The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

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The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Alhimikut »

There are a lot of topics and articles about a Sampire but the necro mage tamer weaver seems to be somewhat neglected even though it’s the most common pvm build. Even though everybody plays it, it would seem that very few have any idea what to actually do and how to behave in the various spawn and pvm areas that UO offers us.

I am writing this topic mainly because I have nothing better to do but I want it to become a helping guide to those that doubt what character to make and how to operate it. The topic is open to any good ideas and suggestions concerning the matter and they will be included as well. Please reserve any bad comments or negative assessments based on personal (or guild) issues for yourselves and try to be polite and helpful if commenting.

This article will give away some secrets about spawns and strategies so you guys out there that want them for yourselves- don’t be angry

What Race and Gender should I choose for my tamer?
If you have enough gold to equip your tamer well (see below) my advice is to make the tamer an Elf, as you will need it in order to be able to equip a certain pair of pants. If you are now starting, make it a human so you can benefit from the additional 3 mana regeneration that Jack of All Trades offers you. About Gender it’s quite irrelevant. Many will choose a Female character as it behaves well around succubus and can equip male and female armor.

What skills should I have?
It is best that you have a couple of Red Soulstones laying around as you will be doing quite a lot of skill changing according to your location.

Any how you should start with the following skills and progress and change according to spawn( see below):
106 Animal Taming (you can have 105,5 here I prefer 106 so I can ride a Fire Steed)
115 Animal Lore (also can go with 113,5 here. It is this high so you don’t need to feed your dragon often)
94 Magery (Pure, you can get to 114 with Crystaline Ring). I also keep 10 Meditation as pure skill so I can have 20 Medi 20 Focus with gear and gain 3 MR bonus. So you will have 104 magery with ring, 84 pure.
100- 120 Evaluating Intelligence (keep two separate Eval int soulstones- one with 100 and one with 120 skill) ( That skill will mainly be swapped for 120 Spellweaving- that way you get 40% SDI from Arcane Empowerment)
75 Necromancy( 100 with Bloodwood Spirit and Midnight Bracers)
110 Spirit Speak( 120 with Bloodwood spirit. The more SS the more dmg and mana leach)
100 Veterinary ( You will often swap for 100 wrestling- this may vary according to other points but generally 100 Wrestling is enough to keep mobs from hitting you to often).

There are some skills you would like to keep on Soulstone for different reasons: 100 Resisting Spells, 100 Inscription, 100 Meditation

What stats should I have?

First of all its good that you buy a +25 stats. Its price may vary between 5 and 6kk.

You should keep 15 pure Dex- that will get to 20 when wearing a Crimson Cincture. In some cases you can even go as far as 10 Pure dex.

It is good to have a total of 150 int which as an elf will get you to 170 mana. 150 int( that includes bonuses from armor) means more Spell Damage Increase which is your main target.

The rest you put on str. Having a maximum of hit points is good but it’s not that important for pvm.

What Armor should I Choose for my Tamer?

As a tamer necro mage weaver you rely on your Damage Output so your main target will be Spell Damage Increase (SDI for short). Currently the maximum pure SDI you can have on Demise while keeping 70 all resists and 4/6 fc/FCR is 82. For moments when you will use Wither that can get to pure 94 SDI. Also remember to Always use Arcane Empowerment spell from Spellweaving as it gives you 38% more SDI. If you have 120 SW it will give you 40% SDI and more damage so you should aim for that- maybe have a 94 Magery( with 20 bonus from Crystaline ring). You only need high Magery for ressing at spawns. It fizzles a lot and it’s annoying but we don’t really have a lot of place to deal with

Another important Prop for your items is Mana Regeneration. Having 8 is the absolute minimum that will keep you happy. Try to not go less than that.

You must also have 70 all resists( when in Wraith form), 100 LRC, at least 37 LMC( 40 is cap), 4/6 FC/FCR to effectively use Spellweaving.

Another wanted stat would be Hit points increase but that is not a must have and should be last in priority.

