Good Movies

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

Battle Star

might have to watch Starship Troopers :P

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

*** SPOILERS ***

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Re: Good Movies

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Snatch is good, but im not massively into Guy Richie films.. Rock n' Rolla is my fav ;P
interesting thing - he wrote Snatch first, then he wrote Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, to get the money to make Snatch.

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

ima watch babylon 5 :P

what is a meme, but a picture saying a thousand words?

what is a video, but a moving picture?

do love B5.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

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Re: Good Movies

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DS9 is always good

*wrong clip ;P
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Bama »

50 Movies can you name them?
50movies.jpg (21.61 KiB) Viewed 2994 times
Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

needs higher resolution ;)
reminds me of where's wally :D

im starting to think tv/movies are all about the characters to me.. if they can write believable, or likable characters, then they're just gonna be good whatever they are; and i suppose that comes down to the writer/director.

i never used to think of stuff in terms of the authors, but it may actually be a legit way to do it.

i need to watch more of these..

if you ever wondered what gamergate was sort of about... it was basically this:

but then the games industry hit back by pointing out the hypocrisy and stuff of the journalism industry.
they fucked with the wrong hombres :lol: which is possibly why journalism's credibility is so devastated now...
ya shouldn't under-estimate artists man, they're smart people.
but i'll tell ya what, ya think it's bad me looking at people like this in UO? this is how silicone valley sees real life.
that's what you should really be worried about.
do you remember the clip of the guy saying "enjoy the fantasy, but keep a clear sharp line drawn on the floor, to do otherwise is to embrace madness." well... they dont have a line. to me all this is literally a game, cos it is. but that's not...

13:20 - :lol: i really like her, she's smart.

see to me the whole gamer gate, comic book scandal, etc. is just the same as the spanish inquisition or the english civil war with cromwell. it's just the modern form of it.
it's the puritans, fanatical about the rules, but not understanding their purpose. what they are actually doing is playing out philosophical debates which have gone on for the entire of human history.
.. there's always people that just think in terms of power.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

*eating bacon sandwiches*
*find something to watch*

1 min in... damn girl... i think the algorithms are stalking me.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

Star Trek :3
TNG, DS9, and maybe Voyager a bit.

i wonder if there's some irony in the trolls arguing like machines...
you guys make cyborgs so uncool.

see the difference is i can beat you at your own game as well.
actual pvmers will just get sick of the trolling and never getting anywhere, and leave.
me, i enjoy bullying bullys :P it's the only time im allowed to do it ;)
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

... ya know we probably dont have more staff, because she's paranoid about who she can trust now :(
thing is she's right to be..

Outsider woulda been a good GM i think.. i find deco to be a good indicator tbh, because people that care for deco, care for more than the practical value of things.

it's actually kinda beautiful, like if you've seen westworld.. there's a subplot of the maze, and it's like a secret game within the game, to get to a secret level. deco is kinda like that ;)
and the place the maze leads is to being able to be a gm.
well, in theory :P

see from my point of view, mb was like an experiment along the same lines of a black hat hacker turning into a white hat hacker. ie. the best security specialists are people that used to be hackers. but yeah.. nvm...

btw dont even try to think how the maze things applies to the real world

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

lol erm... fight club is a good movie... #unrelated....... #firstrule :lol:

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

Deadpool 2 is actually better than i remember it

Last edited by Calvin on July 8th, 2020, 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

already mentioned but might as well post the trailer

this is basically jon favreau taking back Star Wars from the feminazi types, now he's finished the marvel run. they are gonna get marvel in return, but hopefully they wont try to retcon the whole 15 year fkin masterwork that they made.



Star Trek needs a Jon Favreau.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

ooh maybe it could be an older Seth MacFarlane

i guess we're getting a season 2 :D

51,986 views•22 Jul 2018 - maybe....
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