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Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 5:59 am
by Calvin


Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 8:06 am
by Calvin
right, serious question... if you had a child that was like this, that refused point blank to learn anything, and was just convinced they know everything already... what would you do?

like, would you just let them carry on as they are?
would you keep trying to convince them?
would you just smack them into obedience? :/

like... ya dont wanna break them... but.. is it for their own good?

it's actually a genuine problem with my lil sister, cos she's going a bit off the rails.

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 8:09 am
by Calvin
research time..

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 8:13 am
by Calvin
^ junk

this guy might be talking about me :lol:

...maybe in this context, but like, as i say im only doing this because you guys need it. bullshit is the language you guys speak.. i cant not be arrogant with you, because you are always adversarial.

should i break you? i dont know... i really dont want to. it just seems like the only way to get you to listen, is with force.

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 8:21 am
by Calvin

see, all this could also apply to me. but the difference is, i have actual qualifications.. and i know sooo much more than you.. it's unbelievable.

see... what you're not getting here ST, is they are all quiet, because they're smarter than you.. and they can at least tell something is off (that they're actually arguing with a professional this time).
they're quiet because they dont wanna embarrass themselves... you've... not noticed :lol: <3
bless :)

... tbh with you, it's kinda grim that it took like 30 years to realize that i am actually pretty smart, and most people are actually pretty stupid... i think the whole world is coming to that realization with all the BLM protests and SJW stuff. idiots are massively exposing themselves.

people like me need to step up tbh.. cos you guys are really hurting people.

it's all this "every child gets a trophy" stuff... it kinda needs to stop, at least on a practical level. because we are NOT beyond needing things to be practical. *you* may be comfortable, but that is because people like me, make it that way. *someone* is doing the hard work. just because you cant see it, doesn't mean it's not going on.

honestly.. you can be a consumer. just, respect the people that allow you to live that life, and dont get in their way.

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 16th, 2020, 8:47 am
by Calvin
i think we all know who this is aimed at ;)

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 17th, 2020, 7:14 am
by kentares

* Freeman's Mind by Accursed Farms

I don't mean to hijack your thread; but if you haven't seen this, I believe that you would enjoy it. If I embedded the video correctly it should link to the playlist of 87 videos.

Have fun and be safe.


Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 17th, 2020, 3:38 pm
by Calvin
i love half-life 1. it's a revolutionary masterpiece.
my favourite thing about it, is look how much of the maps are built with geometry and not static meshes. that is something games have really lost these days.
but these videos are great, because it shows how immersive the game is, and basically how the player is thinking, hopefully. its raw games design, and to me it's fantastic. they did so much with basic stuff. modern games are all flash and no substance. HL1 was all substance and no flash.
it's akin to a classic j-rpg.
classic western rpgs are all about stats and problem solving. but classic j-rpgs are all about the narrative, and they achieve sooo much with basic sprites, they are really a masterclass in good narrative design.

eg. this scene had more of an emotional impact than like 99% of the epic 3D films/games you get these days. because it's really not about the gfx.

shit is gettin kinda real :?

im not a religious person.. but if i was, i would say these people are doing god's work. there's some real evil in the world these days..

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 1:55 am
by Calvin
i've known about the organ stuff for years...

china's all messed up cos of mao

it's basically like what would germany have been if hitler won.
taiwan is the actual chinese government in exile.

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 2:19 am
by Calvin
*watching the documentary*

so does anyone wanna tell me how terrible the west is now?

that China Uncensored video is from 2015 btw, and doesn't even mention the uighurs.... i guess they ran out of the other guys :/

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 3:10 am
by Calvin
but ya know, funny innit that he keeps saying the word. what a dumbass. always saying the same word. haha.

lets see who posted this video huh?
HuffPost Entertainment

oh it's these people

yeah nothing propaganda-y on that website....

but yeah ignore china, it's russia that's the problem... ya know, cos they dont want macdonalds.

(if you cant tell this post is a bit sarcastic...)

just take the blue pill guys, it's only your children that will suffer, no big deal. orange man bad. he made a possibly offensive, but not really joke one time in private. he clearly needs canceling.

... fucking disgusting people. sorry, does that make me racist some how? not sure how... but ya know, im speaking pro-trump, so i must be a nazi... it's so fucking stupid.. no wonder they banned the word "retarded" is it?

if you've ever wondered what actually makes me angry... i kinda envy how narrow minded some people are. ignorance is bliss.

i suppose on the bright side, at least they're anti islam? that's ... something... i guess... *sigh*

is it 80% of america's imports come from china?

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 6:25 am
by Frasier
Sometimes I've been thinking what (important) is missing in my life.
Now I have found it.
This thread.
Thank You.

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 1:54 pm
by The Silvertiger

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 2:35 pm
by Calvin
it's a bit complicated... cos the japanese were with the germans in ww2. japan before ww2 was a very different place.

the allies were actually good friends with stalin when stalin was fighting hitler. in fact america gave them a LOT of weapons... it's all in those warlords documentaries.

we didn't side with china vs the soviets... we sided with the soviets and china (the communists), against the nazis and japanese. it's after ww2 that everything became a bit nuts with the cold war. because russia wouldn't give back poland and those eastern states. until the fall of the soviet union. the cold war is where china and russia became a big problem, because they were communist bros against the capitalist west. thats where you get all the crap with afganistan starting and the korean war. but the soviet union fell, the ccp did not.

china's thought control is scary.. if you look for Tienanmen Square from a chinese computer, all you'll see is nice images of the place...

not this:

it's really shocking to think most chinese people have no idea it even happened.

... people need to understand that there are much bigger problems in the world than things like fkin micro-aggressions and pronouns.. they are such first world problems it's ridiculous. pisses me off. these people are not gonna see the axe til it lands.
their whole reality just disgusts me. :cry:
and honestly i dont even know if their hearts actually are in the right place, or they're just being selfish.
then they run around smashing things up and calling everyone names they dont even understand the meaning of.
silencing people like it's a game. it really is terrible.

but there is hope. just ironic that it takes an idiot with a moral compass to bulldoze his way through the bullshit.

that's what Churchill was ya know. trump is actually a war time leader.. just the war is financial and political. it's literally a cold civil war.
luckily the left doesn't have a leader at all.

it's pretty much over now anyway, people have become aware of stuff, they cant put the cat back in the bag. all the real violence that is happening these days is just the death throws of desperation.

honestly, people do know, and have been trying to get the message out for years.
but there are other people who are very happy to have things keep going the way they were... because they're rich enough for it to never touch them anyway. that's pretty much how you'd end up with hunger games.

the trick is that it's not capitalism, or communism that's the issue these days; it's globalism. nationalists want an internally consistent system which can be managed, exactly the same as i would like this game world to be manageable. but the globalists are perfectly happy to take advantage of places that dont have human rights laws.
what they dont realize, or dont care about, is that they are empowering things like the ccp, and they see the big picture, they are actually nationalist, with aspirations of world domination. i suppose it's fair to say they're not racist at least, they're elitist instead...

Re: Calvin's Off Topic Thread

Posted: July 18th, 2020, 3:57 pm
by Calvin
im not 100% sure, but i think his wife is actually alive! i think they both survived!
accordingly he met her when he was 8 :)
but jees man.. you've done enough. the sunset is thaddaway.

if you ask me, big pharma is poisoning people.

so you wanna be a rock superstar? ...