As you get it by now, having that much props and being maxed out is costly. If you don’t have the money- try getting as close as possible and then building up.

Here is how your set will look when having enough money:
Head Slot- Kasa of The Raj’In (It costs from 2 to 2,5kk)
Earrings: Depending on your lowest resist, you may even not need it. (they cost from 15kk to 35kk)
Neck Slot- Pendant of the Magi (you can buy those for 350k)
Ring Slot- Crystalline Ring( costs from 12kk to 15kk)
Bracelet Slot- Ornament of the Magician (100kk to 110kk). For moments when you will use Wither you can change this with a bracelet with following props- 0-1/3 FC/FCR; 10( or as much as needed) LRC, SDI as much as possible- total of 12% which is the maximum for a random drop in Demise. Such a bracelet can cost from 1kk to as much as you desire and someone is willing to pay).
Sleeves Slot: Midnight Bracers (about 2kk)
Legs Slot: Spell Woven Britches (350k)- That is why you need the Elf form. The combination of 20 Focus from Crystaline Ring and 10 Meditaiton from these pants almost equalizes with MR bonus from Jack of all Trades.
Tunic and Gloves slot: With those two slots you will have to balance yours resists and LRC. You are aiming for at least 15% LRC on each piece, at least 3 20+ resists on each piece and best would be to have MR2. Having LMC is useless as you are already 40 LMC from the arties you wear.
A bit of advice- Aim for higher Physical resist as you can cast Magic Reflection and that will fix magical resists. Also when you cast Wraith form it gives you additional physical resists. If you manage to get to 65+ 70 70 70 75 with Magic reflection and Wraith Form you are perfect.
Feet slot: +int boots here- they range from +2 to +4 int( 2kk to 12kk).
One Arm Slot- Scrapper’s Compenidum. You will want that to have at least 10+ LRC or else you won’t be able to balance LRC. Those scrapers cost from 5kk to a lot of kk depending on props.
Second Arm Slot- Order Shield from Vesper. You need that to balance FCR. It costs abot 350k. Put powder on it so it can go to 255/255. In fact put powder on every item- you will need to have as much as possible durability.
Talisman Slot- Bloodwood spirit. It costs about 50k. If you have a lot with different protections even better.
Sash slot: Lieutenant of Britannian Royal Guard sash- Price between 45-50kk. Necessary as it gives you a valuable 10 LRC and 2 MR and int bonus.
Crimson Cincture on the waist. Prices around 15kk. It is not that necessary but the additional dex and 10 HPI are welcome.

About Robe and Cloak. If you weren’t able to balance the physical resist- your best option here will be Ari Robe (80-100kk) and +3 physical Cloak . If you have balanced the physical- you can go with +3 Robe and Cloak or whatever u decide.
With the newly added Conjurer's Garb- if you have managed to balance resists, that is the best option for you because of the extra 2 MR which comes handy. If you have 2 MR on every possible piece with the garb you will be able to reach a maximum of 16 MR.
Having Quiver of Infinity(35kk) is a welcomed +5 Defense chance increase. Remember as a tamer DCI is not really a high priority as when you get raided you will most surely die being in wraith form and not having 120 defense skill.

What Pets should I choose for my Tamer?

You will mainly use a Cu shide and a Greater Dragon. You can tame all other types of animals but they will mostly serve for your own amusement and vanity.

Also you don’t really need any good stats on your Cu or Dragon. It will not do the fighting for you. It is your tank- it will take damage for you. So you aim for higher HP and resists on your pets. For a Cu shide- 600+ HP will do, for a Dragon- 940+.


It is good that you keep your Virtue pentagram shining. Being a knight in all the virtues is quite helpful in numerous occasions.

