New Luck Statue Timer

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El Kabong
Posts: 29

Luck Statue Timer

Post by El Kabong »

I have been told that Demise has a cut off point for things and content etc. I have also been told that this cut off point is moved from time to time to add in items or left alone even when coded wrong. I have also been told that they add items to the events that are vet rewards. I guess we will never get them as a vet reward so go grind away during the holidays or farm gold after the holidays to buy said items. There are items that should just drop while playing the game but on Demise they made them rewards from their event monsters.

During the ML era Peerless keys were a couple of hours long. During SA they were made days long. On Demise they are days long. I'm told the reason was probably because Demise never had Peerless Bosses until way into the SA era. So their research on Peerless Bosses showed them that the keys were days long.

During the ML era Soul Stones were 1 use per 24 hours long. During SA they were made unlimited use. On Demise they are unlimited because the person reporting on it lied.

Garbs are not ML era. These items are on Demise.

I listed a few examples of where the cut off point has been ignored. So back on topic with the Luck Statue. During the ML era this item dropped while you killed things in the legacy dungeons.

On Demise it was or is an event drop. From what I was told we do not get the extra year of luck because of the cut off point which is a difference of something like15 days. Though the garb is something like 30 days after the cut off point.

I can deal with all of that. What I would like fixed or change even if it may or not be era accurate though the things I listed are examples on not being era accurate is this.
On the official game site when you double click the luck statue you have 1 hour of the bonus luck. Same thing on Demise but the difference is on the official site if you logoff 1 minute after you double click the statue your luck time from the statue stops.
So when you login 3 hours later you still have 59 minutes of the bonus luck left. Your luck time runs only if you are in the game but your luck will still run out after the 24 hour period from clicking the statue. On Demise your luck time keeps running whether you are in the game or not.

Click the statue at 8:00 log out at 8:01log back in at 11:00 you still have 59 minutes of the luck bonus

On Demise if you click the statue at 8:00 log out at 8:01log back in after 1 hour your luck has run out
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Re: Luck Statue Timer

Post by Calvin »

so what happens if i use the luck statue at 00:00, log out at 00:01, then log back in at 23:01, and play for 2 hours?

or would i even need to? could i not just log in the next day and use the 59 mins, then whenever use the next hour as the timer has refreshed?
would you not just end up with everyone logging in to activate the timer, logging out, then having to go hunt when they log in cos the statue is on? then having to hunt for another hour....

i guess would be fine, but would have to decay after 24 hours of using the statue whether you are logged in or not.

seems like a lot of messing for not a lot of reason tho.. not sure what it has to do with all the other stuff you mentioned, but fair enough.. you can make suggestions without complaining ya know ;P
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El Kabong
Posts: 29

Re: Luck Statue Timer

Post by El Kabong »

Calvin wrote: January 8th, 2021, 7:10 pm so what happens if i use the luck statue at 00:00, log out at 00:01, then log back in at 23:01, and play for 2 hours?

or would i even need to? could i not just log in the next day and use the 59 mins, then whenever use the next hour as the timer has refreshed?
would you not just end up with everyone logging in to activate the timer, logging out, then having to go hunt when they log in cos the statue is on? then having to hunt for another hour....

i guess would be fine, but would have to decay after 24 hours of using the statue whether you are logged in or not.

seems like a lot of messing for not a lot of reason tho.. not sure what it has to do with all the other stuff you mentioned, but fair enough.. you can make suggestions without complaining ya know ;P
El Kabong wrote: January 5th, 2021, 3:52 pm I have been told that Demise has a cut off point for things and content etc. I have also been told that this cut off point is moved from time to time to add in items or left alone even when coded wrong. I have also been told that they add items to the events that are vet rewards. I guess we will never get them as a vet reward so go grind away during the holidays or farm gold after the holidays to buy said items. There are items that should just drop while playing the game but on Demise they made them rewards from their event monsters.

