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Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 17th, 2018, 9:30 pm
by Ajani
hrs024 wrote:
Ajani wrote:
Mr Straitions wrote:It's almost time again. As we all know, H-Town is the Super Bowl of UO.

@Staff please remember the mistakes of last year :D

@Everyone else - What do we want to see this year? INB4 everyone says Conjurer's Garb.

I'm sure it'll be a ton of fun this year again. My humble suggestions would be to make the PVP boss drop good stuff this time and consider making H-Town last more than 2 weeks as some of us have busy schedules IRL.
No to garb
I want trinket again

PvP area dropped a luck statue worth over 100m and inquis so i dont understand "make the pvp boss drop good stuff this time"
you need to be 18 to vote =p
Im not voting im just stating my opinion

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 17th, 2018, 10:06 pm
by deathviper
With all the bitchin' people did last year, I say cancel it for a year.

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 17th, 2018, 10:07 pm
by Bama
Just run it long enough so I can finish my quest

Syn_8-17_16.28.jpg (242.54 KiB) Viewed 3784 times

(2 freaking years and I'm still not done)

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 1:58 am
by Amish Hammer
take out the trinket, dont bring the garb. Or if you do bring either of them, make them alot more common to get so the server gets flooded with them so its not super over priced and makes the economy even worse then it already is. decrease the spawn timers for the bosses, but decrease the drop rate, so people dont wait around so much just to fail to get 3 hits on the boss that dies in 10 seconds. and make it so you can do exorcism anywhere in htown to get rid of those ghosting tryhard bots

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 2:01 am
by Legacy
Ajani wrote:
Mr Straitions wrote:I thought inquiz was a rumor? The luck statue is PVM related so I don't care about that.

WHy no garb? Why not trinket ANNNNDDD garb?
garb is too good imo mr and 15 dci it will go into every suit which will make it a 500m item atleast
Its 5 dci...

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 4:25 am
by Arden
We got 6 inquis last year In kvg. I got 2 myself
To go with my 5 trinkets...

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 4:38 am
by Reetus
Garb or I'm not logging in...
trinkets.png (69.88 KiB) Viewed 3737 times

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 4:57 am
by Ajani
Reetus wrote:Garb or I'm not logging in...

you're the guy that made a video of garb on demise....I believe in your photoshop skills

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 5:35 am
by Tempest
Fuck Hell Town.

I didn't get shit anyways.

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 8:02 am
by Skrillex
Well, htown was ok last year, but come on, whats point on drop trinket in trammel boss, people with 4 accs farming it, dude, no way on that, trinket should be a random loot from random boss, or PvP boss.

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 9:24 am
by Vander Nars
Ajani wrote:
Mr Straitions wrote:It's almost time again. As we all know, H-Town is the Super Bowl of UO.

@Staff please remember the mistakes of last year :D

@Everyone else - What do we want to see this year? INB4 everyone says Conjurer's Garb.

I'm sure it'll be a ton of fun this year again. My humble suggestions would be to make the PVP boss drop good stuff this time and consider making H-Town last more than 2 weeks as some of us have busy schedules IRL.
No to garb
I want trinket again

PvP area dropped a luck statue worth over 100m and inquis so i dont understand "make the pvp boss drop good stuff this time"
First thing the statue drop rate was extremely low, so this meant most people helping hold and defend the boss would never get one, unlike the grave digger who was handing out trickets like candy. By the end of day 1 only kvg and chn was willing to fight over the boss, other guilds would just straight leave and go afk pvm mobs cause it “wasnt worth” fighting over according to many others from different guilds. This is a massive failure on the admins part and we beg them for a week to fix it, so what do they do? Nothing! Changing the statue to a even smaller drop rate inquis simple serve to further push everyone away from the pvp boss into afk farming pvm mobs. If they gave a shit at all about making the pvpers happy than they would have put the trinket on the pvp boss so other guilds who are honestly cowards will come fight us for it.

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 1:32 pm
by deathviper
It might be better to have the drops similar to how they work when tots are active. That way you don't have people complaining that this or that isn't dropping here or there. You have a chance of random drop like tots, that would also have people running around killing other stuff instead of just camping at a certain location.

But then I am sure someone would complain about that too.

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 3:28 pm
by The Silvertiger
deathviper wrote:It might be better to have the drops similar to how they work when tots are active. That way you don't have people complaining that this or that isn't dropping here or there. You have a chance of random drop like tots, that would also have people running around killing other stuff instead of just camping at a certain location.

But then I am sure someone would complain about that too.
You are actually on to something. Minor turn ins with a list of greater stuff.

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 3:34 pm
by Ajani
The Silvertiger wrote:
deathviper wrote:It might be better to have the drops similar to how they work when tots are active. That way you don't have people complaining that this or that isn't dropping here or there. You have a chance of random drop like tots, that would also have people running around killing other stuff instead of just camping at a certain location.

But then I am sure someone would complain about that too.
You are actually on to something. Minor turn ins with a list of greater stuff.
have all the deco + the "major" arty like trinket on minor with no major list

Re: Halloween Town 2018

Posted: August 18th, 2018, 3:42 pm
by Ajani
example list incoming
jack o lantern
wooden table south
wooden table east
metal table east
metal table south
wooden shelf south
wooden shelf east
small bone table
crystal table south
crystal table east
luck statue
dragon lantern
twighlight lantern orange
twighlight lantern black
random gm head
osian grimoure

with everything having 5% chance of dropping when you get an arty
kinda like doom ;)