Raising Virtues:
Valor: just do a spawn and it will raise to knight in no time. Valor lets you light a red spawn candle instantly.
Compassion: Go Ilshenar- Sacrifice, go to the left and escort that prisoner you will find. Do that 5 times per day (in a row). Next day start escorting 5 mins after you started the previous day. You will be a Knight in 7 days. Compassion gives you the ability to resurrect people at 80% hp which is quite nice.
Sacrifice: Whenever you have a lot of fame- being Lord/Lady just go to Ilshenar- Blood dungeon and sacrifice that fame on a Demon or Succubus. Do that same time every day. Sacrifice gives you the ability to resurrect yourself up to 3 times per week. Resurrection also loots all your items you had in backpack( including pots, bands.. everything).
Justice: Kill a red player that hasn’t died in 24 hours and you are knight in no time.
Honor: in Demise honor is bugged so you can raise it as a tamer. Best way is to go kill Balrons or Ancient Wyrms. Make a hot key( from UO menu) to invoke honor. Target the monster and then kill it. You will be Knight in a matter of hours. Invoking honor and targeting yourself makes monsters ignore you for up to 5 mins. Can be very useful to escape or visit a dangerous place.

All virtues except Honor decay every week and you have to invest 5 mins repeating those actions to keep it on Knight level.

And now when your character is made we should talk some strategies.

Let’s talk about some of the spawns and how to behave there and actually solo them:

Baracoon Spawn:

That one is pretty simple. You don’t really need your tamer skills here but if you choose to keep them- go with a Cu shide. Also change Veterinary with Wrestling skill. At 82-122 with bonus SDI those snakes will die in 2 thunderstorms. Remember to always have Gift of Life on you and your Cu. Set the Cu to follow you as it will not help you fight at all. First 2 levels are pretty easy. For the third and four level- always keep Gift of Renewal on as those hell hounds can be nasty when they pile up( and you don’t have resisting spells). For the Fourth level just keep thunderstorming and eventually withering. Never try to Cure before all the spawn around you is dead- you will waste valuable time curing instead of killing. Always run around with potions of course- they are your best friend. Once the Coon is out- put the Cu to attack him and just wither him down.

Neira, Mephitis, Semidar, Rikitor Spawn:

Here having Wrestling is most important as well. First 2 levels will die easy because of the tons of SDI. For the third you should run with invisibility precasted and hide behind your GD. The system is as follows: have a target self button somewhere easy- scroll up mouse button for example. Cast Invisibility and say all follow to your dragon, run in the spawn say all guard and put that Invisibility on you using that easy button you made. Wait for a sec till all attack and near the GD. Say All stay( if you don’t want your GD to invisible itself- not so necessary). Start casting Thudnerstorm( hold down button). When you see that your mana starts to lower and it’s not topped out it means that the mobs are almost dead and you switch to Wither until they are all dead. You can have a macro switching Orny for That Bracelet with SDI to do more DMG. Important thing is to always have Gif of Renewal, Life, and Arcane Empowerment on. Also Attunement where applicable. If you feel more confident you can just run around thunderstorming with pet set on all follow. But this you will do when you are not alone.

Oaks Spawn:

Now there are two places for that. In Lost Lands you cannot solo an Oaks as the spawn is quite scattered. Also nobody’s going to leave you do it without raiding you so I will focus in Ilshenar spawn.

First it’s best to swap Veterinary for 100 Resisting spells.