During the ML era Peerless keys were a couple of hours long. During SA they were made days long. On Demise they are days long. I'm told the reason was probably because Demise never had Peerless Bosses until way into the SA era. So their research on Peerless Bosses showed them that the keys were days long.

During the ML era Soul Stones were 1 use per 24 hours long. During SA they were made unlimited use. On Demise they are unlimited because the person reporting on it lied.

Garbs are not ML era. These items are on Demise.

I listed a few examples of where the cut off point has been ignored. So back on topic with the Luck Statue. During the ML era this item dropped while you killed things in the legacy dungeons.

On Demise it was or is an event drop. From what I was told we do not get the extra year of luck because of the cut off point which is a difference of something like15 days. Though the garb is something like 30 days after the cut off point.

I can deal with all of that. What I would like fixed or change even if it may or not be era accurate though the things I listed are examples on not being era accurate is this.
On the official game site when you double click the luck statue you have 1 hour of the bonus luck. Same thing on Demise but the difference is on the official site if you logoff 1 minute after you double click the statue your luck time from the statue stops.
So when you login 3 hours later you still have 59 minutes of the bonus luck left. Your luck time runs only if you are in the game but your luck will still run out after the 24 hour period from clicking the statue. On Demise your luck time keeps running whether you are in the game or not.

Click the statue at 8:00 log out at 8:01log back in at 11:00 you still have 59 minutes of the luck bonus

On Demise if you click the statue at 8:00 log out at 8:01log back in after 1 hour your luck has run out
Have you ever seen any of these on Demise?
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.07.jpg
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.07.jpg (235.96 KiB) Viewed 2388 times
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.08.jpg
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.08.jpg (236.5 KiB) Viewed 2388 times
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.08-1.jpg
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.08-1.jpg (236.06 KiB) Viewed 2388 times
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.08-2.jpg
Dusty Bottoms_1-10_13.08-2.jpg (235.91 KiB) Viewed 2388 times

From what I was told you have not because they could never get the coding correct on the timer. The timer only ticks away while you are logged in. How much time and in some cases resources can be saved training a skill when you can gain 0.5 at a time instead of the normal 0.1 point?
I think Eos is a better coder than what was on Demise before she joined. I posted this thread to try and get her attention to see if we can get something.
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Posts: 5687
Location: UK

Re: Luck Statue Timer

Post by Calvin »

you are suggesting the timer stops when you log out, and i guess it all resets after 24 hours either way?

fair enough, good idea.

i dont understand why the rest.

there's no era reason for it being how it is?
i dont think it would be difficult to code at all.
might not be how they wrote it, but that's probably just a choice.
but it's their choice to make, so..

the era is where it is because it's the best point of the game's history.

maybe just the first clip ;)

point is a lot of what was added after ML, was market extension strategies, to extend the life of a product that was getting out paced by other products; generally they do this by giving you everything you want.. you get a short term boost, but it messes up the game's longevity.
they wont add anything here that will invalidate current working systems.
UO is not built to be an on rails theme park game. the content is not made to be consumed and discarded, it's made to all add to a larger system that feed into one another. making it content driven invalidates a lot of the old content and breaks the overall meta; but there are some additions which are beneficial, so they add those through events if they choose to - it's cherry picking.

it is making the game a bit more of a hyrbid in a way.. but a hybrid of ML+, rather than AOS-ML. there's no rule changes, just a few item additions, and a couple of skills if they dont break the meta.. it's all carefully chosen; but it's not strict.

the way UO is built, is why people still play it. because it's a grand design concept, not a levelling concept - it's a virtual world. those are like, impossibru to make perfect, and it's rare anyone tries.

they *literally* do not make them how they used to.

in fact they kinda became sociologists just by making uo lol
what they found was there's way more player involvement in the society than they planned for, which is why modern games kinda stop you doing that, cos it's the one thing they cant control. it's also why we have so many problems :lol:

“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.”
― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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