A thread not about casting

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royal kapero2
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Duque wrote:1. i have ever said i am a pro pvp?¿....i don't like pvp in brit, only go there when mates ask for help, for me Brit in general is a running field....i feel more confortable fighting in T2A and in dungeon (no guards no buncker) when a raid is need....so we can say that i avoid useless fight...My skill well is what it is (some people will thing is good other that is low non important in this issue we are talking) i go raid alone or in group and i win and lose raids alone or in group....
2 i am stronger with mages supporting me who is not?¿....and remember one thing all point of view are important pure pvp players are people who are usually full equipped and only log to find pvp in their free time....but there is a lot of much more kind of player which that casting affect their way to play.

3. Also there are strong mages that are agree with my point of view point per point and that are much better player than you and the 90% of player in this server in pvp :) no need to tell name and you could imagine some.
1. It's you who said the new casting buffs you, but I pointed out it does not in your case.

2. You are not stronger, the word I wanted to use is you go from useless to useful when your ganking squad puts someone on foot while teleports+bolas. This is a ridiculous exploit.

3. Quote them or why they don't speak for themselves to join a discussion or it's better to say crap and expect someone to read this.

The point is, you rely on macros and didn't expand your tactics. Don't take this personally but when you say something that is false, then you passionately start defending the old casting, you do not sound reliable.

Where does the new casting improves your archery skills? Where are you stronger in assistance of mages, I think you got too brave in your ganking routine, that's it.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Duque »

i use script and everyone use them in more or less measure and who deny it is a dumb...the difference is that skilled played use better and take more advantage of them.

This is not a thread about my skill or my way to play...the main discussion is about if we want
to keep improving OSI casting or comeback to old Demise casting....and me like other players have voted that we prefer old Demise casting and actually are:

54 YES OSI casting
60 NO against OSI casting
6 Don't care

This is the reality as well we can see that since OSI casting was implanted activity in demise drop to dead....No new faces, less pvm, less pvp.....less people......no more to say thats my point of view so....OLE and have a good day everyone
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royal kapero2
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Duque wrote:With this casting numbers put in field are much more decisive and is really easy to gank.....will old 'arcade' casting was more easy stand combat outnumbered.....so the people in general if see theirself outnumbered don't go out or log off.....or open a blue/hidder to do the "idiot" (play to the cat and rat) in brit with bunckers and guards zone, maybe i am wrong but that for me is not pvp....
You are full of nonsense. You claim that this new casting buffs you, you claim that its easier to gank with a new casting. I saw your easy gank on that screenshot, it's easier to gank with teleport+bolas, with teleport+heavy crossbow, with teleports+eo paral and so on when there is old Demise casting. Stealthers are weaker than before because they rely on casting to heal while mages rely on it too, but have defensive abilities, like magic resists, parrying, dci stacking is easier, their +skill items are easier to stack with all the necessary mods and so on.
You claim that population drop is thanks to the new casting, but I tell you what, we don't have the new casting yet, it needs a lot of rework, so connecting it with the population drop is invalid because the new casting does not exist yet! It's not done yet. I can only thank for the most active month April when people believed in fixed mechanics.

It's the famous old casting supporter, If he has a hard time fighting a melee on foot, how can someone expect him to understand casting spells that involve more factors, more than 1 range tile weapon?
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Bad Religion
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Bad Religion »

lol poor ajani doesnt know to just paralyze field in protection, lets listen to these guys!
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royal kapero2
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Duque wrote:-Champs in T2A and felluca dead ---> less pvp.....i stopped to check altars after boring to don't see activity (only Maya still doing champs frecuently).

-With this casting i don't see new templates....i only see archers, hidders and parrying mages.

-I don't see new faces with changes, and i see less pvp i mean: in the past you can find pvp in a bigger range of time....now is focused in certain times and with big groups.

PVM reasons:

-You know i liked to do champs alone or with mates (really don't have any need to do it but i liked)....now also is possible to do champs alone or with mates, but are terrible boring and longer, you are more tme healing your self than killling mobs....now T2A and dungeon activity is desert, only coon in despise keep a little activity.....so this casting killed pvm in felluca. Maybe the people go to do champ in trammel don't know, without ps less motivation to do there. So like Kobra i hate this casting to do one thing i liked ---> champs

-Also i see much less activity in dreadhorn...cu have lose value so there isn't the tipical 'fights' in dh to keep the control of cu areas (also take in consideration the hit in the economy...a lot of peope used cu like way to make money).....cu stuff i don't care i was always taking keys and doing the peerless but in the past i should wait for my turn to make it....now is really difficult to see anyone don't it.....didn't see activity in other peerless but dh is almost dead too. (yeah this point is not about casting but cu change has help to kill this area)
I like how this guy wants to bash the casting fix but his effects are opposite. He is the source why we should not bring the old back casting.

-With this casting i don't see new templates....i only see archers, hidders and parrying mages.

I saw more melees, and I am ready to play a melee full time when they fix overcasting issues with 2/5. It's because people used to the old casting, and still use cu sidhes and old tactics (see you are still spawning on the same template when the rules changed). more hidders? so it's good. a template diversity.

-Also i see much less activity in dreadhorn...cu have lose value so there isn't the tipical 'fights' in dh to keep the control of cu areas

Really man? Any proofs of these documented fights or once per week two people met and argued over the spot. or maybe there is less demand, because no one else is buying cu, because all pvpers already have and no new players are coming because of the bad managment?

-You know i liked to do champs alone or with mates (really don't have any need to do it but i liked)....now also is possible to do champs alone or with mates, but are terrible boring and longer

It's because you used to expoit things. Go make a proper template or don't rely on macros miniheal + thunderstorm, did you try a sampire, or casting paralyze fields? You want to be an immortal mage with two buttons: miniheal and thunderstorm..