It’s best that you have a mage buddy- possibly with positive karma. You strategy tier 1 to 3 will be you running around casting thunderstorm while you buddy runs behind you spamming small heal/cure on you. You can eat an orange petal if you fancy so that small poison doesn’t affect you.
Tier 1: feys will die from a single Thunderstorm so that should be easy.
Tier 2: This may actually be the hardest one ;). The strategy is as follows: run with precast invisibility, Dragon on follow. Approach a large group say all guard or all stay and cast invisible on yourself. Be sure to have target self on an easy hot key so you can do it fast and not target your health bar. When every mob is attaking the dragon cast Essence of Wind- that will cripple their ability to cast on you and give you time to kill them all without taking that much dmg. The moment you start casting Essence, keep your thunderstorm key pressed and wait for it to start casting. When the mobs are 1-2-3, swtich to Wither if your mana starts to deplete. Do this thing through out the entire wave. If you are 2 people, one of you do this and the other should cast Wildfire(while you cast essence) and Wither to have high damage.
Tier 3 you must be careful with the Centaurs . If you hit them without wretling they always hit you with an arrow so if you hit more than 5 you will instantly die. So if you are alone use Wither and make small pulls- better swap that orny for that bracelet with SDI. If you are too people, one of you will have Resisting spells and the other one Wretling, while the one with resisting will pull waves 1,2,4, the one with Wrestling pulls here- the moment he pulls with tungederstorm the second one can also start thundering. You will burn through the wave ;)
Once Tier 4 Is out be sure to Valor at its first red candle- that will leave you with a couple of mobs less to kill until boss pops up. Use the same strategy as tier 2. Hide, Esecne and thunder. If there is a second person- wildifre/wither. Always animate paragon dragons. The moment oaks comes out- focus dragons on him and just wither, his lady and all the spawn will die from the withers.

It takes me about 1 hrs and 15-20mins to solo this spawn. Two people that have mastered the above strategy can make it for 30-40mins tops.

Bedlam Spawn:

This is the illusive one and everybody thinks it’s quite hard but is actually very easy. As with Oaks while it is easy to solo it, it’s not worth the 50 mins.. at least to me.

Strategy ONE:

Go with wrestling, leave vet, evla int and resisting spells behind.

The first level is quite easy- you just stay in the middle and Thunderstorm away. The second wave is easy as well but be careful because if you don’t have Wrestling and those Bog’s hit hard. Its best to make control pulls. When u see that the end of tier 2 is coming withdraw to the narrow corridor and clear it. This will be where you will make your stand. Now it’s good that you have a one button macro for casting energy wall at the entrance of that corridor. Once tier 3 is out and steady you should valor after the first candle. Having to kill less tier 3 is good. Now those grizzles make acid pools that destroy your armor, so always check your armor and never stay in that pools- always be alert. It is good that you take off and put in inventory all the replicas that you have as you don’t want them spoiled. Remember that taking of the royal sash leaves you with 90 LRC so either have more LRC or have a bag of regents with you. Recent information claims that replicas brake only to 0/xxx so you may leave it broken at 0 and play like this carefree. Once tier 3 is out you put the dragon in the corridor- if 2 dragons- next to each other and say all stay( corridor is 3 tiles but there is a skeleton column in the middle that makes it 2 tiles- put dragons there). In that way you have a wall. Remember to always have Gift of Life on them. Now when u have a wall, one of you goes out and pulls mobs- be sure to not pull too many grizzles at once as they will start spilling acid which eats though your GD’s health… once the GDs are dead its messy. When you friend pulls the moment he enters the corridor cast that energy wall at the beginning( have it preset on that exact same location- don’t manually target). Be sure not to cast it too soon and leave your buddy on the wrong side. This wall is fist line of defense- you start withering, thunderstorming or Poison Striking. First 2 when u are close, poison strike when u are hitting form distance. At some point the energy wall will fall if you are unable to recast it on time- pull back behind the dragons( they are at the center of corridor and second line of defense). Now the problem comes when one of the grizzles teleports in and behind you( or just spawns behind you). Make sure you kill that one first( pull on of the dragons from wall if you must and keep out of those acid pools). Never pull if there is something behind you of course. That way and with some practice you will easily get to tier 4. Same strategy goes for Tier 4 but its monsters don’t hit that hard and you burn through it easily and when the boss pops out you lure him near the stairs where you kill him.

Important advice for wave 3: You can paralyze the Plague Beast Lords with Paralyze spell. Then you can cut them with a knife, that will open a puzzle. If you just right lick the puzzle and leave the plague beast lord open it will die within 30 secs. So you wont have to kill half the spawn and can focus on the grizzles only. Make a hot key to use a knife and just kill them this way.

Remember to always keep Gif of Life on you and your pet, Gift of Renewell- you or your pet- the pets will need it more most of the times. Arcane empowerment before every pull. If you happen to be on an acid pool move immediately don’t try to heal it out- you cant. Constantly check in paperdroll the durability of your items( that’s why you need to have 255).

