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Sampire Suit

Posted: December 24th, 2017, 8:13 am
by fluffhead321
Hey everyone, just returning to the server and I was hoping someone could help me figure out and "ideal" suit for a mace Sampire.

I have jackals, storm grips, ring of vile.

I was thinking ideally I'd need Storm grips, Glad Collar and mace and sheild glasses, or do I want at totem? I figured the rest of the peices would be brsk crafted +stam with some HCI, DI rings and braces, and try to get around 20 DCI in there somewhere.

Aside from the weapon, am I on the right track?


Re: Sampire Suit

Posted: December 24th, 2017, 3:26 pm
by The Silvertiger
The author of the sampire bible is known to say jackals and grips are bad for samp.

I personally don't like ring of the vile, but it can be used. What I always shoot for: 40 + di, 20 + hci, and 19 =/+ dci on jewels. LMC, luck, stats, ep, and ssi 5 can also be greatly beneficial.

Glads definitely can be used, but is not necessary. If you have it use it. If not use a crafted gorget.

What talisman are you using? If you have
conjurer's trinket you have some flexibility in hci. Glads also offers flexibility here. If you have 90 DI between jewels and weapons you can use void for 10 LMC or any talisman. If you can't get 80 DI between jewels and weapons, I suggest using trinket or primer.

Quiver of infinity will also grant you flexibility on your jewels.

The popular build nowadays is mace and shield glasses in the head slot and leggings of the bane. This gives you 29/14/14/46/12, 20 hci, 6 stamina, 30 hld, dex 5, and 10 str.

That leaves you with 4 pieces to get your stam, mana, resists, lmc, and hp's up to par.

Before you start this build you need to consider are you going to build an actual sampire using
vampiric embrace, a traditional whammy using
wraith form and curse weapon, or a mounted whammy using armored swamp dragon/
[/url=] paroxy [/url] and curse weapon. Why does this matter you ask... Well, vampiric embrace will cost you 25 fire resist. Wraith form will grant you 15 phys resist and cost you 5 fire resist and 5 energy resist.

Human or elf? It matters.

Consider what you are going to be doing with your character. Peerless/single target dps or spawning/aoe mitigation. The actual sampire does well with both as does the mounted whammy. The traditional whammy does best with single target dps.

From there you want to consider what weapon you will be using as that will tell you how much stamina you will need to keep max swing speed.

So here's the basic stats you will need on your crafted pieces:

41 physical[36 for whammy] (for 70)/

56 fire[81 for sampire/61 for traditional whammy] (for 70)/

46 cold (for 60)/

14 poison (for 60)/

58 energy[63 for traditional whammy] (for 70) [add 5 for elf]

LMC 30+


Stam inc enough to keep swing speed at 1.25

Have hpi enough to get as close to 150 hp after pots

Mana inc to keep specials up as much as possible


Re: Sampire Suit

Posted: December 24th, 2017, 3:46 pm
by Hiawatha
Just my two cents. You don’t have to spend a fortune to build a sampire. Just to build a good one. Jackals and grips can be used. But the glasses and banes are the most common. Not everyone has it though so girls are still very common. I recommend fencing though. I love my fencing weps and am trying to prove it’s viable. If you want cookie cutter go macing. If you have conjurers trinket you’re golden.

Re: Sampire Suit

Posted: December 24th, 2017, 8:47 pm
by fluffhead321
How do I get a conjuror trinket? TY very much btw, very helpful responses

Re: Sampire Suit

Posted: December 24th, 2017, 11:23 pm
by The Silvertiger
fluffhead321 wrote:How do I get a conjuror trinket? TY very much btw, very helpful responses
At this time by purchase or gift. They are selling for 100+ mil.