-I don't see new faces with changes, and i see less pvp i mean: in the past you can find pvp in a bigger range of time....now is focused in certain times and with big groups.

There are hardly any changes except a half casting fix. There is still a lot to do on the PvP matter. If people quit, it's because of the absence of changes. So how could they quit if there were almost no changes?
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by DG »

Rolling back to the old casting is a very,very bad idea.

First,it wont make pvp activties better,if not worse.I have been an active pvper in recent 3 years.As far as i know,just like what Alvin said,most active pvpers support OSI casting.So,if things go back,the minority of active pvpers may come back,but the majority are gone and the Inactive pvpers before the change stay inactive.It is crystal clear its not a better case scenario.Furthermore,dont forget many pvpers go inactive now not because they want the old casting but because they want better OSI casting.

Second,it wont increase the shard population.It never succeeded before.Ppl asked for OSI casting because they heard the old casting stopped new players coming.The recent fall of online numbers is a result of many factors:too many changes at one time,captcha system,harsher rule enforcement,the open of other shards and so on.The casting change is far from the main reasons.

Third,it wont bring the balance of pvp.Even the current imperfect casting is way better than the old one.Its OSI casting,after all.You cant argue with that,if you gonna talke about pvp balance.It is true there are not many new templates right now.Given time,you will see more dexxers.Actually dexxers are much stronger under the current casting.but not many ppl dare to try it.

I soloed spawns a lot after the change.On a weaver,i can finish a coon in 20 minutes,semidar, rikktor and neria 40 minutes..I do aoe damage with 2/5 and kill boss with 2/6.Just a bit longer than before,but not a big change if you know what to do.But yes,we should consider the aoe spells to help some pvm spawners.Maybe special overcasting feature for thunderstorm and wither?But im not sure what they look like on OSI.Chivalry spells are not affected by overcasting,i am just certain about that.
Last edited by DG on June 11th, 2019, 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Josh »

Duque said some shit about people not warning to die, most of the shitters who complain about casting were the ones who died first with demise casting anyways, I can name them if you like but I don’t want to be flame them individually. Dying is part of the game, everyone dies, it’s okay to die in a video game. It doesn’t matter what kind of casting you have, if you’re shit, you’ll find a way to die consistently, regardless of casting.
The idea is creating balance between scripting and non scripting pvp mages, osi does this, demise casting doesn’t.
He also talked about spawns not being done, that’s just not true, silver said he saw a lot of chn/req do spawns. Loop was doing spawns with their sampire bots and we would fight them. Kvg did spawns in the OSI Casting as well. Maybe you should step a foot in fel to really see what’s going on at spawns instead of just assuming things because everyone who says spawning is dead is wrong.

As per the ajani bots thing idk if that is true, don’t care really, but it is weird his own guild member (or former idk if ajani quit hz) said he was botting.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Josh »

Tbf I haven’t played much recently either, so do whatever you want with the server, Id like to see if become balanced but I don’t really care anymore, run your server into the ground if you want.
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The Silvertiger
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by The Silvertiger »

Bad Religion wrote:
The Silvertiger wrote:
Alvin wrote:"he wants to cast faster on spawns'.
I actually voted no due this. To quote myself "I'm a lazy spawner." Love it for dueling, but can't stand it for spawning. May have voted yes, if I were in a pvp guild not getting ganked by every guild on the server playing together.
so join a guild? complain about getting ganked but you think that didnt happen before? the casting has nothing to do with who decides to attack you.
The difference is that now all the guilds are sitting together holding hands instead of fighting each other.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Josh »

The Silvertiger wrote:
Bad Religion wrote:
The Silvertiger wrote: I actually voted no due this. To quote myself "I'm a lazy spawner." Love it for dueling, but can't stand it for spawning. May have voted yes, if I were in a pvp guild not getting ganked by every guild on the server playing together.
so join a guild? complain about getting ganked but you think that didnt happen before? the casting has nothing to do with who decides to attack you.
The difference is that now all the guilds are sitting together holding hands instead of fighting each other.
Not true, kvg does not hold anyone’s hands except nwo’s and traps but like hot traps not ugly traps.

Nah but seriously people like to focus us (even when we have less than each guild) it’s cool and all, we’re used to it and it can be fun.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Arden »

Y’all do what you want.

The fact that we are discussing and even “voting” on osi casting again has soured me to this server.

Good luck with the sever. I wouldn’t expect much from KvG going forward.

Shit maybe hz can come back. Every pvp guild is now gone. Someone call GM John! They prob could use someone to police hw...

Ps I’m one of the last good pvpers y’all are talking about. Soon it will just be ajani and duque and their VPN accs. World class pvp on Demise
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royal kapero2
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

It's not statistically possible that the Yes and No votes were almost the same and stable, then No votes raised by 5% in less than 30 minutes while the number of Yes votes remained same, is someone monitoring it as well? I suggest excluding all forum accounts with 0 posts, If someone does not have an account on forums, he votes in game. It's lame to involve VPN tactics.
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royal kapero2
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by royal kapero2 »

Here we go again
Outhealing damage in a constant disturbance requires only one hotkey. The hell with bleed attack, conflagration potion, fireballs, normal hits, pain spikes. The hell with mounts, use another hotkey and move faster than anyone else.

Btw the mage is from Europe, imagine someone who pings less.

Last edited by royal kapero2 on June 11th, 2019, 10:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Arden »

I’m not at home... am I in that one??
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Re: A thread not about casting

Post by Josh »

Probably should check when the accounts were created and how many posts on both sides ofc.
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