Strategy TWO: (a better one probably)

There is a reason for the design of the spawn area and the corridor. If you clean 1st and 2nd wave in the middle but never go to kill the mobs in the corridor near the stairs, eventually when lvl 3 starts to spawn you will be left with 4-5 mobs in the whole area. In that way you limit the number of monsters you fight at each given time. Even they are beast lords, you can paralyze/cut them and not fight at all. Eventually not a single mob will spawn in the center area and you will have to go to the corridor and pull 3-4 monsters so they can respawn in the middle.
So using this strategy will help you solo the spawn or just fight easy with no troubles. Two people will do it in 25-35 min tops. Single person does it in about 50 mins. You can go with either eval int or wrestling.. depends on you. Using Poison strike will be sufficient since the Interred Grizles have low poison resist.
Remember- if you die and have to reenter or someone enters and clears the corridor area while you are down there, it all goes to hell and you must proceed with Strategy ONE ;)

Rewards from Bedlam:
Necro shroud - 2.5%
Sash - 2.5%
Oblivions Needle - 2.5%
Ari Robe - 2.5%
Plague Beast Statue - 7.5%
Red Death Statue - 7.5%


I believe, Bedlam is the most rewarding spawn of all and it’s a relatively good idea to chain bedlam for arties before any other ilshenar or felluca spawn. 2 skilled tamers should do it for no more than 30 mins.

Dread horn Spawn:

That one is quite easy and very pleasant to do. You will need a buddy or a second client with a bard in it. All you need for here is to have Eval int- swap Veterinary for it.

Tier one is straight forward. Just thunderstorm away. Tier 2 is quite tricky as those dryads calm you. You have 2 ways to go- Deep in and invisible with the dragon- let him take them and start thunderstorm away. Option 2- cast energy vortexes and animate dead- its goes pretty fast.

Tier 3 is easiest.. sit back and leave it to your tweeting buddy to provoke satyrs on other satyrs.. they will provoke the Cu shides. So it is an ongoing provocation and you just finish away what is left.

Tier 4 is easy- Dragon on treefellows( they die first then bears as they don’t attack you), them fellows are made of wood so Curse, Corpse skin and you do a 150 flamestrike. It dies in 2-3 of those. When the boss comes out be sure your GD is at full health- the boss hits hard so have your buddy heal it for you while you do dmg. Wither is a good option here as the boss spawns feys.

The Sleeping Dragon Spawn:

Here you use same strategy as all the normal spawns. Go there with wrestling, no Vet, no Eval. Better do it with a sampire buddy because at the end you will have an extreme hard time killing the boss as a lone tamer if even possible.
First 2 lvls run around casting thunderstorm. Third wave make small pulls and stay behind dragon. You will do about 100dmg to the lesser hirys with Wither so it will be easy.
Lvl 4th- very small pulls, be carefull, always animate dead the hirys as they come back as Skeletal Dragons. Being careful you will progress to Serado. Now i advise to valor at last candle so you can control the spawn at the center. Better have as much as possible dead hirys there to summon in aid of killing the boss. If you have a sampire buddy, he should be able to solo it.
Two people- sampire and a tamer should be able to do it 1 hrs. At least that's what it takes me.

Minotaur Spawn:

Now this one is not hard at all. Just go around kill minotaurs and hide behind dragon when in trouble or fighting a stronger monster. Remember the are of the spawn starts right after the bridge where Rend and other Reptalons live and goes to the end of the maze. If for some reason you run out of mobs, go further back to the reptalons and you will find what you need. There is no altar so you will know that the boss is out, when hes out. Trust me it comes out every time, if it doesn't you will have to kill more.
This spawn is also nicely paired with a sampire buddy as they run faster than you and cover the large area faster.

