Jailed for unattended macro'ing while attended.

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Jailed for unattended macro'ing while attended.

Post by damaxman »

Let me premise this post by saying that I am very glad to have the Demise GM's making an effort to rid the server of unattended macro'ers and bots. All legit players benefit from this, so I want to make it clear that I respect and appreciate them doing this.

But... I do have an issue with being jailed (even if it is just a "warning") and seemingly having no recourse for disputing it. Today at around 1:30pm my time I glanced back to my HW macro screen and saw myself in jail. I opened the sign, read it, even double clicked the obelisk and re-read the Demise rules, as instructed. I promptly opened a ticket so that I could discuss this with a/the GM that jailed me and explain that I, in fact, was present the entire time, but I was merely watching YouTube off to the side (see pic). Additionally, it is likely I missed the AFK check because there is a LOT of stuff going on during my HW macro, namely; lots of players, crafting menus, and quest menus all flooding the screen.

Now I'll be honest, I can't tell you for sure how long I was mesmerized by Mr. Beast between glances, but I don't think it was more than 60-90 seconds at most.

So the sign on the wall in jail states that if I say "I have been warned" in game, I get to leave, fair enough, but all I wanted to do was clear the air and assure said GM that I wasn't breaching the rules. When I made the ticket, I was number 2 in the queue. That was 6 hours ago. Since then, I've moved to 1 in queue. And yes, I have been attentively watching my screen in jail for 6 straight hours in the hopes that I can merely discuss this with a GM.

Given that I've had a lot of time to think, I ponder how someone is present to jail me, but then only 1 ticket is (handled/removed/logged off) in the 6 hours I've been waiting? Are the tickets being ignored? Did the GM log for the night?

Sure, I'm fully aware that the GM likely made this decision in good faith with a fair assumption that I wasn't present because I didn't immediately reply. No salt here over that, but 6 hours waiting just to explain myself? That's almost as insane as I am for waiting that long.

At the end of the day, again, I'm glad GM's are cleaning up the server, but I ask them to please consider that the person they are about to jail may very well be distracted by shiny lasers a couple inches away before they make their decision. Likewise, I respectfully ask that if you are going to jail someone, to please glance at any possible tickets that pop up in the proceeding minutes.

Ultimately I hope this post isn't received as a complaint or me whining (even though I kinda am), rather a constructive criticism, because despite playing here off and on for many years now, I always come back because this is a great server. Even better than the official ones IMO.

Posts: 47
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Re: Jailed for unattended macro'ing while attended.

Post by Vampire337 »

I had a similar issue, where I was deep in modifying a macro in one UO instance while my miner was macroing, and I look over to find my guy trying to run through a jail cell wall. The GM had literally just placed me there and was still in the room with us (another guy had been caught and he also was talking, so not fully AFK). I explained that I wasn't AFK, just focused on another part of the screen and they said to basically pay more attention, and this was just a warning.

I don't get the sense that there's much staff on to answer in-game support requests. Presumably they're logging on, doing cursory checks on macroing, and going back to playing their actual account if they play. I believe Demise uses the horrible CAPTCHA pop-up that I first saw in the HTown event. I've managed to get jailed once (but released immediately since I was there and responsive) for not accurately solving the CAPTCHA in the 3 minute window. So I'd say Mr Beast held your attention for around 180-200 seconds.

I respect the 'need' to prevent fully unattended macroing. I don't think the current system is the best method for accomplishing the goal, necessarily, but I don't know how robust a solution you can expect for volunteer funding. I'm also not complaining, but as an enginerd I can't put on underpants without questioning (briefly) whether the system couldn't be just a little more efficient.
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Re: Jailed for unattended macro'ing while attended.

Post by Bama »

Vampire337 wrote: December 14th, 2020, 5:23 pm I can't put on underpants without questioning (briefly)
Now that's funny
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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