Capt. Bo Nix

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Capt. Bo Nix

Post by Bama »

I would like to say that after watching him play 2 games...... IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT "D"
It is going to be a long season for the faithful on The Plains

Enjoy the game Saturday Bo because after that it is SEC Conference play

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25 AUG 2019

Dearest Mother —
I am happy to inform you of my recent promotion to the rank of Captain. I received word from Gen. Malzahn himself. I know Father will be proud. The men speak often of his exploits in battle. Give brother and sister my love.
— Bo

26 AUG 2019

Dearest Mother —
I am growing accustomed to the duties of my new rank. If my youth is a concern to the men, they do not show it. Gen. Malzahn sent orders to strike the camp and move the army west. With rumors of an impending engagement we are on the march. Anxious.

27 AUG 2019

Dearest Mother —
I was approached by Col. Dillingham at breakfast this morning. He proposed that sideburns and some chin whiskers might give your son a more aged and intimidating appearance. We shared a hearty laugh. The Regiment has arrived in Texas. I cannot say more.
— Bo

28 AUG 2019

Dearest Mother —
The hour grows late as I pen this letter by candlelight. Scouts have confirmed reports of Duck men heading our way. We are to march through the night in an effort to cut off their advance near Dallas. If they are spoiling for a fight, we shall give them one.

29 AUG 2019

Dearest Mother —
We arrived at the three forks of the Trinity River before dawn and the men are spent. Many of them have taken to calling Gen. Malzahn, Ole Hurry-Up-No-Sleep. The Duck men are so close we can smell the smoke from their cooking fires. Give the family my love.
— Bo

30 AUD 2019

Dearest Mother —
There is much excitement in the camp as we have received orders to advance and engage the enemy. The men are weary of endless drilling and are anxious to get into the fray. Pray that my aim is true and providence grants victory over the Duck men. Steadfast.
— Bo

31 AUG 2019

Dearest Mother —
Months of drilling in the mosquito-filled Alabama heat has rendered its reward. The Duck men struck hard and fast but could not withstand our resolve. My sidearm misfired twice, but was true in the end. I hope I earned the respect of the men. Hopeful.
— Bo

1 SEPT 2019

Dearest Mother —
The spoils of battle are great. We awoke early this morning, and filled our bellies with as many roasted Duck shanks as each man could eat. The Texans introduced us to a sweet, tomato sauce which they seem quite fond of. It made the Duck most delicious.
— Bo

2 Sept 2019

Dearest Mother —
We have arrived back at Fort Jordan-Hare and much to the chagrin of the men, drilling has resumed. Gen. Malzahn was pleased with our victory in Texas but feels we were less than precise in the execution of our tactics and maneuvers. Give the family my love.
— Bo

4 Sept 2019

Dearest Mother —
We have received reports from Mobile that a sizable force passed through the city “like a Green Wave” this very morning. It is believed they are from New Orleans and under the command of Gen. Fritz, a man of German stock like our own dear general. Steadfast.
— Bo

7 Sept 2019

Dearest Mother —
Gen. Fritz’ forces have reached the Capitol and will be here within the day. I was issued a new sidearm by the quartermaster and am anxious to test its sights. If Fritz’ “Green Wave” approaches the town, we shall greet them with lemonade and lead. Resolute.
— Bo

8 Sept 2019

Dearest Mother —
The Green men have been repelled at great cost. Lt. Williams was injured charging the enemy’s defenses, and Maj. Hastings was subjected to war crimes which left him unable to continue the fight as well. Remember these brave men when you petition the heavens.
— Bo

10 SEPT 2019

Dearest Mother —
I am pleased to relay that Maj. Hastings is back at himself after the atrocity he endured on the field of battle. The little fellow is tough as a pine knot. Lt. Williams continues to mend and will hopefully rejoin the company soon. Missing the farm tonight.
— Bo

Gabba Gabba Hey!!!

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The Silvertiger
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Re: Capt. Bo Nix

Post by The Silvertiger »

Go Dawgs!
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