Let’s talk about Peerles bosses and how to behave there and actually solo them:

Lady Mel: Going there with one char and one account only

First thing to do is swap Vet for 100 Eval int. Keep the Spellweaving. When you enter make sure you have gift of life on you and the dragon. Cast Gift of renewal and Arcane Epowerment. Use the Run and Invisible tactics as in any spawn. Make sure to immediately invisible at the sight of a Satyr. If he gets you before you can invisible run back and try to avoid the GD attacking you- invisible yourself. If it happens so that you die.. wait until everything attacks the GD then ress cast wratih form and thunder/wither them down. If everything goes well and you have invisible correctly.. wait until they attack the dragon and thunderstorm them down. Once all the satyres are dead pull the Lady Mel to the far left side. Position yourself at the end of the land to the left and kep lady Mel a few tiles inland. The GD should attack her and stop her there. Since that stupid animal invisibles and Lady Mel also? you will have to put an Energy wall right behind his ass. That way when it casts invisible or tries to run back to you it will stop the GD and Lady mel from getting to you and they can retarget each other. Always keep Curse and Corpse skin on Lady mel. Spam her with fireball/magic arrow. At 122 SDI( you can put the SDI bracelet and be 132 SDI) that ma/fb spawn will do about 60-70 dmg per cast. Also you can spam Meteor Swarm( at 132 SDI and Corpse skin you will be doing about 125 dmg per hit + another 60-70 from dragon). Repeat all those until she dies. Don’t mind the satyr that spawns at the 50% it will not go so far to the left to see you. Be cautious however not to move down as it will see you and mess things up.

Dread Horn: Going there with one char and one account only.

You go in with eval int and spellweaving. Position yourself at the south end of the island and put GD infront- say all stay. Start spaming harm. If Dread horn switch to you say all guard so that it can switch back to GD. When DH pulls you immediately stop spaming and run behind GD. Always keep Gifit of Renewel on GD. It should loose hit points moderately and you will be able to heal it with Magery.
Travesty: Going there with one char and one account only.

This one is quite easy. Go there with eval int and spellweaving. When you enter pull her down the corridor. Attack with GD. Stay as far from her as possible. Put an eventual Energy wall in case she tries to get you. Don’t mind the spawn she makes. Just focus on ma/fb spamming her until she’s dead. Mind that when you have Arcane Empowerment cast on you heal a great deal of hp with Greater Heal so make sure to always have it when healing dragon or doing dmg.

Shimmering Effusion: Going there with one char and one account only.

This one can be tricky. You must have eval int for here. I am not sure if it is best to go with Vet or Spellweaving. The effusion deals a great deal of dmg to the dragon. If you go with vet stay close and heal it at all times. Keep ma/fb spamming the effusion. When the spawn comes cast invisible( or use an invisible potion). Let the spawn target the dragon and start Withering down. Only Corporals are hard to kill. They make an aura that will fizzle your wither so you might want to stay as far as possible but wtill in range for Wither. Keep yourself and the dragon close to the gate so you can escape at all times. Be sure to Animate dead all the dead spawn as it comes back as Lich lords that helps you with dmg.

Monstrous Interred Grizzle:

Gathering keys: Since that might be an issue i will say some words about keys as well. At first Bedlam yard seems like a hard mess and the mobs hard to kill but its actually very easy. In order to get keys you must go get the quest from Master Cohen. You have to gather 5 disintegrating notes( they look like magery spell scroll). These drop in the corpse of any of the named monsters with the exception of Red Death (he's just there to annoy you and it dies fast from Wither as it has no cold resist:) ). Now to kill monsters you will need to have Eval Int and Spellweaving. You can go with Wrestling and Spellweaving as well. Best way is to go with a Cu Shide. Stay at enterance, clear it. (Some of you stay in the corridors of the quest givers house, while it might be secluded, it is surrounded by spawn and you run a lot to lure special mobs and you lure a lot of spawn as well and its actaully a slower way to do it). Mount the Cu, go pull one or 2 special mobs, some rottings and shit will come. Make sure you dont pull to much. Come back to enterance, disoumnt Cu, attack the special mobs and go in Wraith form. All mobs here have high cold resist so wither is not that great option. If too many mobs of course wither or thunderstorm them down, then fire dmg or poison strike the special mobs. Repeat that until you have 5 scrolls( that may take a good while). Then when you are ready to enter, return te quest, get the key and put it on the key chain to get an enterance token for you and your party. Click on it and you are in.

