Yeah,i know that post,but still have three questions:
- 1.Casting delay randomness takes 25ms to 250ms?
- 2.How long does overcasting silent fizzle last if it happens?
- 3.When this randomness and silent fizzle take place,before or after targetting?Do they kick in as soon as casting time is finished,or they take effect only after targetting action is completed?I.E.You cast a FIre Ball.Its casting time(750ms with 2/6)+sending target cursor(and casting delay randomness/overcasting silent fizzle take effect at the same time)+ recieving target?or casting time+sending targeting cursor+recieving target+randomness/silent fizzle ? or something else?
You know,casting is extremely ping-related from the first day of Demise.Its because of UO targetting mechanic.This sending target cursor + receiving target mechanic adds a whole ping time to each of your spells.And because of Demise casting.The faster spells can be casted,the more advantage low ping players will have over high ping ones. Its why most high ping players cant play mages(there was an exception before Target Exploit was gone).
Therefore,the last question seems very important to high ping players.if casting delay randomness and overcast silent fizzle take place before targetting,the ping influence may be lowered.It looks that,high ping players cant cast fast because of their ping,but low ping ones neither because of cast delay/silent fizzle.
If so,it would give high ping players more choices.They would no longer be forced to play non-casting templates in order to be competetive.