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Re: The Evolution of PvP - Not what it is supposed to be.

Posted: May 26th, 2017, 1:15 am
by Tempest
Loler wrote:Kaperino remember that time you disabled gheal/mini heal vs my necromage and still lost? or the time you disabled ebolt+Gift of renewal/miniheal/gheal and almost lost to flame strike spam. with my only form of healing being spiritspeak and gheal pots :) Man those were some good fights

I enabled pots as he asked, w/field fight rules.

He forgot that I could spam poison fields. :lol:

Good fights with the Kapero.

Re: The Evolution of PvP - Not what it is supposed to be.

Posted: May 26th, 2017, 4:00 am
by Loler
yeah we did a similair one i just dropped para fields the whole time

Re: The Evolution of PvP - Not what it is supposed to be.

Posted: May 26th, 2017, 8:49 pm
by zulu2401
royal kapero2 wrote:You irrational shit, you are too uneducated to discuss with me, the term of frequency and the probality are unknown to this ignorant society. Then get stuffed you with shiny stuff. Make as many posts as you want, you only continue the machine of retardation. A long time ago, you have fallen, so you will not tell me, you started to matter just now. Feeling like number one? I am sorry you are living in illusion, unless I see it on my own eyes or at least in a leet video. I have one message to you, the author of this thread killed me only once, with FB/ma and poison, he disabled potions to gain an advantage over an EP dexxer, before and after that I used to murder him everytime, he is just a retard, not worth the notion. Also I died to Dylan for laughs, now these screenshots are cycling over forums like they would rob a bank, but what they don't realize is if we make an equilibrium, it would look like :

2 (their total kills)
_____________ = 2x10^-5, impressive amount,
100000 (mine)

Why don't you ask for fixing faster casting, which allows to not fizzle and teleports allow to move faster than anything else in game.

Also be patient, I am working on fixing my connection, which now gives me 600 ping, I will record a video, in which a mongbat slaughter requires more effort than murdering you.

A shit talk from one shit talker to another. Thank you.
You're a three hotkey Dexxer/archer lol. You're small brain can't operate at mage level skill so until you prove otherwise you should shut the fuck up. Nothing you post makes any sense. I'll be patiently waiting to rape you over and over and over again so make sure your gate hopping script is working before you come to brit.