Killing the Peerless: Now here you must come with GD, spellweaving and veterinary. No eval int needed. It is best that you have a buddy as this boss makes an annoying slow and it will take you forever to bring it down alone( not that you can't). Make sure to bring 1000+ bands. Now when you are in, go second floor and engage boss with GD. Boss will start spilling acid, they brake your armor as in Bedlam spawn and can kill you so dont step on it. Your job is to stay away from the spills but close to the dragon so you can vet it. Start doing dmg to the boss using Posion Strike. It has lowest poison resist and you will be doing 60+ dmg. Now comes the shitty part. Boss does almost constantly a debuff that makes -5 FC and -5 FCR. You cannot dodge that and you have a very short window of normal casting. Vet the dragon and poison strike even if you are debuffed. Try to do as much as possible dmg in the normal casting window. Now.. the dragon or boss will invisible from time to time and the Grizzle will retarget you. Make sure you run fast and get the dragon to reattack asap. If you are able to properly vet the dragon, keep Gift of Renewel on yourself at all times. When it expires, cast Attunement and vice versa. By doing all this you will get that beasty in about 20+ mins.

A Gear Idea: If you equip Jinni's Ring, Orny, Helm of Swiftness, Inquisitors, Vesper Shield, and Scrapers( or 1/2 magery book if you dont have inquisitors) you get to 7/11 fc/fcr and totaly diminish the Grizzle Debuff.. and have normal 2/6 casting. You have no resists so you sohuld be carefull but the boss dies extremely fast.

Chief Paroxysmus:

Now this is a sampire spawn. Tamers cannot go here and be effective. However there is a way to be here and not completely suck.
In order to go here you will have to lose the pet, since he eats them up and restores to full health. Change the tamer skills with mage ones. Stack meditation and focus up to 120 and have 18 MR. Cast vampiric embrace to become a vampire and wear xxxxxx cure pots. The idea is that you will run around on ethy mount casting ma/fb leeching life from the paroxy and restoring mana from you own regeneration. You will be a magepire. Of course that will not work without a sampire buddy to tank for you, but it is a chance to see the Paroxy with a mage ;)

That’s about everything I can think of. This guide can go a long way if you guys contribute with good ideas and practices. So feel free to comment and ask any questions.
Last edited by Alhimikut on November 10th, 2018, 9:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Anthony File
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Anthony File »

If your sole purpose of wanting this template is to do spawns - Soulstone Taming and Lore off after obtaining a cu sidhe as it will still follow you and tank damage and xheal you. Wrestling is also not needed as you can save skill points by using anatomy & evaluating intelligence for the defensive wrestling bonus, as long as the two skills = 220 when added together you will have the same defensive bonus as 120 wrestling so you can get by with 100 Anat & 120 Eval, or 105 Anat & 115 Eval if you don't have the 120 scroll.

The template I use for spawning is 106 Magery, 120 Eval, 100 Resisting Spells, 120 Spellweaving, 100 Anatomy, 120 Spirit Speak, & 100 Necromancy. I achieve this using a bloodwood talisman, midnight bracers, & +11 skill scrappers. I've soloed every spawn using this template other than Oaks and only because I've not yet attempt it - it would be a lot of work but I'm sure it could be done if you manage pulls, and keep gift of life up on you and your pet and use renewals & attunements.
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Alhimikut »

Anthony you run the classic pvp spawner template... And yes taming is not needed for classic fel spawns as the cu shide bug helps can be exploited in the way you described.
However this entire guide is made for pure trammel pvm and mostly for tougher spawns like bedlam and oaks where you cant go with Cu shide. So basicly when in trammel it will outshine your build with combination of higher damage output and better defences ;)
In fel.. yes better use the classic mage necro weaver spawner everybody uses.. as it has pvp capabilities that a tamer simply cannot have.
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Anthony File
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Anthony File »

I have used this template for Bedlams and Ilsh spawns as well and it does have high damage output, I run 72 SDI with 111 from arcane empowerment.

