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Re: Quit being borg!

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 7:40 am
by Tempest
Down with the Borgs!

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 12:12 pm
by Tanya
If you want to spawn in fell you need to learn to defend the spawn.

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 10:42 pm
by ortiz
if fel spawns are wearing you out its due to user error.. has nothing to do with the spawn.. spawns are not difficult here.. you are just bad.


Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 10:58 pm
by Tempest
Opy, as much as i support you, i hate to bust your marbles but....

I can do a coon by myself in 15-20minutes.

Thats without aof/orny/hom/quiver. All of my runics are crafted.

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 12:13 am
by Bama
Poor Opy

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 12:23 am
by kaltivel
The solution is to do champ spawns in ilshener. U will have to fight paragons but its do-able. Even solo. And with 2 people u can do it very well.

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 5:48 pm
by SCV
My friend, you are not alone, many citizens of Demise share the same opinion.
You should make a guild that dedicates itself to fight the "borg" as you call it!

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 12th, 2016, 6:08 am
by Indika
First off, I must say I love the Star Trek references in this post.

Secondly, man it's actually dangerously easy to solo spawns on Demise. I really think there is some user-error. Maybe you are using the wrong spells or technique. I have known many players to take shitty LRC suits and start soloing spawns with them. If anything, spawns could stand to be more difficult. Even the Champ's themselves die too easily... Semidar dies in 10 E-bolts.

You can either learn the curve, or you will continue to fail. Good luck in your journey.

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 2:52 am
by Sgfcat
All spawns can be soloed except tok and oaks (and maybe the glade)

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 12:21 pm
by Bama
Opywang wrote:I was told
They lied to you

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 1:17 pm
by Necrodog
Opywang wrote:Hurp derp hurp hurp hurp derp derp hurp derp

Hurp Derp? DERP! Hurp hurp derpiddy derp derp hurp derp!

Hurp derp hurp hurp hurp derp.
If you really are a troll account, now is your time to come out and say it, and I will forgive you for deceiving me and making me believe that there really is someone this hilariously stupid in this world.

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 9:15 pm
by Bama
Opywang wrote:
I was told
They lied to you

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 11:15 pm
by Bama
Opywang wrote:If they lied then why are they afraid of OSI?

There is already an accurate list of kills which is right here.

Since the monsters are tougher, it also requires fewer kills to advance the spawn.
OK Opy focus here for a minute

No staring out the window
No playing with your dinky

Let us discuss this chart you posted

Oaks Champ in Spirituality (because you like this champ so much)
That champ is always active with a random number of red candles.It starts with 2 or 3 or 4 red candles
This means that the rest of the levels start at different red candle counts
To advance that champ to level 2 with a 4 red candle start you need to kill enough spawn to add 3 more red candles

So if it started with 4 red candles you need 3 more making a total of 7 to get to level 2
Which means when you are on level 2 you need to add 4 more candles for a total of 11 to get to level 3
So at level 3 with 11 candles you need to add 4 more red candles for a total of 15 to get to level 4
Now level 4 starts at 15 red candles so you only need to get 1 red candle

Still following or did a dog with a fluffy tail run past your window?

According to the chart you posted, on OSI whether you start level 4 with only needing 1 red candle or 3 to pop the champ you need to kill the same amount of spawn.
Does that make sense to you? If it does please explain it to me

Another thing about that chart (if it is indeed correct) shouldn't level 1 be 0 to 5/6 and not 1 to 5/6
Which champ on OSI starts with 1 red candle?

That chart might not be correct Opy

UOGuide lied to you

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 1:01 am
by Cimber
LOL I knew it would be less than 24 hours before I could pull out my popcorn! See I told you Opy, your incapable of not phreaking out... :popcorn:

Re: Quit being a borg!

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 2:52 am
by Necrodog
Opywang wrote:Hurp derp derp OSI derp hurp hurp derp derp mobs2hard hurp derp derp i work spawns with EVs instead of thunderstorms hurp derp derp hurp derp
1) This shard is not an OSI clone. It aims to be, in Eos' own words, "Like OSI, but better!"

After playing as many other shards as I have, my opinion of the custom changes (fast casting) is that the shard is actually rather well-balanced.

2) I know this is beating a dead horse with a dead horse, holding a dead horse, tied to a dozen dead horses, while it is laying in a pile of dead horses, but you lack basic understanding of how to play this game.

Your complaint is that it is easier to fireball mobs than to cast thunderstorm, but that is just false. It requires more actions to cast fireball, because fireball has to target a specific mob, while thunderstorm and wither can simply be cast repeatedly, no targeting or timing required.

It is not an opinion, it is a FACT that you are terrible. It is provable, and Tanya, among others, has proved it.

Every single individual on this shard knows it, and I would wager even you know it on the inside, which is why you can't complete stupidly easy spawns.

3) Please, do not ever stop posting. I seriously love to hate you, my friend. :beathorse: