Good Movies

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

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Re: Good Movies

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Facko »

atomic chicken wrote: January 1st, 2022, 2:12 am A pretty decent movie i was recently was "Don't Look Up" on Netflix, solid movie, story and acting.
Kinda came off like Iron Sky to me (nazis living on the dark side of the moon) with the cast and tone. Didn't enjoy it much myself. A few funny moments here and there but pretty mediocre, kinda like Iron Sky.

I can't really agree on the matrix. 50% at best. Better new things to watch right now.

Cobra Kai was good at least.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Facko »

This is about where I'm at.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

i think it effectively dodged the whole comparison
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Re: Good Movies

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^what i mean is the film is not a typical film.. so its hard to compare it to a proper film.. it doesn't have the standard structure and stuff.. the characters are not really serious, there is no dramatic tension or peril.. but it is mildly interesting. it felt more like watching a documentary than a film.

i didn't hate it.. where i do kinda hate matrix 2 and 3.. so.. i dunno man, did anyone like where they took it in 2 and 3? fkin albinos with dreadlocks.. weird chinese guy... it felt more like xmen than the matrix.

skipping through 4 was pretty horrific, but when i watched it through start to finish, it made sense, i could follow it.. it was a bit lame, but.. it wasn't ridiculous like 2 and 3.

Cobra Kai was good, tho i do think it went off the rails a bit nearer the end.. like the way it jumped immediately into the tournament, skipped a lot of the training stuff.. what was the deal with that singer randomly coming on for a bit of a montage of all the stuff we actually wanted to see.. meh.
still a good series, but coulda been a lot better.

this is a bit annoying tho..

^that is not a tornado kick

this is a tornado kick:

it's my favourite kick that, it's beautiful.

mmh... re-watching it... i suppose it kind of is... just she's not moving forward with it, which kinda defeats the purpose..

re-re-watching it.. :P
naah fk that, she just does a spin, goes back to stance then does a jumping roundhouse. aint no tornado kick. she probably couldn't do it, it's a very hard kick to do, i couldn't do it properly when i did TKD, my mate was pro at it tho, he did the nationals for ireland.

ah right okay.. i woulda just called that a spinning roundhouse

"How to do a spinning roundhouse kick (Tornado Kick)"

i dont think the fight choreography is as good as previous seasons.. there's too many pointless scenes like her going to visit her friend, or the boardroom meeting thing.. not enough training episodes.. too much interpersonal bs. random new characters.. it's still a decent show, but Silver saved the season imo. it sorta feels like the writers got lazy and phoned it in :S

still the best thing to have come out in a while, but shoulda been better.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

do you know what's actually a really fun action movie?
Wolf Warrior 2.
i watched it cos people were goin on about it being a chinese propaganda movie:

i can see their point, it is very pro-china, but it's nothing we dont do in our films.. there is like a dodgy 30 second snippet that is very anti-american.. but other than that it's really not that bad. it is absolutally insane though ^.^

if you ever get held up at gun point btw, just tell em you're chinese :lol:

if you can watch it with a sense of humour, it's actually really entertaining.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

oh, book of boba fett is alright as well if you liked mandelorian - very similar.

still waiting on a good copy of ghostbusters
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

started re-watching Lost.

good series tbh, nice to have something different after all the vikings and zombies.
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Re: Good Movies

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ya know there's actually some decent movies just on youtube

a lot of junk tho as well
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Re: Good Movies

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Re: Good Movies

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Re: Good Movies

Post by Facko »

I tried posting a YouTube free movie once. It was probably region locked. Stay tuned (that was the name of the movie). Good pirate flicks up too. Hadn't seen the gate 2 since I had cable in the 90s. Trash movie but I was stoned as fuck lol.
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Facko »

Calvin wrote: January 3rd, 2022, 2:27 pm oh, book of boba fett is alright as well if you liked mandelorian - very similar.

still waiting on a good copy of ghostbusters
It's out there. 50-50 on whether you'll like it or not. It's kinda the highlander 3 of the series (the apology).
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Re: Good Movies

Post by Calvin »

Lost's pretty good ya know, just Season 4 kinda sux. then it bizaarely should end on the first episode of Season 6.. (5 was a bad ending, start of season 6 fixes it, but then continues)..

if it ended either before season 4, or the last ep of season 5 was the proper ending that is in first ep of season 6.. then it would be a good show, it's a shame things that are good are judged on their failings not their merits.

debatable if season 5 is worth the shitshow of season 4.. season 6 isn't bad.. nice to see stuff explained, but too much just randomly added, too many new characters and new locations for a final season. it really is just exposition season, which is entertaining, but not in the right way really. shoulda left it at 3 seasons imo.

i'd still give it an 8/10 overall, but mainly because the first 3 seasons are like 9.5/10

S4 is like 3/10
S5 7/10
S6 ... not finished totally yet, but looking like a 5.
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