To use this template for Bedlam just have two guys stealth and use HPR suits in dog form and clog a hallway, npcs won't walk through the stealthers and acid pools won't kill them with 70 Fire Resist, HPR & Dog Form. Just don't cast invisibility at all otherwise the grizzles will cast reveal on the stealthers.
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Alhimikut »

I think the keyword here is drop animal taming and lore and just use 2 more guys to tank for you :) instead of doing it by yourself ;)
You got to understand that in trammel spawns dropping animal taming for eval int is totally pointless;)

P.S. Nice idea on the stealthers... wont the acid pool break their armor though ?
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Anthony File
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Anthony File »

The acid pools will not take your armor below 0/x, acid can only lower the left side durability number it will not lower the right side durability. Tip: You can wear robes/sashes and let them drop to 0/X and never repair them as the acid will not destroy them further than 0/X and monsters/players cannot break them.

Technically you should within the rules be able to do this by yourself with 3 clients, the stealthers would not be engaged in combat, & would be unautomated, just taking area damage. Could a GM shed light on this? @Selene, @Eos, @Larson?
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Eos »

Anthony File wrote:Technically you should within the rules be able to do this by yourself with 3 clients, the stealthers would not be engaged in combat, & would be unautomated, just taking area damage. Could a GM shed light on this? @Selene, @Eos, @Larson?
Demise News Network wrote:Multi-clienting
  1. Do not use multiple clients in combat. This is defined as the use of one or more extra clients that provide you with an advantage in combat.
  2. Do not be involved in combat in two different locations with two different clients.
  3. Alternate characters may be kept close, unautomated, for resurrection.
If you're using another client to gain any kind of advantage in a PvM or PvP scenario (except for resurrection if you happen to die), it's violating the shard rules. If friends help you build that dog form barrier, though, it's fine!
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Russ4ua »

Is there an easy way to get arcane focus on Demise?
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by MMMartin »

Russ4ua wrote:Is there an easy way to get arcane focus on Demise?
britania [tramel] bank add +1 bonus [max is 6]

with 2 char youself can make lvl 3 :) and in britania [tramel] are offen players
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Alhimikut »

The best way is to make circle at Britain city right next to the bank. It gives you +1 bonus so to get to lvl 6 you need yourself and 4 more characters. Usually what i do is put there 3 characters with 0 skill that i log on and off specifically for this task(they dont need to have done the quest, just random newly made characters), i remove my spellweaving using soulstone so i also have 0 skill, call a random buddy with 0 skill to act as the 4th person and i step there and cast it. That gives me lvl 6 but for only 4 hours instead of 8 hours if i casted it at 100 skill. Then i put my spellweaving back using the soulstone and i am ready to spawn :)
At Britain sometimes there are 3 bots from O'tim that help you get a focus so you only need a buddy with 100 skill (or second account) and yourself to get to 8 hours lvl 6.
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Girion »

How do you guys dps beside pet ? Eval or Necro ? and what spells ?
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by BannerBruce »

Depends on what u fight ;)
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Alhimikut »

Pet doesn't DPS its your tank.. if you are using it for damage, you are doing it wrong. When you spawn you dps with thunderstorm and wither, if you need to kill a single or a stronger target- Poison Strike. If you are killing boss you probably have eval int and dps with it.
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by BannerBruce »

And this is i always say to you girion. Pet is a tank ;)
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Re: The Legendary Banksitter's Guide to Necro Mage Weaver Tamer

Post by Madmarz »

Tokuno spawn is the only ive never done, can a GDragon tank Serado? or if i was playing a straight mage necro weaver, would i be able to nuke him down with skele dragon help or is he gonna roll up and 2 shot me?
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