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Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 20th, 2022, 3:28 am
by Facko
Do my blackout posts count?

do you guys in th eu (or is it the uk?) have moonshine? totally tits if it doesnt lnock you blind!

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 20th, 2022, 3:36 am
by Facko
Facko wrote: June 20th, 2022, 3:28 am Do my blackout posts count?

do you guys in th eu (or is it the uk?) have moonshine? totally tits if it doesnt lnock you blind!
Time for return of the swamp thing!

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 20th, 2022, 3:40 am
by Facko
Calvin wrote: June 11th, 2022, 3:15 pm
Calvin wrote: June 10th, 2022, 10:16 am they totally are coming for your children






I only do this hard because my own mother is a very real part of the new American red guard. It is very personal to me. Ever doubt it then pm me your address... I'll make time to jack your fucking jaw...

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 20th, 2022, 3:41 am
by Facko
<insert drunken typo corrections here>

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 20th, 2022, 4:34 pm
by Calvin
i dont like being tricked, especially on something i shouldn't be interested in -_-'

i enjoy flirting with younger girls, ngl, but i dont do anything serious, mostly just messing with them.
being unattainable is fun ;P
but that's the point it is harmless fun.

(i try to give them a taste of romance basically, but if you sleep with them you ruin the mystique of it.. that's what slutty women are for lol, there is plenty of those, and i dont wanna make more.)

sorta made exception here cos 'she' was kinda different. (just in terms of going a 'bit' too far)
did not imagine that was the reason -_-'

as i say i backed off anyway after i'd scouted it out, before i even knew, cos i realized it wasn't what i thought it was.

but i never imagined that, and the realization of the situation i was in, is actually kinda scary.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 20th, 2022, 5:22 pm
by Calvin
i'll be 100% honest right, problem is slutty women dont make for good long term partners, and while i appreciate it's unlikely i'll meet a nice young girl to have a family with, it's not totally impossible.

its not something i particularly look for. but if opportunity presented itself, it's not a future i'd reject.
but finding a girl that hasn't turned slutty past like 25 is hard lol

honestly i think marriage and monogamy should be more common when you're younger :/
at least have a go at having a family kinda thing lol
if it fucks up then fair enough, but a lot of the time it wont.

im waiting on the census data, i think we're all fucked lol.

but anyway point is after checking it out, turned out to be the complete opposite, cos clown world lol

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 22nd, 2022, 1:10 pm
by Calvin

and frankly/personally, i think there is something deeply sinister about the subversion of people's natural inclinations.

not just on this topic. i dont agree with things like the fake meat burgers either. it's like your body has an inclination to eat meat, and it's subverted by making plant stuff that looks/tastes like meat. it's tricking your body. it's tricking your natural drives - which is really fucked up.

like in philosophy part of the entire argument for 'god' is that people have an inbuilt sense of right and wrong, know things, etc. and they're like "oh someone or something, must have put that in you as a kind of divine mandate." in modern psychology terms it would be your subcontious or your lizard brainy parts... basically what you think is you - the higher fucntioning rational thinking part, is not actually you, you are the whole thing, mind body and spirit - which is effectively the physical, subcontious, and rational - or in freud, the ego, the super ego, and the id.

we are actually in kinda the dangerous territory of manipulating our natural impulses whimsically...

hubris (noun)
Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.
Excessive pride, presumption or arrogance (originally toward the gods).

if god is nature.. hubris is arrogance in the face of god, and calls forth nemesis...
which basically means.. when you go against nature, you're in for a world of shit.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 22nd, 2022, 2:03 pm
by Calvin
this is actually what i find interesting:

you know i go on about the cyberpunk stuff a lot, and the cyborgs etc?

that's the opposite of nature in a way. basically, the argument is made that our rational self is our higher self, and our physical self is the base self. the cyberpunk/cyborg stuff is supposed to be kind of a departure from the lower self - well, natural self. but you end up not being better, which is irony.

see i think this connection between 'good' and rational <-> 'evil' and instinctual, is wrong.

however im not saying it's the other way around either.

it's an ensemble.

you need balance.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 22nd, 2022, 5:06 pm
by Facko

Great speech

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 23rd, 2022, 11:00 am
by Calvin
it's all allegory dude..

" A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
Francis Bacon

it's like, stage 1 is believing in beardy man on a cloud, stage 2 is realizing beardy man on a cloud is ridiculous, stage 3 is realizing it's all just narrative allegory for humanity's relationship to reality, stage 4 is symbolism.

it's cos it's dealing with concepts which are hard to express in language, so you have to get at them in indirect ways... like how an electron microscope works - it doesn't actually magnify anything, it shoots electrons at things, they react in certain ways, it measures the reactions, then it creates a picture based on it - it's not actually an enlarged picture. sonar is the same.. many things are.

it's not literal, it's an indirect interpretation.

then when you tell it to noobs, they take stage 4 as stage 1. the real issue is a lot of people never really.. for lack of a better term 'awaken' from the childish stage 1 stuff.
or arguably they're all collectively on stage 2 now.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 23rd, 2022, 11:11 am
by Calvin
ya know the whole, "Darmok and Jilad at Tinagra" thing?

the star trek ep with the aliens that talk in concepts rather than words, or metaphor.. whatever you wanna call it.

thing is, we actually do that.

to a higher resolution, where each word carries a concept, and the combination of words is a combination of concepts.. for example "man walks into a bar"

the physicallity is the same to both me and you, but what is your opinion of men? what is your opinion of bars? etc

on one level language is literal, it means to same to everyone, on another it's subjective - the same phrase might have a different effect on different people. that's what religion does - it normalizes the societies conceptual lexicon..

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 23rd, 2022, 1:38 pm
by Facko
That clip is more about the speech. Ignore that he's supposed to be the devil.

I walked into a bar once... left a knot on my head.

Darmok was a good concept but poor in execution. Language is generally based on shared experiences so we have a lot of idioms and stuff but that was a step too far. Once you realize other cultures and language exist it's stupid to assume they know your whole historical mythos.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 3:16 pm
by Calvin
this doth not bode well...


whether the message is the same or not, the tactics defo are... well the optics are anyway.

like, it's a political party. it absolutally is.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 3:51 pm
by Facko
Calvin wrote: June 24th, 2022, 3:16 pm this doth not bode well...


whether the message is the same or not, the tactics defo are... well the optics are anyway.

like, it's a political party. it absolutally is.
Can't find it now but I read an article about people coming out as gay entirely for politics. Something I've been saying myself for a while. Or for attention and positive reinforcement for those that don't get much of either.

Re: what do you think? (politicy stuff.. kinda)

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 11:22 am
by Calvin
kids are impressionable :/