sending. I prefer the necromageweav for farming gold skulls. Another cheap, but effective build for single combat or farming is the disco hell hounds build.
Whammy was my favorite char by far back when i played. So you think is more viable than the Sampire?
I will build one for sure.

But for now i'm stuck with the necromage and confused about resisting spells over medit or inscription.

Do you have any tips for this template?

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 6:38 pm
by The Silvertiger
Well, without resist you're susceptible to getting paralyzed and dropping like a fly, but if you're going to do the cu trick that won't be a problem in tram rulesets if you make sure enemies aggro your dog. The main way you're going to get mana back is via mana leech. The higher your eval and ss is the more mana you leech back. I tried 100 med and it didn't help at all.

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 6:40 pm
by The Silvertiger
Inscription is the best choice if it's choosing between med, resist, and inscription for nonchamp spawn situations. I wouldn't have anatomy either if you're not planning on spawning, which leaves room for the med that barely helps.

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 6:46 pm
by Kojiro
Hummm.. i want to make spawns too. So best to keep resisting spells, right?

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 7:20 pm
by Tanya

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 1st, 2017, 7:32 pm
by Tanya
It all depends what do you hunt. There are situations where you can make spawn with necro-mage-weaver-tamer and can not make with a Sampire or Whammy (Lord Oaks for example), there are Peerless like Travesty, Parox and Dread Horn where Sampire and Whammy are best, and there are some situations where Tamer-Archer is best. So those 3 templates you listed in your first post, they are covering all PvM.
And Whammy is really not expensive, all you need is Legs of Bane, and Mace & Shield glasses,
can use 4-mod armor, and 3-mod weapons.

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 4th, 2017, 7:21 pm
by Kojiro
Thank you guys!!

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 27th, 2017, 12:15 am
by GenghisXerxes
Arden wrote:Ya necro mage is a good first template, pretty easy to gear with a scrappers. Can pvp with it AND do spawns. Will make you $$ and if you join a pvp group youll be able to hold your own. You could consider alchy instead of scribe would make you more durable and better for choke point fights.

Stats I would go STR whatever gets you as much HP as you can get with STR pot (depending on how much EP and HPI you have cap is 150). DEX 15, and rest in int.

Sampire can be expensive, but depends what youre trying to do. Basic samp is:
120 fight skill (macing is the cheapest option)
120 bushi
120 parry
100 tactics
100 anat (or resist depends on what youre doing)
99 necro
100 ss
rest in chiv (some guys run less anat/resist for more chiv your choice here)

you can do most things with a basic q staff and some good runics (only required arty i would say is runebeetle, banes help, stormgrip help, jackels helps)

Im not sampire expert, I have one that can solo most peerless but i just copied what others have done in the past.

As for your archer tamer, i dont have a clue about that stuff.
What is choke point fight?
Also, why is a sampire be so expensive? What's so special about it for pvm?

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: December 28th, 2017, 4:24 pm
by The Silvertiger
GenghisXerxes wrote:What is choke point fight?
Also, why is a sampire be so expensive? What's so special about it for pvm?

That's a choke point. What usually ensues is para fields, wildfire, and withers.

Sampire is expensive due to gearing. It's one of the strongest pvm templates. High dps + survivability.

Re: Help with templates!

Posted: January 26th, 2018, 12:48 am
by Calvin
it's not just that...

sampire needs very specific things, so there is very high demand for a few specific items.
it also needs the things to be strong, because it is a synergy build, and they are only really as strong as their weakest element